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How to restore data from MapDB wal (write ahead log) files?

My objective is to enable MapDB crash protection and if a crash happens, how to restore data. I have enabled transaction for MapDB DB db; HTreeMap< String, String > mapDb; db = DBMaker.fileDB( &...
Tilak De's user avatar
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Journal/write-ahead-log technology for Java [closed]

We're building a Java based application that makes use of a journal/write-ahead-log (WAL). The idea is that every message that enters the system is first written into the journal before any processing....
David Siro's user avatar
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Cannot enlarge string buffer containing 1073741779 bytes by 596 more bytes while reading from PGReplicationStream in java

I am running into the following problem. I want read WAL in postgres database using logical replication and wal2json plugin, Could you please help me how to resolve this issue? Also I observed that ...
lion_pankaj's user avatar
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How to turn off WAL in hbase 2.0.0 with java API?

I wonder if there is any way to disable WAL (write ahead log) operations when inserting new data to a hbase table with JAVA API? Thank you for you help :)
rafik_bougacha's user avatar
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OrientDB 2.1 Exception in thread "OrientDB WAL Flush Task" with java.lang.OutOfMemoryError (heap or GC)

I'm doing a select using on OrientDB v.2.1. After waiting some minutes, I get the following output: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded I have 6GB of RAM available and ...
michelepatrassi's user avatar
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Java SQLite in WAL mode: the database is locked

I'm using SQLite in my multithreaded application. To make sure that that won't cause problems, I've set the SQLite database to WAL mode. All threads share one connection that is never closed during ...
Robin De Baets's user avatar
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Reading HBase WAL file with Java

I need to read Hbase WAL in my code. I found out the class However it doesn't look ...
miuser's user avatar
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Java OutOfMemoryError / OrientDB WAL Flush Task error after importing 2M records into OrientDB

After one of my import scripts had completed importing all data, I tried restarting it to grab any updated data. The first thing it does is grab the most recently updated record:
Garrett's user avatar
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Background service and UI updates and implementing WAL

In my application, I run a service at 12 each night using an Alarm, everything works as intended. I have three Fragment tabs, each tab has a listview, on click of a list item a detailed view is ...
User3's user avatar
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