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Display a text message when wordcloud is not diplayed in shiny app

In the shiny app below I display a wordcloud and a slider that sets the number of words displayed. When this number =1 (input$max==1) nothing is displayed though. So I would like to replace this ...
firmo23's user avatar
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Set the numbers of words displayed in wordcloud in shiny app

I have the shiny app below in which I want to set the count of words displayed in the wordcloud. Everytime the word is 1 no word is displayed in the wordcloud while 1 word would normally be displayed. ...
firmo23's user avatar
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Wordcloud plot is not displayed in shiny app

I have the shiny app below in which I try to create a wordcloud of the email column based on the shiny widgets of the sidebar. The user is goinf to change a label then max number of words and minimun ...
firmo23's user avatar
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How to show word cloud on map popup using leaflet in r

I am trying to plot the word cloud of sub-categories of that state in popup window when user clicks on that state in map. ui <- bootstrapPage( leafletOutput("mymap", height = 300) ) ...
Scarlett Code's user avatar
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R shiny plot positioning

I am new to R shiny. I am trying to position my plots right next to each other instead of one being at the top and the other below it. I want my word cloud to be on the left and the bar plot to be on ...
Deepansh Arora's user avatar
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Increase the area of Word Cloud Plot in R Shiny

I'm new to R Shiny and WordCloud. I am creating a wordcloud but for some reason I'm not able to change the area of the plot. I tried changing the values of height and width (in plotOutput) and all it ...
Deepansh Arora's user avatar
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Worcloud by File input in Shiny R

I try to create wordcloud, but it show "Reading from shinyoutput object is not allowed. This is code for server. server.r function(input, output, session) { mydata <- reactive({ inFile <...
dikfaj's user avatar
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bigram wordcloud in R Shiny

I am trying to make bigram wordcloud in R Shiny. But its throwing error. Please find below my code for server.R and suggest where am I going wrong. I am able to make single word cloud but not bigram ...
Payal's user avatar
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Upload a file and get word cloud in shiny

My Shiny App will not display the word cloud after the file upload. There is no error message and the page just doesn't have any reaction. I have basically copied and pasted the code on Shiny App ...
YCM's user avatar
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Filtered data inside sliderInput() in shiny?

I have a sliderInput() which the max value I would like to be changed based on the users input. I am trying to create a wordcloud and the code for the wordcloud is working, just my slider need ...
Belfort90's user avatar
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How to filter data in R and plot word cloud?

Hello I would like to plot a word cloud. The user can filter between different documents. After filtering the only filtered data should be displayed. How can I do that? My dataset looks like this: I ...
Belfort90's user avatar
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Lots of empty whitespace in textplot_wordcloud /

I have a shiny app that plots a wordcloud of terms and trying to get it to fit with labels inside the app is difficult. If I expand the screen everything fits but if I don't labels get cut off and it'...
Ted Mosby's user avatar
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Reduce/remove plot margins in Shiny apps including wordclouds

If I replicate this example of R Shiny app on my computer - full code and data here - the image generated by Shiny has significant white margins that end up cutting some of the words. Here is an ...
giocomai's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a click-event in shiny with wordcloud2?

Is it possible with the wordcloud2 package to return a click on any word of the wordcloud as a click event in shiny in order to bind other objects (e.g. bsModal) to it? For example, in plotly this is ...
jas84's user avatar
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wordcloud2 shiny output creates extra widget

Using the rshiny example on the wordcloud2 cran page (, I get a small extra box beneath the wordcloud. This happens whenever ...
Kewl's user avatar
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How to add zoom option for wordcloud in Shiny (with reproducible example)

Could you please help me to add zooming option for wordcloud Please find reproducible example @ ´´ I tried to incorporate rbokeh and plotly but ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Creating a wordcloud with shiny

I am trying to create a wordcloud with shiny, where the cloud will change according to the selectinput. I am not able to use the variable created inside the reactive(), in renderplot. My scripts is ...
Manu Sharma's user avatar
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Shiny and twitter example

I'm trying to run a example to process tweets in R with Shiny. I'm using the example in this page, but I'm not getting any output. The code that I'm using is as follows (which I've corrected from the ...
Selrac's user avatar
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wordcloud encoding in shinyapps

I deplyed my shiny code with wordcloud package. My local pc can shows perfectly but shinyapps show codes not characters. My local one is window with no UTF-8, and other local is Ubuntu with UTF-8 ...
unmin baek's user avatar
7 votes
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How to create circular word cloud using Json Daives' D3 word cloud

I'm using Json Daives' D3 word cloud in R. I have generated the word cloud but the problem I face is that the shape of the word cloud is not circular. I was going through file to ...
Venu's user avatar
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Shiny Application to fetch twitter search results and show last 5 tweets and word cloud as output

I am trying to create a Shiny application wherein the user inputs a text string to search on twitter along with the option to choose the number of tweets to fetch, the language of the tweets and the ...
avinax's user avatar
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