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How PrintWriter can write to byte stream, but BufferedWriter cannot?

To start with I will provide a piece of code with comments: FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ("test.txt"); //fos IS-A OutputStream as FileOutputStream extends OutputStream ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Can we use two buffered writers to write on the same file with java, in the same class?

I have been wondering if I cam use two bufferedWriters to write an external file with java. This is what I did: But there is only written X in my created file, any ideas ? It seems like the file ...
Mehdi Zayene's user avatar
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5 answers

Write and close BufferedWriter in single line code snippet

I've below code snippet. Map<String, Object> globalMap = new HashMap<String,Object>(); File talendLogFile = new File("C:\\Softwares\\logFiles\\error.log"); Writer talendLogFileWriter = ...
Trisha's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

See size and the content of file (the new added strings) while writing to it in java after each refresh

I have used PrintWriter to write to a text file with java, the process takes time, bcz there is an iteration process, at end of each iteration, a string is appended to the file, if I wait till the ...
user9322960's user avatar
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BufferedWriter without try method IOException

I know this topic has been discussed a lot and I have already read a lot of posts here about that, but I still seem to have trouble. My problem is that I am also a beginner and I don't really ...
darthvader211's user avatar
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BufferedWriter does not write to file after flush and close

I have following sample application in which I write to a file and immediately after closing the writer, I try to read from the file but to my surprise nothing is written to file. I have made sure ...
Bagira's user avatar
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write() method not recognizing TextArea

I've written an ActionListener for a toolbar menu item which is called "Save", on click I want the program to save the content of TextArea l1 into a .txt file called "filename", so this si the code ...
Tobia Zamò's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why won't the BufferedWriter instantiation write to a txt file in Java?

I am trying to instantiate a object with BufferedWriter and it wont work. The problem happens when I use the write function. Why won't it let me write to the file? The error is cannot find symbol. ...
William Wymerus's user avatar
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5 answers

BufferedWriter not writing ALL the information

I am making a simple tutorial program in which the user inputs some data, then that data is written into a textfile, then the textfile is read and the data displayed. However, not all of the data is ...
Mr Chasi's user avatar
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One file writer for multiple classes (fast)

I am working on a heuristic which aims at a short runtime/calculation time. To retrieve the results, I need to write them to a file. The writing is done by different classes, but they should all write ...
stefanbschneider's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Do we really need to call flush() just before close() today?

I read this question Using flush() before close() , and the accepted answer is this only means you follow the pattern. Just like BufferedWriter#close() or FilterOutputStream.#close() , if all of ...
JaskeyLam's user avatar
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Error writting a txt file String index out of range

Can someone explain me why I get: java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: 5 File file = new File("file.txt"); BufferedWriter writer = null; Date date; ...
user3637887's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the consequence of not closing a BufferedWriter

Suppose I have a BufferedWriter that has written 5000 rows (some of which are not yet flushed). What are the consequences if I do not close() this instance at the end of my program?
user2763361's user avatar
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Weird FileWriter error

I have written to files before and never come across this problem, i am utterly confused. EDIT: Sorry the error is that no lines are being written to the .txt file. System.out.println(upto); ...
Nick Haughton's user avatar
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Buffered Writer Java Limit / Issues

I have a buffered writer that is writing to a text file. For some reason the writer stops writing a long string about half way through. Are there any known issues with using the buffered Writer in ...
eric MC's user avatar
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