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Why variance of least square estimator in simple regression is conditional on predictor?

I'm a new to statisics and now reading the book Applied Linear Regression by Sanford Weisberg. I may be asking a non-sensical question, but why does variance of least square estimator $\hat{\beta_0}$ ...
chenpunk's user avatar
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Does the factorization theorem prove that the simplest factorization of the PDF is the most informative?

Let me state the factorization theorem as: the existence of a PDF factorization where $X$ depends on the parameter only through $T(X)$, proves $T(X)$ is sufficient, defined as conveying the maximum ...
virtuolie's user avatar
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What is a good journal for submitting my article on a conjecture in theoretical statistics, re: ancillary complement for correlation?

I'm working on a draft of a statistics article, and I'd like to plan for the journal where I'll ultimately submit. My problem is, the article topic is somewhat abstract—it's a conjecture in ...
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Does this distribution belong to the exponential family? [duplicate]

I was looking at a problem in the book of "Statistical Inference" second edition by George Casella and Roger L. Berger from chapter 6 that deals with sufficient statistics, minimal ...
Yeison Augusto Quiceno Duran's user avatar
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Ancillary function of a random vector, which is independent of change of origin and scale

Let $(X_1,\ldots,X_n)$ be a random vector, whose distribution involves unknown: location parameter $\mu$ and a scale parameter $\sigma>0$. It follows, that any measurable function $f(X_1,\ldots,X_n)...
Mentossinho's user avatar
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How can I show that $(\bar{X}, S^2)$ is independent of $(X_{(n)}-\bar{X})/S$?

Let $X_1,\ldots,X_n$ be a random sample from $N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ with both parameters unknown. How can I show that $(\bar{X}, S^2)$ is independent of $(X_{(n)}-\bar{X})/S$? Work: I am quite confident ...
Ron Snow's user avatar
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What are the broadest class of distributions for which the range statistic is ancillary to the expectation of the random variable?

Let $X_1,X_2,X_3$ be iid random variables such that $E(X_1)=\mu$ Define $X_{(3)}$ and $X_{(1)}$ as the maximum and minimum order statistics respectively. I know that if $X$ is normal, $R=X_{(3)}-X_{...
Marj's user avatar
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Is Uniform distribution [a,b] always symmetric?

I want to know whether any uniform distributed random variable is symmetric on any interval [a,b]. My thinking is it is symmetric on any interval [a,b]. i tried to think about a counter-example. But I ...
Sam88's user avatar
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What is an approximate ancillary statistic?

In the article Assessing the Accuracy of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator: Observed Versus Expected Fisher Information the authors use the expression "approximate ancillary statistic". This expression ...
Lucas Marques Oliveira's user avatar
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Is Complete Statistic Uncorrelated with Ancillary Statistic [closed]

By Basu's theorem, we know that any ancillary statistic is independent of a statistic that is both sufficient and complete. I was wondering if the assumption of sufficiency and completeness can be ...
Steve's user avatar
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Does Basu's Theorem require minimal sufficiency?

Casella & Berger state Basu's Theorem (Th 6.2.24) as follows: If $T(X)$ is a complete and minimally sufficient statistic, then $T(X)$ is independent of every ancillary statistic. However, in ...
half-pass's user avatar
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Is there a general expression for ancillary statistics in exponential families?

An i.i.d sample $X_1,\dots,X_n$ from a scale family with c.d.f. $F(\frac{x}{\sigma})$ has $S(X)$ as an ancillary statistic if $S(X)$ depends on the sample only through $\frac{X_1}{X_n},\cdots,\frac{X_{...
Henry.L's user avatar
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Ancillary statistics:Beta distribution is free of $\beta$?

I am reading Robert V. Hogg Introduction to Mathematical Statistics 6th Version page 409, second paragraph. $X_1, X_2$ is a random sample from a Gamma $\text{G}(\alpha,\beta)$ distribution with ...
Deep North's user avatar
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Basu's Theorem Proof

I am having trouble with the proof of Basu's theorem... specifically, I'm not sure about the $\theta$s in the expectations below: Let $T$ be a complete sufficient statistic. Let $V$ be an ancillary ...
LotsofQuestions's user avatar
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How to show ancillary statistic of normal random sample?

Let $X_i \sim N(\mu,\sigma^2)$ and $X_i$ are independent. Then how to show that: $$ T = \left(\frac{X_1-\bar{X}}{S},\frac{X_2-\bar{X}}{S},\ldots,\frac{X_n-\bar{X}}{S}\right) $$ $T$ is an ancillary ...
A Gore's user avatar
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Ancillary statistic: $X_i \sim N(\theta, \theta^2)$

Let $X_1, X_2, ... , X_n$ i.i.d random variables with probability density function $N(\theta, \theta^2)$. Show that $$T(X) = \frac{X_{(1)}-X_{(n)}}{X_{(2)}-X_{(n)}}$$ is ancillary to $ \theta$. My ...
Giiovanna's user avatar
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Show that a statistic is ancillary

Let $X_{i} \sim U(0, \theta) $ and $X=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$. Show that $$ \frac{X_{(1)}}{X_{(n)}}$$ Is ancillary for theta I coulxnt find a way of doing it that looks convenient. Any idea? P.s: $X_{(i)}...
Giiovanna's user avatar
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Showing that a statistic is ancillary for a parameter

Working through a HW problem, and a hint is that for a decision rule $$T(X) = \frac{X_{(1)} + X_{(n)}}{2}$$ Then $$T - \bar{X} $$ is ancillary. Intuitively this makes complete sense, but I am ...
FAS's user avatar
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Ancillary statistic not containing information about sample distribution?

From a note by Jun Shao If $V(X)$ is a nontrivial ancillary statistic, then $σ(V(X)) ⊂ σ(X)$ is a nontrivial σ-field that does not contain any information about $P$. I was wondering in what sense &...
Tim's user avatar
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Meaning of "a statistic $U$ is ancillary to another statistic $T$"?

From Wikipedia Given a statistic $T$ that is not sufficient, an ancillary complement is a statistic $U$ that is ancillary to $T$ and such that $(T, U)$ is sufficient. Intuitively, an ancillary ...
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