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Could not load file or assembly System.Runtime.Extensions

I've tried reinstalling the package from nuget (mutiple versions) I've tried reinstalling visual studio 2022 The Project is running on .net 4.7.2. I tried switching to .net 4.8 I've also tried adding ...
boruchsiper's user avatar
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Asp.Net Web Forms designer: how to auto-apply camel casing to new attributes and tags

After reinstalling Visual Studio 2022 and importing my old settings, I am running into the problem that tags and attributes are not formatted using camel case. When typing, the suggested attributes ...
Cleo's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Debugger is not moving from one web application to a service (which is in another web application)in Visual Studio

I am using 2 web applications. Web application1 is taking data from web application2. But while I debugged web application1, the debugger is not hitting web application 2 (it goes to next line in ...
Being Real's user avatar
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ASP.NET run issue

I'm having an issue with my ASP.NET webforms project in Visual Studio 2022 (using .NET Framework). When I initially create the project, the run button shows the browser name and runs smoothly. However,...
Aya's user avatar
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Create New Events not autopopulating in Visual Studios

I know this may be a dumb question but my IntelliSense is working but not event arguments aren't auto populating. I took a screenshot of someone else's working to better explain. Not sure where to ...
Chris's user avatar
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How to convert an ASP.NET Webforms user control to a DLL

I have an ASP.NET Webforms app where I'd like to add some HTML as a user control (Mycontrol.ascx) generated from another Webforms project. I've tried following the (rather old) articles Turning an ...
George1917's user avatar
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Multiple WebForms Contexts causing compiler errors after adding csproj

I have an existing .NET 4.8 Web Forms site that utilizes an app_code/ folder for storing some source files. To provide improved intellisense in the C# source files, I added a missing .sln and .csproj ...
user3267755's user avatar
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Adding a new Web Form with Master Page causes errors BC30002 and BC30456 in my project

This is not a new project. It was originally started in VS 2019, now working in VS 2022. I have tried both environments with this and still get the same errors. This is a ASP.NET/VB.NET application. ...
Robert Barr's user avatar
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Data provider "Microsoft.Data.SqlClient" is not supported in Visual Studio 2019

I have been working on an ASP.NET webform project, which is recently upgraded to .NET Framework 4.8. I have been switching between Visual Studio 2022 and Visual Studio 2019. Issue occurs only in ...
Anuj Karki's user avatar
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Resource keeps creating another designer file after adding new item

Everytime i add some string in my resource file, when i save it creates another designer file how to stop this?
Marceloawq's user avatar
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How to create ASP.NET Web Forms project in Visual Studio 2022 using Empty template?

All of the tutorials that I have seen use ASP.NET Web application (.NET Framework) template in Visual Studio to create webforms projects. But Visual Studio 2022 does not come with ASP.NET Web ...
Jay.'s user avatar
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Subject: Modifying Control Properties in ASP.NET Web Forms from a Separate C#

Subject: Modifying Control Properties in ASP.NET Web Forms from a Separate C# Class Body: Hello everyone, I am working on an ASP.NET Web Forms project using C#. I have a scenario where I need to ...
Frans as Me's user avatar
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Issue in Visual Studio when doing activity in aspx page

When I select any option from Dropdown list debugger getting hit each time This is the place where debugger getting stop, but there is no breakpoint added This issue is happening each time I select ...
Satyam Shaw's user avatar
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IIS Express - Inappropriate Hot Reload / Refresh / Postback

I am running IIS Express and experiencing an inappropriate postback when: I merely place my cursor in the URL field in the browser; and I start to edit the URL (like changing one character). I'm not ...
codeMonkey's user avatar
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125 views webform site displays "Localhost Refused to connect" when Redirecting to next Page

I have been running an ERP on my localhost, and it was working fine until I encountered a Just-in-time debugger dialog in Visual Studio. When I cancelled the dialog, it caused my login session to time ...
Win Sunday's user avatar
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Is there anyway to have code-first migration in a web forms website?

