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How to modify the behaviour of the Writter plain via a lua-filter

Has the -t plain option has its own Writer ? , If so haven't seen such in the source code (no plain.hs or something similar) Regardless ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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Trying to use a the Tutorial's Custom Writer for Pandoc, what CLI options need to use?

I am following the tutorial of the docs, example-modified-markdown-writer I want to try it against the following file input01.html <body> <h1>My Document</h1> <code> This ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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Write String values in Writer object with Java 8 Stream

I'm trying to replace an ordinary for loop which writes String values in a Writer object with stream in the following code: public void save() { try (Writer fileWriter = new FileWriter(file)) { ...
user301's user avatar
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Writing to a multi-sheet excel file using phpSpreadsheet

Is there a way to write to a specific sheet in an excel multi-sheet file using PhpSpreadsheet without the sheets in said excel file being wiped out? The write function in phpSpreadsheet always creates ...
Klaus 's user avatar
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LibreOffice Macros: how to apply paragraph style for every line starting with a number

I'm doing some postprocessing of javascript output in LibreOffice Writer. I'd like to apply a separate paragraph style for every line that: starts with a number (like 01.) is a list and starts with ...
Jiří Emmer's user avatar
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pandoc classic filter's template setting

I'm trying to recover, before trying to rewrite, a "classic" pandoc custom writer called tba.lua. Thus far, I've managed to make it work by adding the prescribed patch in the form function ...
jarnowic's user avatar
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WriteString and ReadString in server and client in golang

I am implementing a simple server that can read the message send by the client one line at a time and prepend the line count to each line. Here's my server.go file: package main import "fmt" ...
susanliu's user avatar
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I have a reader-writer shared memory in linux problem, i wrote the code in c

This is the writer code: #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <semaphore.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <...
-1 votes
1 answer

Delete used line in csv and move to an other csv file

I'm currently skipping used data lines but i actually want to move the used dataline to a new csv file so that i have a clear divider between used and unused data. i'm currently using: data = [] with ...
Pitt's user avatar
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Add Image to Libre Office Writer with VB.Net

For days, I've tried to add an image to programmatically created Libre Office (v7.4) Writer Document using (using Visual Studio 2022) with no success. The LibreOffice SDK I'm using was ...
Pete Brown's user avatar
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Access values of pandoc.Figure elements in pandoc.RawBlock with custom Lua writer

To solve my concrete question (asked also on the Pandoc mailing list, which, unfortunatley, seems to be down due to spam mails at the moment) regarding using the Latex \sidecaption command in a figure ...
lukeflo's user avatar
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Other options than using engine "openpyxl" in python

Currently I'm using the engine "openpyxl" in Python to replacing data in excel. It cost me almost 54 min to go through 250k lines. Are there other engine options? I tried to use xlsxwriter ...
user23038755's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the type of `;` in zig?

I cannot initialize a global variable with the stdout in zig: var out =; Then I tried to initialize in the fn main and declare the global variables as optional (...
Emilio Platzer's user avatar
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Cannot handle properly csv.writer escapechar and quoting parameters

I am developing a python script which, given: the path of a csv file a list of names of some of the columns of the csv file a string to-be-replaced (A) a string to-replace-with (B) should: ...
Tms91's user avatar
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Python csv.writer adds unwanted characters

I am letting my script read a csv file and I want to save it first into an array, then slice the second element (which is the second line of my csv file) and write the array back to the csv file. csv ...
Santos's user avatar
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how can I implement a functional nfc plugin on an ionic capacitor app with Angular

I installed this one npm install phonegap-nfc npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/nfc and apparently everything was working since my code didn't have any error until I tried to write data on my nfc ...
ilias sayagh's user avatar
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Copying all but last item in a row from csv file to different file

I have a csv with rows of data I need to parse through. I am checking for equality across different lines and sending lines that are the same into their own files. For instance: ABC ABC ABC ACB ACB ...
EldritchOstrich's user avatar
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Java Embeded Closeable Resource in Try - With Statement

