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Using Writer to send an email with Korean text outputs garbage

My app programmatically sends emails. It works when the body is English text, but when the body is Korean it comes out as garbage. For example sending '테스트' results in '???'. Here's the code I'm ...
alex87's user avatar
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Writing on json file with libgdx

I'm new on this forum and I make an android app using libgdx and I want to save the player score on a json file. I can read the json file to get back the score but if the player do a better score I ...
Adrien's user avatar
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IOUtils writer error Java connect to GAE

I import writer from apache. The error occured when I try using it. in is just the url. I was following exactly what was on this link: Store image to Blobstore from android client and retrieve ...
nothingness's user avatar
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Android: One writer don't wirte to file

Here is my function: //This function is for parsing the online xml file and adding those to the ".txt" file private void downloadData() throws Exception { Thread thread = new Thread(){ ...
stefan Paunovic's user avatar
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Keep getting NullPointerException when trying to write file to internal data

I am using the following code to copy a json file from my assets folder to the data folder to use this data at first startup until the real data has loaded: AssetManager am = myContext.getAssets(); ...
user754730's user avatar
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Android: JsonWriter can not write to a file

i'm trying to call a JsonWriter method to add something to test.json after receiving wifi information, but after it successful write the file, the file still empty.Here are the codes. OnReceive @...
atom2ueki's user avatar
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BufferedWriter not writing to .txt file even after flushing the writer

Here's the code I used, I get no errors or warnings but the file is empty, I created the aq.txt file and placed it in the workspace and it also shows in the project. I'm sure it's something stupid I'm ...
Salma's user avatar
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