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A registered service is null in a nested user control

I have a couple of nested usercontrols, and in the innermost one, I'm getting a null ref on a service method. The service is registered, so I think it should be available. I've included a sample of my ...
M Kenyon II's user avatar
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Regex parsing "^[-\wÀ-ÿ\'\.\-\&\s]+$" - [x-y] range in reverse order

Older C# ASP.Net Web Form app with.Net Framework 4.6.2. I have a regexp validator in an ascx user control: <asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="REV_RecordId" runat="server" ...
Robert Achmann's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 can not automatically detect System.Web.UI.UserControl

I'm creating a new User Control. In the .cs code-behind System.Web.UI.UserControl does not highlight and I cannot use any project from the current Solution. It doesn't show any errors about reference. ...
phuonganhdp's user avatar
-1 votes
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UserControl to block/hide/overlay all other controls on the page

Say I've made a user control. I want it to have following behavior: When its Visible property is true, users can only operate things inside it, but not anything outside of it, i.e. any other control ...
Jyunhao Shih's user avatar
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How to force load custom User Control's javascript to load when control is displayed dynamically in ASP?

I have a user control, which contains a bunch of javascript code. At the beginning of my javascript code, I've put a simple console.log('test') to see whether my javascript code has been loaded. If I ...
Benedek Ott's user avatar
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How to add image to image button within user controller for

I have 2 projects. One is the main webform project and the second is a library project for my user controls. This library doesn't use file extension ascx. I have to be clear on this. My objective is ...
SANOSUKE's user avatar
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How to set value of HtmlTableCell dynamically in ASP.NET Webforms?

I have an aspx file and its small part of the code is <table class="table table-responsive-sm table-bordered table-hover" runat="server" style="align-content:center;"&...
Biraj Dahal's user avatar
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558 views webform can't find usercontrol

I don't know how to get usercontrol's function GetValue(), I always get Error code CS1061. First I can't get usercontrol ID testControl. I have found lots example, but almost example can use like my ...
AkiraAkimoto_TW's user avatar
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Remove Output Cache for User Controls in ASP.NET Webforms

I have an webforms SaaS application where multiple ecommerce websites are running. Each website has its own domain (, etc.) and each website's content is fetched from the ...
Syed Ahmed's user avatar
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How to specify delegate or event handler in xml markup of user control (not in code behind)?

I tried playing around with the XML mark up but couldn't get it to work. It would be nice if I can define my own call back delegate in my user control, which the containing page will set, and my user ...
Haoest's user avatar
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ASP NET Web Forms can not register User Control (ascx)

I have a user control with the following directive <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="SelectorControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="SelectorControl&...
Alexey Litvin's user avatar
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How do I extend Project Quote Screen (PM304500)?

I have been asked to add a new tab that displays a list of items linked to a project quote on the Project Quote Screen (PM304500). I need some help in how to tackle this, since I am struggling to ...
Ruvo's user avatar
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how to get set the table cell data in ascx in

//ascs.cs page using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; namespace ...
Aaron Bane's user avatar
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How to cache user controls that are inside code blocks?

I have an aspx webpage with embedded code block that displays one of the two instances of the same user control. Simplified code: <form id="form1" runat="server"> ...
MantisToboggan's user avatar
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How to add the 2 user control in web form

I am using User Controls in my webforms when I am adding 2nd user controls it's not working <%@ Register src="" TagName="ProjectDetails" TagPrefix="...
Satti's user avatar
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Is there any way to link two user controls within a button event?

Now, I have two user controls, Login.ascx and CEF-Forgot-Password.ascx. I wanna button click event in Login.ascx, when it clicked, redirect to the forgotPassword.ascx. Is there any way to link those ...
Zoe Queen's user avatar
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Using ASP.NET this.Page as Condition to hide labes in User Control

I'm new on using ASP.NET and I just want to ask how can I get the Parent page from a user control and use it as a Condition to Hide Contents I Tried using this var Pagechk = this.Page; Page page = ...
Enrique Gil's user avatar
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New userControl in Page_Load doesn't have CSS in Webform

In a page I added a new userControl in the Page_Load, but when I load the page, I see my control but the CSS is broken, it's shown as a simple textbox without my CSS. Here is the code: if (Contexte....
Vincent Ducroquet's user avatar
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1k views Is it possible to access controls on one webform from another?