Here's a simple code. try (BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(new File("c:\\hello.txt"))));) { writer.write("...
user3009097's user avatar
-2 votes
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Some CSV values appear in the wrong column (with open python)

I'm writing data to a CSV file in Python. The data is in Unicode-8. I've written several rows successfully. However, a part of the data from column B is written to column A. The data already includes ...
Esraa Abdelmaksoud's user avatar
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How to write csv from multiple stations

I have been writing an error logger for a work project. I initially was using a pandas dataframe. It was working alright but the performance left much to be wanted and the filesize could have been ...
Marshmellow Physics's user avatar
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How to get Python csv.writer & csv.writerows to write to next lines, instead one under the other

I'm trying to get Python to write 5 lines of text to a CSV file, but to rewrite individual values into cells next to and not under. At the moment the program is able to write all the variables, values ...
Actor's user avatar
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Spring Batch read from db write to different files by records

I am trying to read from db with records like one header and many related details, then I have to output to different file by the composite key of headers. For example, table countries(header) with ...
dandelion's user avatar
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Spring Batch MultiResourceItemReader count records per file

I'm using MultiResourceItemReader to read all files under a folder by PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver, and all records of every file will be written into a table (a table of detail records), and I ...
dandelion's user avatar
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Hpw to add sl number to the generated csv file

data=query to fetch data from MySQL with for loop . fileName="abcd/2022" fieldNames = [ "SL NUMBER" "NAME", "PLACE", "AGE&...
putta's user avatar
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python CSV writer, pandas , How to write the csv file in two column using the same text file has only one coulmn

suppose the text file contain these elements as follows: A B C D I want to write these elements in the CSV file using python as follows: A,A A,B A,C A,D B,A B,B B,C B,D ... I try to write the text ...
Sara Almashharawi's user avatar
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write text file into csv file in python

I'm trying to write a text file into csv file using csv package in python using this code: import csv with open(r'C:\Users\soso-\Desktop\SVM\DataSet\drug_list.txt') as f: with open('integrated_x....
Sara Almashharawi's user avatar
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Writer (cvs) is treating each character as a field

Writer is writing a list to a csv file but treating each character as a field: nteams =16 c = 1 teams = [] while c <= nteams: teams.append("Team " + str(c)) c = c + 1 This bit ...
Mark Lewis's user avatar
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error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document (JAVA) [duplicate]

I am making API xml using marshaller. It works well, when I set Property(JAXB_FRAGMENT, Boolean.FALSE) but the result shows without an XML declaration.. I want to generate an XML declaration like &...
hayley's user avatar
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Writer inside a class does not work in a driver

I have a Java console application which has different views for different users. Inside of each view I have writer and reader, which are used to displaying and getting data. But when I start my driver ...
Chingis Bagdatov's user avatar
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Get Values from CSV to pass as Arguments in Array/List (Python)

I would like to find values from one CSV in another and modify/remove the rows accordingly. Removing already works quite well, but I would like to automate this process as much as possible. So my ...
Bill Bronson's user avatar
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Append a new line to csv file using python

enter image description hereI have a csv file and I want to append new lines to it when I used the code, the list didn't append to a new line, it appended the list to the last line of the csv file ` ...
newjenkinsuser's user avatar
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spring batch flatfileitemwriter for multifile of large data

i use chunk for write files. i have two tables files and datas public ListItemReader<> reader(String fileName) { listItemReader = selectDataOfFileFromDB(fileName); .... ...
David's user avatar
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Haskells Writer Monad its let bindings an their order

I am trying to get a better grasp of Monads in Haskell, the Writer and State Monads confuses me a bit. Here is the Writer Monad: instance (Monoid w) => Monad (Writer w) where return x = Writer (x,...
Piskator's user avatar
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How to use a none delimiter with csv.writer?

