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2 answers

Read CSV and write two differents xml files - best practices

I have a batch that reads a .csv file and maps its data into a POJO. I need to write two XML files as output. Currently, to write these two files, I generated classes via XJC from their XSD. I am ...
lasnico37's user avatar
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Specify Header and Footer for all file created by MultiResourceItemWriter when writing in multiples files -spring batch

I have a batch that read from data base using JdbcPagingItemReader, process each record from the database in a java class then write it to a file using FlatFileItemWriter. It appends also a header and ...
Abenamor's user avatar
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Can I use spring batch writer to for both HTTP post request and write to db

I would like to read a list of records from DB, then iterate over it, and perform the following actions for each record: Resolve data for generating JSON body, and send HTTP post request. Update DB, ...
Ilan Miller's user avatar
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Spring Batch - write to 2 tables at once

I have a Person object that has a list of addresses. My Spring Batch app converts Person JSON recors into Person POJOs and writes them to a database. Ordinarily, I'd use JdbcBatchItemWriter but I see ...
TheCoder's user avatar
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Spring Batch Writer throws java.sql.SQLException: Unsupported feature

I am facing challenge in retrieving auto generated column of Oracle table in my Spring Batch POC. This POC reads data from flat file and loads into oracle table. I am trying to use Oracle Sequence to ...
VenkatRam's user avatar
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writeHeader() still running if appendAllowed set to true?

Good day, I am creating a spring batch that will write output in a text. Basically the output will be 1 row header and multiple rows of details. And then, in the xml, I set <property name="...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Spring Batch: Writing data to multiple files with dynamic File Name

I have a requirement to get the data from a database and write that data to files based on the filename given in the database. This is how data is defined in the database: Columns --> FILE_NAME, ...
forumuser1's user avatar