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security log in in wildfly 18

I have to create a custom login in wildfly who have to go to check if the user is authorized by my java code, to do so i create a class who extend: extends UsernamePasswordLoginModule so i called this ...
Sonn's user avatar
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Kafka: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class

I am trying to direct my application logs deployed over jboss eap 7 and I have configured the appender as below; appender.Kafka.type = Kafka = Kafka appender.Kafka.topic = my-logs ...
SJunejo's user avatar
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Store username and password on wildfly and fetch with java

I need to store ldap username and password in wildfly. I did as follow but my manager said is not safe how I did: String ldapCredentials = System.getProperty("ldap.user"); byte[] ...
Alex's user avatar
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Problem while configuring wildFly-18 Server on Eclipse

I'm new in the company and they were helping me while I setup the enviroment, I got this error when I started WildFly server (they gave me their wildfly 18): ` 09:47:20,106 INFO [] (...
Robs's user avatar
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Enable metrics in wildfly domain setup

I am new to wildfly configuration & was trying to enable microprofile smallrye metrics in wildfly for domain mode. Using clustered docker repo, I started domain & host controller locally for ...
Pankaj Agarwal's user avatar
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Failed to process phase POST_MODULE of deployment \"myapp-ws.war\" Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: WFLYSRV0177: Error getting reflective

Presently, I have an ejb project and a web service project. The problem is that my webservice project cannot access EJBs from my library project: {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {&...
user8128167's user avatar
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"jboss.deployment.subunit. undertow-deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService" => java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:<init>()

When I try to deploy my maven project using mvn clean install wildfly:deploy and then try to upload the war file manually this is what I am seeing: {"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {&...
user8128167's user avatar
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ClassNotFoundException: in WF 18 / Java 11

In a JEE app deployed in Wildfly 18.0.1.Final with OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.15+9-LTS, I run into a ClassNotFoundException on (actually, one of the dependency is using ...
zapho's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 throws ModuleNotFoundException after module was added

I'm deploying Wildfly 18.0.0.Final running on JDK 11 and I can't make recognize a module that I added. This is the message that I get. 2022-09-03 15:51:04,703 ERROR [] (MSC ...
Franco Carreras's user avatar
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Deploying EJB Project to JBoss-AS with Spark dependencies throwing ClassNotFoundException

I'm trying to deploy an EJB project which uses Spark libraries to load to a trained ML model and then make a prediction from there. When I try to deploy the project on my Wildfly server, it throws the ...
Chubbles's user avatar
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wildfly18 Hot deploy existing deployed and new html, js files (static content) without restaring wildfly domain slave server

We are using WildFly 18 domain server and On slave server, we want to change existing deployed js, html files content and also we want to add new js, html files without restarting the server. So, Is ...
Pmestry's user avatar
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EJBCA: Authorization Denied Admin GUI

I am attempting to upgrade EJBCA. I attempted to run this on ubuntu 20.04, locally, using wildfly 18. Wildfly 18 results in this error: "CAUSE: Client certificate or OAuth bearer token required.&...
Edgar's user avatar
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Deployments are failing with below MQ related errors in wildfly-19

WE are migrating the application from Jboss & to wildfly 19 , deployments are failing with below MQ related errors . I've no clue about these errors complaining about the library file missing in ...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 adds server logging pattern before log4j loggers

I have configured my WildFly 18 server in domain mode format and we use log4j logger. When I checked in the server.log file, All logs from log4j are getting logged after wildfly's own logger format. ...
Pmestry's user avatar
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jboss.deployment.unit."testit-base.war".PARSE: WFLYSRV0153: Failed to process phase PARSE of deployment "testit-base.war"

We are planning to migrate the application from Jboss EAP 6.4 to WILDFLY 19 and facing the below error while deploying the war file in it. Manifest-Version: 1.0 Built-By: jenkins Created-...
Vamsi's user avatar
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Wildfly Thorntail fails to deploy due to Operation timed out awaiting service container stability

Wildfly Thorntail timeout and fails to deploy. It takes very long to try and deploy - Am not sure if there is a hanging thread somewhere during the deployment - Note: I have checked the Database ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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How to set redis cache prefix key for non spring boot java application using xml configuration

I would like to set a custom cache key prefix for my application which uses xml configuration for my RedisCacheManager, my goal is, if the cache key is student-detail, the cache key should be test :: ...
user3557777's user avatar
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Is that possible to communicate JMS Topic of HornetQ with ActiveMQ or vice versa

