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About the digital standards

Philadelphia’s digital standards provide design, code, and content guidelines for City websites. The digital transformation team created these standards for people who are designing, creating, and writing for the City of Philadelphia. These standards help as many people as possible to access City information. Standards also help outside vendors and individual departments, offices, commissions, and agencies maintain a consistent identity for the City of Philadelphia.

These standards are divided into guides for:

  • Content: Everything you’ll need to write for City websites. This section includes our style guide, writing tips, and references.
  • Design: This is where you’ll find help on using our brand elements, like our color palette and logo. You’ll also find layout information and presentation templates.
  • Development: This section tells you where to find CSS, JavaScript, font, and image files to use in developing your project. It also covers analytics.
  • Components: These are the building blocks of This section contains examples, code snippets, notes, and implementation tips to help you build your project.

If you have any questions about how or when to use these standards, contact [email protected].

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