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Calculate distance between objects in yolov5

I have used yolov5 for object detection and trained it on my own dataset, now it can detect my two objects. I want to calculate the distance between these two objects. how can I do that? the command ...
Taha Farshbaf's user avatar
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Que: How to get detected label from yolov5 and store it into an array

This is my code: # For Yolov5 command #clone YOLOv5 !git clone # clone repo %cd yolov5 %pip install -qr requirements.txt # install dependencies %pip install -q ...
Bilal Ahmed's user avatar
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How to avoid False positives in yolov5 object detection?

I am training a yolov5 model for golf ball detection. I am facing serious issues with false detection as the color of golf ball is white. The model is detecting similar shapes with white color as golf ...
Muhammad Taha's user avatar
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Automatic image labelling for custom training YOLOv5

There are manual tools like to create the labelled data for custom training YOLO, but is there any method for automatic labelling of multiple objects in an image so that the image ...
amm's user avatar
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Update the yolov5 annotations ".txt" files of cropped images

I want to crop images which is already annotated for yolov5 format ".txt", but the coordinates will change on cropped so how can i update it and the image crop coordinate will also be one of ...
Sid_J1996's user avatar
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How to edit yaml file for custom classes in yolov5 model?

I am training a yolov5 model for a custom dataset. I have only one class. I have changed the .yaml file as my data as follows. train: /content/yolov5/DataSet/ForYolov5/images/train # train images (...
Rashmi's user avatar
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2 answers

while working on yolov5 algorithm I am training the dataset the file in in the yolov5 folder is not finding

!python --img 415 --batch 16 --epochs 30 --data dataset.yaml --weights --cache after writing this coded it is showing the error python: can't open file 'train': [Errno 2] No such ...
jyothisree sajan's user avatar
2 votes
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save only detections in a defined space on screen and filter out detections under a defined % of screen YOLOv5

hello i am working on this project in YOLOv5. i want to only save the image when the boundary box is 20% or more of the total image size. i also want it to only save the detection when it is atleast ...
blazerlazer's user avatar
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Yolov5/OpenCV - Estimate the real Distance from Object to Object

im trying to solve the Problem, to estimate the real Distance between two Objects. I saw that there are some articles about image processing and calculating with Pixels, but thats not the thing i ...
Arthi's user avatar
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How to detect an object of interest in a particular location of the image when there are multiple instances of the object?

I am training YOLOv5 object detection model using transfer learning and PyTorch framework. The goal is to detect solar panels in aerial view images. In the training images, there are often times ...'s user avatar
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2 votes
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Extracted contours are not properly aligning with the image

We are using the below image and we tried extracting the border coordinates using contours of opencv def apply_contours(image,img): contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(img, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2....
srinu seelamneni's user avatar