I am currently building a web app that will become the new data center (intranet website) for my company. I have it hooked into active directory and have a user group set up to allow page editing. I ...
Sentius's user avatar
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Application_BeginRequest doesn't work on UserControl

I'm trying to check if the UserControl exist or not before load it. For classic page Application_BeginRequest work, but before a usercontrol is called, this event is not fired. Do you have any idea ...
loic ponchon's user avatar
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put reset button in default for code in user control page

this code in user control.ascx page <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Dates.ascx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication3.Dates" %> <b>Arivval Date: </b><br /&...
Nada Alansari's user avatar
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Register Src attribute and block c# code within webform page

I have created this helper : public static class UrlHelper { public static string SharedFolderUrl = "/template/"; public static string SpecificFolderSiteUrl = "/static/"; ...
Lamloumi Afif's user avatar
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User Control in a Repeater with Async

I'm trying to bind a user control in a ASP Repeater in a async .Net Web Form Page but binding the repeater item to a public property of a user control is failing. If I hard code (rather than bind) ...
Lee Mandeville's user avatar
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jQueryUI Autocomplete Web Forms User Control - Multiple Intances

Morning folks. My Ajax Script Manager is registering my script and adding my function to end request. This is keeping the script persistent across partial updates. I am pushing DataTable values as ...
Aleksander Trares's user avatar
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UserControll form control(Textbox, DropDownList) data loss on postback

Here is UserControl <div> <asp:TextBox ID="NewPickageHeadTXT" runat="server" MaxLength="150" ClientIDMode="Static" EnableViewState="true"></asp:TextBox> <asp:...
Jaztingo's user avatar
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C# dynamically created user control button click not working

I have a page (company.aspx) that when you click a button on the page the button click event (btnShowDeptsUserControl_Click) dynamically creates a user control and adds to a placeholder. The page ...
Kershaw's user avatar
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Creating Custom Web Control

I'm trying to create a custom web control, but I have limited experience with Web Forms. How do I access the text passed in between the open an close tags? The control should work like the this. ...
Antarr Byrd's user avatar
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ASP web forms ASCX User control for loop in repeater

I have a repeater with a model that has status for each month. So I want to use a for loop inside a repeater, but the problem is that one the variable is not accessible Code: <ItemTemplate> &...
mihkov's user avatar
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handle webform usercontrol load event from within the control code behind

The subject line says it all. I am not talking about the event handler of the instance of the usercontrol that we put in an aspx page. I am referring to the load event handler from within the code ...
Aamir's user avatar
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178 views webforms reusable page design

I need design ideas for a webform project I am working on. The public side of the project is complete with a bunch of ASPX pages in a as usual master page. Now I need to create the admin side of the ...
Aamir's user avatar
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How to send a parameter to service method of c# user control?

I am using following code in my HTML. <uc1:BaseIntelliSenseControl ID="SmartPhrasesIntellisence" runat="server" ContextKey="0" ServiceMethod="GetSmartPhrases_Intellisence" ...
Babar Baig's user avatar
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Why a control inside usercontrol is not accessible in .aspx page?