I have a HornetQ project on JBoss 6 using JDK-6, and an ActiveMQ project on WildFly 18 using JDK-11. Can I access the HornetQ topic in the ActiveMQ project or vice versa?
Rishi Gautam's user avatar
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JSF1064: Ressource not found! only when i use my Project in Firefox

Im using Java, Wildfly18, Primefaces and JSF in my Project but im getting this Warning! anyone know why im getting this Warning when i use the Project only in Firefox? Any information would be helpful....
Modo's user avatar
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Too many open file Descriptors in Wildfly-18

In the application code deployed in wildfly10, if the fileinputstream is not closed programatically (its a miss in the code), during the GC (G1GC) cycle, the orphan references of the opened file input ...
Manas Ranjan Panda's user avatar
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How to use JAX-RS filters with generated controller interfaces? (JavaEE, Wildfly18)

I have a code generator, that generates interfaces for JAX-RS endpoints and my backend app implements these interfaces, to provide the business logic. The problem now is, that I cannot use name-bound ...
LostMekkaSoft's user avatar
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Jackson ContextResolver is loaded but getContext method is not invoked in wildfly 18

All java.util.Date objects are converted like "2020-09-23T09:53:06.93Z[UTC]" but i don't want to include timezone in the serialized date like "2020-09-23T09:53:06.93". So i decided ...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
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Is it possible to get a specific wildfly version from Dockerhub?

We are deploying our application war file on the wildfly-18 and we would like to dockerize the application for that, I want to download the wildfly-18 image from the dockerhub, but when I use jboss/...
user8787983's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 JMS execution causes 'Abrupt close on Remoting connection'

I have two Wildfly 18 instances running locally: n1 and n2. I would like instance n2 to consume instance n1's produced messages in order to take steps towards a HA scenario. After reading the RH EAP ...
LoreV's user avatar
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Add ssl trustStore to thorntail application using project-defaults yaml

How to add ssl trustStore and trustStorePassword on thorntail application, using config project-defaults yaml or using wildfly standalone.xml. This how to add keyStore and its keyStorePassword using ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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log4j is not able to update the log file of wildfly 18 server application

I recently moved my application from java 1.6 to 1.8 and also changed its server from jboss eap 6 to wildfly 18. Server up and running , application is running but logs are not updating in the file. ...
Shrishti Jain's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 deploying war error - WFLYPRT0053: Could not connect to remote+http://hostname:port

I am deploying a war in my wildfly 18 server with below command - $JBOSS_HOME/bin/ --connect --controller=$HOSTNAME:$PORT --user=**** --password=**** Values for JBOSS_HOME, HOSTNAME and ...
Shrishti Jain's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 - WFLYCTL0362: Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=http' are not available

I am migrating my jboss eap 6 to wildfly 18 as we are moving our application from java 6 to java 8 . I am new to wildfly 18, while starting the server I am getting below error - 09:22:59,671 ERROR [...
Shrishti Jain's user avatar
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Using OS system variable for @DataSourceDefinition password failed in Wildfly 18

I want to externalize password for Java @DataSourceDefinition using OS system variable ${appuserpwd}. The below is my @DataSourceDefinition @DataSourceDefinition( name = "java:app/jdbc/mydb&...
LHA's user avatar
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I am implementing ADFS - SAML configuration in wildfly18?

1) I have configured ADFS (SAML) configuration in wildfly18 server 2) I have all details configured in picketlink.xml as follows: 3) I am getting proper response in NAMEID format as follows: 4)...
ShraddhaJ's user avatar
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Thorntail - WildFly Elytron Security remote connection getting authentication failed: none of the mechanisms presented by the server are supported

I have configured WildFly Elytron Security on thorntail application using project-defaults.yml. However the application is failing to invoke or connect to the remote secured EJB's Here is the yaml ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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Thorntail load external properties from Java Properties file

Thorntail using project-defaults.yaml Using the below command line arguments to start the application. Trying to pass location of a Java .properties file to use as system properties. java -jar ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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issues while doing deployment of war file and doing configuration of mariadb into wildfly 18.0.0 FInal

I have added the module.xml file and appropriate mariadb connector jar files, in wildfly/module/.../com/maraidb. I have added the Jar visa console also but when the execute file i get ...
Sarabjeet's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 log strategy doesn't respect max-backup-index and keeps all server.log files