I'm creating a discord bot in python and I want to have a log system for the warn command. To set up this, I'm using a .csv file in which I write all the information I want about a user. It's the ...
Le_char_français's user avatar
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How to write a Dataframe and images to separate worksheets of an excel file

I have found a similar and well answered question, Python: Writing Images and dataframes to the same excel file, but the answer writes the image into the same sheet as the Dataframe. I have 5 images I ...
Windy71's user avatar
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Read CSV and write two differents xml files - best practices

I have a batch that reads a .csv file and maps its data into a POJO. I need to write two XML files as output. Currently, to write these two files, I generated classes via XJC from their XSD. I am ...
lasnico37's user avatar
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Customize the Pandoc writer for the ConTeXt output format?

I'm currently trying to customize the standard writer built into Pandoc to produce output in the ConTeXt format from Markdown input. Unfortunately, the documentation to create a custom writer found at ...
Marcus C.'s user avatar
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LibreOffice Writer API - Cursors and text selection / replacement from VB6

I have been attempting to replace Office OLE in a vb6 application with LibreOffice. I have had some success, however, I am falling short trying to search for text, then create a cursor based on the ...
Roddles's user avatar
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How to wire and read an array values by using StreamWriter and StreamReader?

I'm creating programming to write and read values. But I couldn't find how to write and read "arrays" using StreamWriter and StreamReader. I would appreciate if you give me the answer. using ...
gon's user avatar
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Why do I get a KeyError when using writerow() but not when using print()?

I'm designing a program that works as designed to take a csv file in the form of last name, first name, Harry Potter house and write it to another csv file in the form of first name, last name, house. ...
Dave's user avatar
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how to key in rows of data, which are then appended to a csv database

I'm not sure if this can just be done directly or if the csv has to be read in and converted to a list first e.g. import csv opened_file = open('example.csv') read_file = reader(opened_file) examlist =...
Dessert Storm's user avatar
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How to Save excel pages file with a loop?

i would like to save a different dataframe in different excel pages withb a simpler loop. How can i construct correctly this loop? my Currently codes are: for fund in list(read_ex.keys()): writer =...
Agustos Imola's user avatar
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Rust - writeln! doesn't write to file

The reader() method works, and the data from the file is loaded, but the writer() does not work, and there is no error, it simply does not write silently. But when I open the file manually (without ...
FlensT's user avatar
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Best way to sort strings of filepaths into a directory structure?

I am using contentService.streamDirectory to get a callback containing all directories/files within a BitBucket project, then I am using a for loop and "callback.getFiles().get(i).toString()"...
MillieJA's user avatar
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How to write a nested dictionary to a csv with newlines such that each line contains a key and value

I need to write a nested dictionary to a csv file, I have some functions that work well for a non-nested dict but I keep running into problems with the nested dict because I don't understand what I'm ...
Windy71's user avatar
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Taking too long time for writing the data in CSV file in java

Taking a too long time to write the data in the CSV file in java. Here I am writing the data into the CSV file. 100,000 records it takes 1hr 10 minutes to write into a csv file. But query takes 2 ...
Sriram Kumar's user avatar
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How to get rid of space after header row when appending to csv file [python]?

I created a blank csv with some field names, and then have a script that calculates some values for each of those new fields/columns, and appends that row to the initially blank csv. I iterate through ...
LostinSpatialAnalysis's user avatar
3 votes
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Creating and loading Avro file, file gets created but empty

I am reading a CSV file and loading it into an Avro file in the GCS bucket. The Avro file gets created but there is no data. There is data when I print. I checked the buffer but there is no data in ...
Ananya Dwivedi's user avatar
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Output an Excel file to a separate directory than the Python code, also name the file something other than the directory

I have a code that takes data from multiple modeling file, does some math with the data and outputs the data to Excel. I have the code take in all the files in the directory and creates a sheet per ...
JakeP's user avatar
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Writing a dictionary into a CSV file with both items next to each other instead of below each other

I think this is a simple question but I have been looking for so long and havent found a solution to my problem. So I have a function that is being called multiple times (objective function in my code)...
patrick823's user avatar

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