I have created a user control with a radio button inside it. I have also created a public property of type radio button and assigned it that radio button so can be accessed in aspx pages code behind. ...
user avatar
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Accessing template-based controls in UserControl from parent page

Before I start, I am not asking how to access a server-side control hosted within a UserControl from the parent page. That's been asked many times, and this is not a duplicate of that. This question ...
freefaller's user avatar
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multiple ascx wont show using ng-if

I'm using angularjs at my old website. And I have a problem with getting ng-if to work with multiple controls. I have 2 icons, when I press icon A then user control A shows, when I press icon B, user ...
MrProgram's user avatar
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Calling a client-side function that is inside of a UserControl from the Page level in ASP.NET Webforms

I have an ASP.NET UserControl sitting inside of an ASP.NET Page. The ASP.NET UserControl has the following logic in it which works correctly: Button in UserControl: <asp:LinkButton runat="...
Blake Rivell's user avatar
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Customize control for every page

I'd like to customize a GridView so that: thead and tfoot are shown the paging template is customized it allows paging as well as sorting etc... I'd like for this settings to be retained in the ...
Shoe's user avatar
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Override GetType Method on ascx usercontrol

I want to override Gettype method on ascx usercontroll, to returna specific type to able compare with TypeOf. My Current Aproach is on my usercontroll add a property and : Private Property Type ...
danywalls's user avatar
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Odd behavior with dynamically created usercontrols on postback

I'm having some difficulty with my dynamically generated usercontrols retaining their selected values. I have created a usercontrol with several form fields. On the main page I have a button that will ...
Wilock's user avatar
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Why are the checkboxes on my Webform invisible to the Control loop code?

NOTE: This is related to previous questions here and here, but I think I've narrowed it down to a clearer understanding of what the problem is. I have manually added a Checkbox to a Webforms app, and ...
B. Clay Shannon-B. Crow Raven's user avatar
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ASP.Net with javascript: Using multiple instances of a control in a Webform

I have a User Control which i want to use Multiple times on a page. So i tried the approach of moving the Control's JS into a File and creating a Prototype for it, so that it works smoothly on the ...
user2561997's user avatar
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How to append a user control to a list in jQuery

I am trying to add a user control to a <ul> every time a button clicked here is what I have $(document).ready(function () { $('#btnAddSupplement').click(function () { $('#...
Baso's user avatar
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Pass variable used in aspx page to user control

We are in ASP.Net Webforms. I come from a LAMP Stack mindset... ASPX Code (part of it) <asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="PH_MainContent"> <h3 class="fleft"> &...
Alain's user avatar
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user control reflection type is different than class type, causing type equality failure

I have a collection of user controls that I want to get out of a screen and do something with. What I've found is that using the is keyword when checking the control's type returns true, but using == ...
Michael DiLeo's user avatar
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Does JQuery Datepicker not work in the same web form that has a User Control?

I have an ASP.NET Web form that has a user control i.e. Loading.ascx, which just contains an .gif in the centre of the page. This is used to show a loading image when the user clicks on any button/...
Shubs's user avatar
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On Publishing error - is not allowed here because it does not extend class 'System.Web.UI.UserControl'

I have got following UserControl that work just fine but when I publish the project I am facing this error. .. is not allowed here because it does not extend class 'System.Web.UI.UserControl' How to ...
NoWar's user avatar
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Create custom User Control for Acumatica

I am attempting to create a custom User Control that is usable in the Acumatica Framework. Documentation is very limited so I was hoping someone may have some experience/examples of how best to ...
Anth12's user avatar
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Bad idea to load several User Controls application wide in the web.config in an ASP.NET Webforms Application

I have an ASP.NET Webforms application that uses 20+ user controls. Currently I am loading all of them in the application's Web.config file like this: <pages> <controls> <add ...
Blake Rivell's user avatar
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UpdateProgress not showing on first postback

I am working on an app that loads modules (which are just user controls) into a single update panel. UpdateMode="Always". There is an UpdateProgress control with a gif that should display on ...
ihdrive's user avatar
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User control in ASPX page not showing until IIS was reset

During a demonstration of a project, a user control inside an ASPX page wouldn't load. Everything else on the page was able to load up just fine, we could navigate around the site etc. Unsure of what ...
ff0000e2's user avatar
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C# user control interact with control on parent page

I have a web form where I have a Label and a user control. I would like that the user control would be able to change the value of the text in the Label. How can I indicate to the user control what ...
berserck's user avatar
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