When I create a new solution with "ASP.NET Web Forms Site" I can't enable or add any migrations. here's the error that I get when I use "enable-migrations" or "add-migration ...
Hermit's user avatar
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Project file was unloaded error when making a local copy of production site

The site uses ASP.NET Web Forms and I made a local copy of the production site. When I open the solution, it says "The project file 'c:\Users\path\path\path' has been moved, renamed or is not on ...
lingeringame's user avatar
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Creating dlls in Visual Studio publishing process

To publish a completed C# Asp.NET Web Forms project, I perform the publish process successfully, but 4 .exe files are created under the roslyn folder, they are not accepted by the hosting company. How ...
mactavish's user avatar
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Visual Studio not generating WebForms Designer Files

We've got a bunch of legacy WebForms projects that we've just upgraded to use SDK style .csproj files so at least that matches what we've got everywhere else until we can migrate away from WebForms (...
ScottishTapWater's user avatar
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How can I place a pause in an ASP.NET Web Application during page rendering to wait for a sub containing a SQL query to complete execution?

I have an ASP.NET application that works fine on the deployed server, but when I run it from a remote development computer connected to the production database, it displays the error: "Object ...
Adalberto Hernandez Vega's user avatar
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How to convert website using webform to .net mvc core [closed]

Now i have website TDMWATER Microsoft ASP.NET 4.0.30319 Some time it very slow , downtime , every one week i must rebuild source code and restart server to reslove this problem so i decided upgrade ...
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Web.Config Transform not working in Visual Studio 22

I am trying to get Web.config transformation working in VS 2022 withing a WebForms application. The goal is to enable transformation on BUILD. I have followed this guide (among others): https://gist....
Cleo's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 ASP.Net WebForms: Generate Local Resource option missing

It seems that with the latest VS 2022 update (and the new HTML-designer that comes with it), the option to generate a local resource file is missing. I'm talking about this menu item under Tools: ...
Cleo's user avatar
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Multiple Columns and multiple tables from datasource in ListBox?

I am using Visual Studio and creating an ASP.NET WebForm using C#. I have a ListBox that needs to have multiple columns populated from multiple tables from a SQL Server database. Ex, a listbox that ...
Davisgh's user avatar
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ASP.NET - Content, Styles, Scripts, Images, Resources folders are not getting copied over to Publish folder while Publishing (for deployment)

I am a new-ish solo developer in a company, and I am trying to deploy an existing ASP.NET website to Dev and Prod environments. I think this is a WebForms project (I am not sure how to figure out what ...
Shallow King's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to drag and drop or edit toolbox elements in Visual Studio Community Edition 2022 for ASP.NET Web Forms (C#) in Designer View

I have followed the approximate steps of this video in an attempt to create an ASP.NET Web Form. Inside the video, the programmer was able to directly edit text within the designer view, as well as ...
Talos0248's user avatar
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Is there a quick way to change the database connection name in all project files in Visual Studio?

Is there a quick way to change the database connection name in all project files in Visual Studio?
SARA's user avatar
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Save registration page data in SQL and validate and redirect to home page in Visual Basic (Visual Studio 2019)

I have an ASP.Net WebForms website with a login and registration form. I to save data in the local database when the user submits the registration form and validate when the user logs into the website....
Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to edit CSV data in C# like 1234567 to 123-4567? [closed]

Im trying to edit a postcode data which comes as for example 1234567 and i want to put a dash between 123 and 4567 (e.g 123-4567) is it possible to do this within C# without editing the csv file ...
DannyMelander's user avatar
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LocalReportExtension, how to print in Monochrome rather than color?

Im trying to print a RDLC report in C# however when the user presses print, visual studio prints the page in color which is not cost efficient. I use a localreportExtension class to print the page ...
DannyMelander's user avatar
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Unable to create data reader for dataset'Barcode1' : ReportingProcessException

Im creating a web form app where the user clicks the print button and instantly prints the RDLC file connected to the BtnOnClick method in form but it gives me this error ReportProcessingException: ...
KotlinBoy821's user avatar
4 votes
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How to add a WebForm file in VS2022?

I have an old WebForms web application project, and would like to add a WebForm to it. Here's what I do: Solution Explorer > Right Click > Add > New Item There's no Web Form mentioned there. ...
ispiro's user avatar
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How Can I replace Files With Regex?

