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The iconography of bloodletting in the Early and Middle Formative (ca. 1200-500 BC) Olmec symbol system is the focus of the present study.1 We have identified a series of symbols in large- and small-scale stone objects and ceramics repre-... more
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A própolis é uma substância resinosa produzida pelas abelhas a partir de substâncias coletadas de diversas partes da planta como broto, botões florais e exsudatos resinosos. As atividades biológicas da própolis possibilitam o seu uso como... more
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Quantitative analysis in the integrated laboratory of Jombang District Agriculture Office has been done on two samples of organic fertilizer with phosphorus and potassium parameters, considering these two elements are macronutrients which... more
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      Environmental ScienceChemical
Objetivo: verificar o conhecimento dos enfermeiros sobre a identificação da fístula arteriovenosa e suas complicações nos serviços de entrada do município de Cáceres-MT. Métodos: estudo descritivo, transversal, nas Unidades Básicas de... more
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    • Universidade federal de Juiz de Fora
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    • Biology
This article discussed the phonemic correspondence in Sundanese and Javanese using a historical comparative linguistic approach. The problem to be examined in this study is the form of phonemic correspondence in Sundanese and Javanese.... more
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    • Mathematics
Gastric substances that potentially increase the esophageal mucosal damage are: gastric acid, pepsin, bile salts, and pancreatic enzymes. From all of these substances, the highest potential for reflux damage is gastric acid. Although the... more
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    • Medicine
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      GeographyHuman Trafficking
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan ungkapan metafora yang ada dalam Al-Qur’an terjemah bahasa Sunda dengan pembahasan dikhususkan pada jenis-jenis metafora dan skema citra yang ada dalam surat Al-Baqarah. Penelitian ini... more
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    • Universitas Pasundan
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Pada era globalisasi saat ini, permasalahan seputar anak menjadi perhatian tersendiri. Anak sebagai generasi penerus bangsa sering kali menjadi ajang kekerasan atas problematika yang dialami guru maupun orang tua. Anak juga sering menjadi... more
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    • Art
Hadits merupakan dasar ajaran Islam dan salah satu pokok syari‟at yakni sebagai pedoman hidup umat Islam setelah al-Qur‟an. Pengembangan moral, sosial, dan penanaman nilai-nilai agama merupakan salah satu aspek pengembangan anak usia dini... more
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This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of Arabic language education activities in improving the ability of children at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah level in reading Arabic books through. In this study, the researcher used a mixed method,... more
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The Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) is a temporary mechanical support mechanism that handles the function of the heart and/or lung in patients with a number of heart and respiratory disorders. ECMO uses a pump which is attached... more
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Taking as examples selected gothic works of recent American fiction—Gerald Vizenor's Darkness in Saint Louis Bearheart (1978; 1990); Patricia Highsmith's Tales of Natural and Unnatural Catastrophes (1987) and Leslie Marmon... more
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    • Art
Chapter XII. The Shifting Centers of Civilization. 251 Chapter XIII. The Climatic Hypothesis of Civilization 271 Appendix 297 Index 317 the widest audience of Civilization and Climate, has accepted the book on the reasonableness of its... more
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Dewasa ini, akhlak siswa di Indonesia sangat memprihatinkan dan cenderung mengalami kemerosotan yang cukup drastis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potret pendidikan akidah akhlak siswa, yang difokuskan pada siswa madrasah.... more
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    • Psychology
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