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Delivered local notifications not shown in notification center

I have a SwiftUI app. I created a NotificationCenter class to deliver local notifications, which includes the following function. @MainActor struct NotificationCenter { // Remove deleted items ...
Austin's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to properly uninstall AdMob from iOS app

I have uninstalled the AdMob SDK by commenting out the lines in the Podfile. Then I run pod update. The AdMob SDK and the utilities are removed. However, I get framework not found FBLPromises error. I ...
Quailcreek's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

How can I build an app with XCode 13.4 for iOS 16 Devices? [duplicate]

I'm working for a company which has an application in the AppStore. We need to test iOS 16 before release. I can not build the app iOS 16 devices with XCode 13.4. If we got build with firebase and run ...
Swift Boy's user avatar
0 votes
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Why my SF Icons are automatically filled in Xcode 13 and Ios 15 [duplicate]

In a Tabview, I am using SFICON TabView { NotificationsView() .tabItem { Image(systemName: "heart") } } In the original SFIcon "heart" is not filled, but when I ...
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iOS 15 build by xcode 13 crash on collectionView performBatchUpdates

After updating xcode to xcode 13. My app start giving crash on the collectionview where it is using performBatchUpdates on ios 15. It's working fine on lower ios version. dispatch_async(...
Shyantan Deb's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to generate .ipa through xcodebuild with universal distribution for enterprise account

I'm trying to generate Enterprise distribution build from jenkins job. I was able to build and generate the .ipa for Adhoc Distribution(Developer Account), but when i create a new job and set up the ...
Madhu's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Copy/Paste not working in XCode 13 Simulators with M1 Macbook Pro

Copy/Paste not working on Xcode 13 with M1 Macbook Pro simulators. It was working on a normal Mac PC.
Bhautik Patoliya's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

ToolbarItemGroup in .toolbar {} doesn't work in a Sheet

I'm using SwiftUI 3.0, Swift 5.5 and Xcode 13.2, tested on iOS 15.3 iPhone device, and iOS 15.2 iPhone simulator. I have tested the following. This is a view, with a TextField, a focused state and a ....
Sam Chahine's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Starting remote virtual interface (rvictl) on MacBook for packet trace of iPhone is failing without error

I am hoping for tips troubleshooting why rvictl is not working on my MacBook Pro. Running rvictl -s <udid> yields Starting device 000****0-0****5****D****E [FAILED] without telling me why it is ...
J. Alex Whitman's user avatar
4 votes
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SwiftUI searchable on NavigationView always shown, hides only on scroll

I'm writing a fairly simple SwiftUI app about movies and I have this issue where the new .searchable modifier on NavigationView is always being shown, whereas it should be hidden, unless you pull down ...
Vedran Kopanja's user avatar
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SwiftUI - ScrollView and TextEditor Height Not Working

I'm posting this question again, with a simplified view of my code and views. I'll delete the old one since I think I didn't explain my issue properly there (and it has no answers yet). I'm trying to ...
SWIFTDEV's user avatar
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SwiftUI - Adding Toolbar to Keyboard not working with XCode 13.2

I'm a newbie developer. Based on what I've read, in the latest version of Xcode it is possible to add a toolbar item to the keyboard in a straightforward manner: TextField("Today's weight", ...
user16405656's user avatar
1 vote
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UITabBar items title issue, when the title is long and using UITabBarAppearance

Because of iOS 15’s scrollEdgeAppearance transparent problem, I have to use UITabBarAppearance to set my UITabBar. But when using UITabBarAppearance, if the title is long, it will overflow the item ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Application crashing while launch iOS 15 or later devices

Can somebody please help me understand the issue of crash when it is launching: When iOS prewarms (This is the new IOS 15 feature ) the app after some time and the user launches the app then it is ...
Dheeraj D's user avatar
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11 votes
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iOS15 How can I test the App Icon in Xcode 13?

In the session Get ready to optimize your App Store product page show: And remember, to test a variation of your app icon, you'll need to include the icon assets in the binary of your app version ...
iHTCboy's user avatar
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3 votes
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White Screen Shows for Minutes Before Launching App - Xcode 13 on iOS 15.1.1

This is a weird bug I'm getting using Xcode 13 and iOS 15.1.1. I've developed a simple app and when I run the app on iOS 15.1.1 (iPhone 13 Pro), before the app launches a white screen (black in case ...
Arjun's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Xcode 13.1 issues with table view - items gets removed while reloading sometime

My project after compiled from Xcode 13.1 and in simulator iOS 15.0 have issues with table view. Table view cells gets removed completely for that area and empty space is there which is the background ...
Chandan Kumar Jha's user avatar
0 votes
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Test Target not compiling on XCode 13