I have an aspnet webform application and I have more than 1000 server.transfer like below Server.Transfer("~/General/Personnel/List.aspx"); I want to add /V2 after "~" in all ...
Bumda's user avatar
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How Can I exclude some files in visual studio finding?

I have a project in web form and I want to search all files which contains "~/Products" with ctrl+shift+f but I want to exclude a file which is Server.Transfer("~/Products"...
Can Cuma Yaman's user avatar
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ASP.NET Web Form - SQL to CSV Output extremely slow

I used this guide to build an ASP.NET Web Form in VS 2019 with a button that executes a stored procedure on my SQL server, and writes the results to a CSV file for download through the browser. It all ...
awhitworth06's user avatar
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In Visual Studio 2022, using ASP NET Webforms how do I fix element is not a known element?

Unable to use intelli sense and the warning on almost all lines. Visual Studio does not recognize not even a TextBox.
JeffBusterCase's user avatar
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Use image or checkbox to include with text with asp:ListItem in Webforms and C#

I have been given some Html pages that require linking with code behind code in a WebForms website. The code doesn't appear to use any controls but a lot of Css classes. I've tried a number of ways to ...
user616076's user avatar
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How can I create request ID in POST API and log it

As title mentions: How can I create request ID in POST API and log it I am sending POST request to API and getting response but API do not reply any request ID, is there a way I can have request ID ...
gorgeusDev's user avatar
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ClosedXML reading empty cell and increasing count

I am reading excel file with ClosedXML, I have data in 1 single Column A1.A2.A3... all A columns, When I open excel and delete A2.A3 and keep only single value in A1 and save excel, after that when I ...
gorgeusDev's user avatar
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ClosedXML Webform - foreach loop looping twice

So my problem is when I am trying to read excel file it prints output correct in gridview once, but when I try to store the row[cells] - only into an String variable using serials += row[cells] it is ...
gorgeusDev's user avatar
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CS0103: The name does not exist in the current context

Here is the main form where I have to take user inputs. I have used Design option to create the form in visual studio. WebForm1.aspx <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true"...
Shyamal Bhatt's user avatar
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In VIsual Studio 2019, is there any way to view references of some method or property in ASPX files?

If I have a method or property defined in a class, then Find References and CodeLens only display references to that method or property in class files; they don't display references in ASPX files. Is ...
ekolis's user avatar
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Intellisense not working properly for .aspx files in Visual Studio

Recently, my intellisense stopped working for asp and user controls alike. I start typing <asp: which should bring up a dropdown menu with suggestions like <asp:Textbox and <asp:Label, but ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Web Forms ASPX designer files not updating

I have the following situation: I have a few aspx pages, but some pages' designer files do not update when adding controls, but some do. I am using git, and this problem exists only on 1 repository, ...
OneSpikedDrink's user avatar
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Webforms Error shows TWO projects although solution shows ONE project

In a VS-2019 webforms solution I get this error that shows TWO projects although the solution only has ONE project. Severity: Error Code Description : BC30456 'prpPageCaption' is not a member of '...
John D's user avatar
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I want to make a redirection webform2 that shows a message based on the gender chosen in radiobutton in webform1

This is the webform1 code and I made a string called pass to store the text in. What should I do in webform2 to display the message based on the conditions? protected void Button1_Click(object sender, ...
Maryam Amr's user avatar
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VS 2019 WebForms VB-project tableadapter not defined?

I am building a web-forms app in VS-2019. I am trying to use code from VS-2017 that worked with the tableadapters in the schema xsd file. I copied the xsd and xss files into the VS-2019 project. I ...
John D's user avatar
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Project Type GUID for ASP.NET Website project

My ASP.NET solution has a Website project (with no csproj file). I need to know the project type GUID. How do I find it?
VK9217's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2017+ with "new style project" - ASPX files not generating .designer files

I took my WebForms project which was initially build using Visual Studio 2008 (!) and have converted it over to the "new style" Visual Studio project files, which has tremendously reduced ...
Steven Sproat's user avatar
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CS1061 error on linked button in bootstrap webform

I am new to webforms and am getting an error while trying to compile webform1.aspx which is a form next to the site master form: I am trying to get in my headers and footers and the fixed set of ...
sandeep pradhan's user avatar

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