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3 answers

Reading from a file using ArrayList in Java

I have an assignment that ask me to read from a file, us an ArrayList to organize and declare the numbers, and then calculate the average of those numbers and print them in a new file. I know that I ...
Dante Messi Tapia's user avatar
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Reading and writing a text file in ascending order. ( Small/annoying error- nearly completed)

Collections.sort(orderedStudents, new Comparator<Student>() { public int compare(Student s1, Student s2) { return s2.getAggregate().compareTo(s1.getAggregate()); } ...
bob9123's user avatar
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Buffered Writer: write an ArrayList to a file

we want to write the content of an ArrayList (images with a longitude and latitude) to a file (.csv or txt, doesn't matter). We know that there is something wrong with the bw.write(), but we didn't ...
patriice's user avatar
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ArrayList becomes null while writing to file

My arraylist<"obj"> becomes null after trying to write to a file. In WriteToFile class arraylist info becomes null after executing the last line writer.write(info.get(i).getIpadd().toString()...
user1793052's user avatar