We are trying to migrate our code from XCode 12 to 13. Our code and all dependencies were compiling on XCode 12. However, since we moved to XCode 13 our unit test target is not compiling. We are using ...'s user avatar
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1 answer

SwiftUI NavigationBar empty space under the title

I was working on Xcode 12 and upgraded to 13. Now I'm seeing a weird empty space under the navigation bar title text. I have shared some screenshots. Here is the another image that have the ...
Asif Mushtaq's user avatar
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after updating react-native to 0.66.1 and xcode to version 13.1, the app stopped running on the device

When launching the application through Xcode, the build is successful. But when installing the application on the device, I get an error. Details Unable to install "MyHouseReactNativeMigration&...
anokhindev's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

setNavigationBarHidden not working on iOS 15

I'm having troubles with the method setNavigationBarHidden, it doesn't seem to work properly on iOS 15. I am currently working with this structure: A ViewController, which needs the navigationBar ...
Libreage's user avatar
4 votes
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iOS15, paragraphStyle can't working on SwiftUI

In iOS15, SwiftUI introduced attributesString which I'm really excited about. But I found that paragraphStyle can't working, but other attribute is working fine. Text(&...
zhanqian's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Getting "Custom zones are not allowed in public DB" since Xcode 13 / iOS15

First post here, and desperate for help. I am hitting an issue when developing an app that uses the CloudKit Public DB. I am relatively new to this, and I may be doing something wrong. I have ...
Snark2021's user avatar
7 votes
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Xcode debug on iOS15 - blank white screen and minutes delay before App starts

Since upgrading my iPhone to iOS 15 and upgrading to Xcode 13 on my Mac, I have a problem with testing/debugging ANY SwiftUI app using Xcode. Even a new Xcode project with the simple "hello world&...
Gerard's user avatar
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how to make separated shadow appearance for UINavigationBar in Xcode 13 iOS 15

recently, I updated my Xcode 13 and my navigationBar broke like this: it's same code and same Xcode but in iOS 15 simulator, scrollEdgeAppeance's shadow override standard one. it should be like this(...
이동근's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

My navigation bar doesn't go to the top of the screen in Xcode 13.0

I am using a navigation controller and my navigation bar will not extend to the top of the screen. I never had an issue with this until I updated Xcode to version 13.0. I am using storyboard and can't ...
Ethan Brimhall's user avatar
1 vote
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How do I get the ScrollView to keep its position when the keyboard appears with iOS 15/Xcode 13?

I have a ScrollView with a TextField underneath, both in a VStack. How do I get the ScrollView to keep its position when the keyboard appears with iOS 15/Xcode 13? To be more precise, if I am at line ...
Flincorp's user avatar
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4 votes
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Unable to change iOS 15 SwiftUI List Section header padding

We are using SwiftUI and custom view for List Section's header. But when compiling with Xcode13/iOS15 SDK, there seems to be extra left/right 20px + top/bottom 6px padding fixed in the header ...
kcome's user avatar
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2 votes
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Alert isn't presenting when we use confirmationDialog in a View Xcode 13

struct ConfirmationDialog: View { @State private var showingOptions = false @State private var showingAlert = false var body: some View { VStack { Button("Show ...
Srikanth Thangavel's user avatar
1 vote
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How can support iOS15 CarPlay from iOS12 app

I have an app that has car play feature and it supports ios12+. Recently Apple releases iOS15 and old CarPlay is not working anymore. (looks like few apis became 'not working' status from 'deprecated' ...
WoffOVkee's user avatar
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2 votes
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SwiftUI NavigationLink pops automatically back

I am using the searchable modifier on a List of Titles (Entity) stored in CoreData. When I click on a link without the search the NavigationLink opens the View (PlayerView) perfectly. But when I use ...
user14642906's user avatar
-1 votes
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I cloned the project with git. And now the error "Cannot find 'NewsTableViewController' in scope" appears

I cloned the project with git. And now the error "Cannot find 'NewsTableViewController' in scope" appears I saw that there is no Target membership in the file attribute inspector with the ...
LolaChernysheva's user avatar
24 votes
7 answers

Must translate autoresizing mask into constraints to have _setHostsLayoutEngine:YES Xcode 13

I have updated my project to Xcode 13 and iOS 15. Now the app is crashing with an error related to autoresizing masks in UITableViewCells. I have tried to change UITableViewCells Layer property in the ...
conradomateu's user avatar
1 vote
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React Native: IOS app crashing at splash screen after successful build on iPhone 11 (IOS 15.0)

Recently I have updated my Xcode and its developer tools to 13.0 from 12.5. When I ran react-native run-ios after upgrade, I get an error asking me to upgrade from Legacy Build System to New Build ...
Pravesh Choudhary's user avatar
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iOS 15 Xcode 13 in app purchases not working

I am testing applications on iOS 15 and iOS 14 devices. So on iOS 14 IAP working fine but on iOS 15 not working. Anyone, please help is this issue from the apple side? update: working on the simulator ...
Shahbaz Akram's user avatar
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Xamarin Ios 15.0 failed to Launch app in WatchOS 8

I was working with an project in iOS with WatchOS, once I update my WatchOS to 8.0, I am getting the following error: Unhandled Exception: Xamarin.Hosting.MobileDeviceException: Failed to communicate ...
Avinash Kumar's user avatar
4 votes
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LSApplicationQueriesSchemes Xcode 13 or iOS15 BUG?