We have a WildFly 18 with the following logging strategy: <server xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:10.0"> ... <profile> ... <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:logging:8....
Xavier Portebois's user avatar
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Busy Task Thread Count reaches limit

I have an application that process raw data and save it to database. It takes less than 100 ms to execute 1 thread. The application receives raw data from around 200 devices with in every 20 seconds....
sreelakshmi's user avatar
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WildFly: HTTP method POST is not supported by this URL

I'm developing a Java EE web application running on WildFly 18, and Angular on the front end. All the HTTP calls from Angular to Wildfly are POSTs. The application works fine, but once a month, when I ...
ps0604's user avatar
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How to configure messaging activemq - thorntail or swarm using project-defaults yaml

How to configure messaging activemq - thorntail or swarm using project-defaults yaml I am currently getting the below exception Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=messaging-activemq/...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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Java EE 7 EJB Authentication using WildFly - security annotations don't work

I am trying to establish a security domain using wildfly 18.0.1. These are the settings I use: standalone.xml: <security-domain name="my-security-domain" cache-type="default"> <...
I.P.'s user avatar
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Unable to create gc logs in domain mode

In host.xml the jvm options are set as below <jvm name="default"> <jvm-options> <option value='-Xlog:gc*:file=domain/servers/<%= @hostname %>_<%= node[0] %>/log/...
Poornima's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 NoSuchMethodError in org.jgroups

I am trrying to configure cache on wildfly 18 - However am facing issue which i assume its regarding the dependencies version or removed method in jgroups along with infinispan modules. Error Caused ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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How to set transport in the global configuration in order to define a clustered cache - infinispan

Trying to configure cache on thorntail project-defaults.yaml however am stuck with the below issue while tying to start or deploy on wildfly. Error Must have a transport set in the global ...
Dev Fh's user avatar
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Why do I need org.reactivestreams:reactive-streams, if I'm not making a reactive web application?

I'd like to deploy a spring-boot 2.2.2.RELEASE application onto a Wildfly 18 application server. pom.xml: <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>io.ropi.psf</...
László Stahorszki's user avatar
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infinispan 9 '<eviction strategy="LRU" />' isn't an allowed element

Wildfly 18 eviction tag is not parsing giving Failed to parse configuration error. this is coming when i upgrade Wildfly 11 to 18. In wildfly 11 (infinispan 4) its working fine <subsystem ...
user1184777's user avatar
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Spring boot app, from jar to war, with ActiveJDBC model, Wildfly don't recognizes my Model (like Person, Disease, Location.....), what am i wrong?

I have error when instrument my app, precisaly when i turned spring boot app from jar to war; when i start my app as one SpringBoot application everything works but when i deploy a war file in ...
Mattia's user avatar
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WildFly 18 update Hibernate to 5.4.12.Final

I am trying to update the Hibernate version of my WildFly 18.0.1 server. But I encounter a problem with Infinispan, which is used for caching. The classic WildFly distribution hast Hibernate 5.3.13....
The End's user avatar
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Wildfly 18 missing content-length in header Fields

I'm using wildfly 18 with java 11. undertow is configured to serve http/2. push is disabled and i'm also using gzipFilter. Response sent to the client does not content the content-length header field....
Yan'son's user avatar
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File download problem in WildFly 18.0.0 - response headers missing

I have updated my WildFly server from 10.1 to 18.0.0. Now I'm facing wired issue while download PDF as well as XLSX or any file larger than 15kb. Say for example, if I try to download XLSX file of ...
Jeet's user avatar
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EntityManager has stopped running update statements after upgrading to wildfly 18

I've just updated from wildfly 12 to 18, and from Java 8 to 11. No code has been changed within my project. Running the integration tests has produced a really odd problem though. UPDATE statements no ...
Martin Cassidy's user avatar
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Can setup WildFly 18 for automatic restart JVM after crash?

can I setup WildFly 18 for automatic restart after a JVM crash? We use the JNI interface for native applications and we has a periodicly crash JVM. Use full-ha and ha modes does't work. Аfter JVM-...
user2380723's user avatar
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Wildfly 18, MQTT and wildcard subscriptions

I'm trying get the MQTT acceptor in Apache Artemis of the Wildfly 18 server to run. The server is running, I can even send messages to a defined topic (though it has to be defined). Initially I had ...
Mauli's user avatar
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