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Why do characters from foreign alphabets not show in my wordcloud on R?

I am trying to create a wordcloud with 'Thank You' in different languages. Somehow, some characters don't show on the plot, however. library(ggplot2) data("thankyou_words_small") set.seed(...
Siobhan's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordcloud showing colour based on a variable in R

I'm creating a wordcloud in which the size of the words is based on frequency, but i want the colour of the words to be defined by a variable (a string). The aim is to join two types of a dataset in ...
adrianaims's user avatar
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GGWordcloud with gradient color / transparent words (GGPlot Wordcloud gradient with adjustcolor)

I have created a wordcloud with ggwordcloud, because unfortunately I can't use alternative wordcloud packages. I was able to customize ggwordcloud to my requirements so far, only unfortunately I miss ...
Alex_'s user avatar
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R plotting word clouds in custom shape (e.g logos)

I've a question - is there a way to plot my wordcloud in a certain shape (in accordance to a picture?) e.g apple logo etc.? Cheerio, Nadine
Nadiine El Nino's user avatar
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display wordcloud with ggarrange and qplot

I am trying to get word cloud graphs from the R wordcloud package to show up using ggarrange but they are not. The wordcloud code looks like this: Essay_wc[[cor]] <- wordcloud(d_essay$word, d_essay$...
Paul Edam's user avatar
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Plotting multiple wordcloud (ggwordcloud) with other types of plots in ggplot2

I am trying to plot several wordclouds in a scatterplot and I wonder if one can control the position of a wordcloud in ggplot? As an example the code below overlays both wordclouds around the origin ...
Camilo's user avatar
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R shiny plot positioning

I am new to R shiny. I am trying to position my plots right next to each other instead of one being at the top and the other below it. I want my word cloud to be on the left and the bar plot to be on ...
Deepansh Arora's user avatar
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how to use self define color groups in word cloud

I would like to define a color groups for my graph. Here is the color groups that I got: Now I would like to create wordcloud using this color groups and how should I modify wordcloud codes: y<-c(&...
Stataq's user avatar
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How to display weights/frequency of each word in wordcloud?

I have created a wordcloud and, have used wordcloud() and ggplot(). I am unable to add the word frequencies to respective words in the cloud. I want the labels to appear in a single size and not in ...
tanmoyp's user avatar
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8 votes
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Subplot/facets with wordclouds

I'm trying to make subplots/facets of several wordclouds in a way that's pleasing to the eye. Problems: I can't get base R to combine wordcloud-outputs properly making wordclouds with ggplot2 allows ...
ulima2_'s user avatar
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ggplot2 not working like I would like

I try to plot this visual with ggplot2: ggplot(Trump_df, aes(x=freq.dif, y=Spacing)) + geom_text(aes(size=TrumpT.txt, label=row.names(Trump_df), colour=freq.dif), alpha=0.7, family="...
Terrence's user avatar
3 votes
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Scatterplot with two legends with corresponding colors

I've got the following plot: So I've got two groups of words that I've coloured in red and blue. Besides that I've got two legends where each legend corresponds to one group. My code is as follows: ...
Anita's user avatar
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Use wordlayout results for ggplot geom_text

The R package wordcloud has a very useful function which is called wordlayout. It takes initial positions of words and their respective sizes an rearranges them in a way that they do not overlap. I ...
supersambo's user avatar
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How to put a wordcloud in a grob?

I've created a simple wordcloud: require(wordcloud) words <- c('affectionate', 'ambitious', 'anxious', 'articulate', 'artistic', 'caring', 'contented', 'creative', 'cynical', 'daring', '...
rnorberg's user avatar
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geom_wordcloud : is this a pipe dream

I deal a bit with textual data across various grouping variables. I'm thinking of creating a method to make faceted wordcloud plots using Ian Fellows' wordcloud package. I like the way ggplot2 ...
Tyler Rinker's user avatar