I use "LSApplicationQueriesSchemes" in the project Info.plist, which contains 219 url schemes. I use the urlscheme contained in this file to determine if an app is installed on our user's ...
StefanQu's user avatar
-1 votes
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Xcode 13 Warning - [NSKeyedUnarchiver validateAllowedClass:forKey:]

I am using File Storage system for saving some data models confirming to Codable Protocol. My Save function is as below: func save<T: Encodable>(value: T, for key: String, on path: URL) throws { ...
the monk's user avatar
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20 votes
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Xcode 13/iOS15 is taking longer than expected to launch, it shows a LLDB related message

I am using Xcode 13 on a Macbook Pro (Intel/2019) with macOS Big Sur 11.6 I am building and launching the app on a connecting iPhone X running iOS 15.0, I am also running a UI test suite based on ...
nChetan's user avatar
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15 votes
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How to measure energy usage in Xcode 13 / iOS15?

I'd like to confirm the battery usage of an app I am developing on iOS, specifically on Xcode 13 and iOS 15. (Note: This app previously showed no issues with battery usage on previous versions of iOS.)...
Derek Lee's user avatar
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Azure DevOps macOS image with Xcode 13 to build for iOS 15

I can't find an image in Azure DevOps support macOS builds with Xcode 13. Does anyone know how where to find or how to add such an image in Azure DevOps?
RBZ's user avatar
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Setting of different text colors for different UITabBarItem's in iOS 15

After update to iOS 15, I implemented UITabBar configuration this way: let backgroundColor = UIColor.grey let selectedItemTextColor = let unselectedItemTextColor = UIColor....
Dmytro Yashchenko's user avatar
2 votes
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iOS 15 SwiftUI Conditionals on a view with Navigation View makes NavigationBar config to be ignore if navigationViewStyle stack

been searching for this everywhere and can't find anything around this, I believe is a bug, maybe is not. I need NavigationView with .navigationViewStyle(.stack) to have it stacked on the iPad and ...
Javier Vieira's user avatar
3 votes
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App builded by Xcode version 13 crashed on ios 12

My app is working fine on iOS 15 and 14, maybe 13 too. But when I run on older device using iOS 12, its crash on start, even before didFinishLaunchingWithOptions is triggered. It was working fine the ...
Mat Yus's user avatar
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5 votes
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SwiftUI - IOS 15 - Text .mimimumScaleFactor - always being applied

Can't find any documentation of this issue. One of my apps has a text view with a .minimumScaleFactor(0.5). This works perfectly in iOS 14.0.* - when the text would be wider than the view its scales ...
swift--help's user avatar
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Xcode 13 crashes unexpectedly on opening xcworkspace of my Obj-C project

I Had to update my app to IOS15 and to do that I had to test the code on ios15 simulator, I was on xcode 12.5 and MAC OS 11.2 (Big SUR) , So in order to update the Xcode to xcode13 I had to first ...
SaadurRehman's user avatar
2 votes
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TabBarItem badgeColor Xcode 13

hi since Xcode 13 the following Code does not work anymore, it still worked with Xcode 12 viewController.tabBarItem.badgeColor = color In the Appearance settings, i can still set the badge color on ...
BiNo's user avatar
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73 votes
19 answers

Flutter error: xcodebuild: WARNING: Using the first of multiple matching destinations

Flutter version is 2.2.3 and I cant't run de flutter code on my iOS emulator. Launching lib/main.dart on iPhone 13 Pro in debug mode... lib/main.dart:1 Xcode build done. ...
leobidoous's user avatar
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XCode 13 SortOrder is ambiguous

Check out this error in the most recently updated Xcode (13): Did Apple screw something up? How do I fix this? I can see when I start typing SortOrder it shows a Protocol and an Enum.
Adam Jenkins's user avatar
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12 votes
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UIDatePicker rendering is getting right aligned in Xcode 13 (iOS 15)

I compiled my app with Xcode 13 and iOS 15, and I noticed the UIDatePicker is getting right aligned. You can see that my storyboard is properly setup with constraints: This UI element was working ...
KBog's user avatar
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