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Server Vultr - CloudFlare encrypt [closed]

I use cloudFlare and Vultr server. From the client to CloudFlare I know it is encrypted, but how can I be sure that from CloudFlare to the Vultr server it is also encrypted? Does anyone know of any ...
mrsoliver's user avatar
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Can't access jenkins web interface in vultr

I am usign vultr vps with cloudpanel and ubuntu 24.04 LTS. I install jenkins and it's running but i can't access Jenkins web interface. I have edited jenkins config by sudo systemctl edit jenkins and ...
Kaisar Monir's user avatar
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Intermittent ingress nginx upstream timed out (110: Operation timed out) while connecting to upstream

This is NOT "while reading resp*nse header from upstream" and the issue is NOT a slow response from the upstream server. I did this curl: curl ...
Alan Wootton's user avatar
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Cannot load cannot load certificate key PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey failed

Login into GoDaddy account and downloaded the certificates, combined those two certificates using cat command and created a combined.crt certificate. Later I have copied the combined.crt and ...
soccerway's user avatar
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own domain in s3 vultr bucket

I have an S3 Vultr bucket, I'm using it to stream, but I want to use my own domain, like, instead of I want my domain ( to be ...
pa1nk1ll3r7's user avatar
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Kubernetes PVs and PVCs - access from multiple pods

I have a persistent volume created locally in my Kubernetes cluster running in VULTR managed K8S. When I then deploy multiple pods (for example a Webservice where one can upload images - deployed with ...
franz909's user avatar
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Is there a way to add an existing wordpress installation to nginx?

I initialized an Ubuntu server with Wordpress on Vult. I had to uninstall Nginx and remove Certbot due to some issues I encountered. I used $ sudo apt purge nginx $ sudo apt purge certbot After ...
David's user avatar
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How can I point the react api service point to hit my domain rather than localhost:8000

I have deployed my react app in Vultr server and installed nginx in server and configured the below settings by running below command. $ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/default server { ...
soccerway's user avatar
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Not able to access the react app via vultr main ip address

Not able to access the react app via http://[Vultr_main_ip_address]:3000 event after running npm start command and then running node server.js from src/ folder location. Vultr name servers are already ...
soccerway's user avatar
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Error while starting a react app via `npm start` in `Vultr`

While starting a react app via npm start in Vultr I am getting below an error : Could anyone please advise what is causing this error. I am not getting the error in my local system. root@...
soccerway's user avatar
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Bandwidth consumption between Vultr Object Storage and Cloud Compute?

Does transferring data from Vultr Object Storage to Cloud Compute consume bandwidth? Also, please let me know if there are any documents regarding this matter. Thanks.
Momotaro's user avatar
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Unit memcached.service not found on Ubunto 20.04 when installing memcached

I'm trying to follow these instructions on Vultr for Ubuntu 20.04 to install memcached, however when I get to the step sudo make install, the output is: make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory ...
alkah3st's user avatar
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How can I access a file in my home/folder-name on a Vultr VPS setup?

I have recently setup a Vultr VPS and created a folder inside the /home/ directory named py-bridge, I then try to access a simple .php file with the path: /home/py-bridge/index.php via the Chrome ...
Jameu Lukasli1's user avatar
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Elasticsearch node can't connect to cluster

First of all, I want to be clear that I looked at several guides and suggested similar questions before opening this post, but none of them worked for our case. Here is our situation: Last week, our ...
David's user avatar
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How to create Google Drive direct download link for .iso to bypass "Download anyway" notification? [closed]

Download anyway How to create Google Drive direct download link for .iso (or any large) file to bypass "Download anyway" notification and upload it to (and elsewhere)?
berend's user avatar
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Vultr Docker Setup With SSL

I'm trying to spin up a dockerized website (React JS) being hosted on my Vultr server. I used the one click install feature that Vultr provides to install Docker (Ubuntu 20.04). I can get my website ...
Julio Sandoval's user avatar
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Cant hit Node-Red web page on Vultr Machine

I have just finished setting up Node-red on the a cloud machine hosted with vultr ( Ubuntu 20.04 x64 ) and I am wanting to be able to hit the Node-Red web page but I am failing to do so. I have setup ...
Joshua's user avatar
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Cloudways Hosting - Will server location make a big difference in US?

If hosting several WordPress websites on 1 server, will it make a difference between choosing a server location to a particular area or will choosing a more central location like Chicago/Dallas be ...
wfm's user avatar
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Vultr-terraform how to pass arguments into startup script

there is a way to pass arguments into startup script on terraform-vultr. the arguments are : user,key and random password. thank you.
xzeneize's user avatar
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Dragonfly BSD 6.2 on Vultr: No Disk Space

Has anyone had any luck installing Dragonfly BSD 6.2 on Vultr (either as Cloud Computing / High Frequency VM)? For me, it can't find any disk space - see picture. Thanks.
maxwell79's user avatar
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Found error creating instance using Vultr-cli API

I tried putting the code as mentioned in the documentation and I received an error. vultr-cli instance create --region ewr --plan vc2-1c-1gb --os 148 --label my-instance --ipv6 false error creating ...
silva2021's user avatar
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Trying to set up a mail server in OpenBSD: doveadm auth login fails

I set up an OpenBSD 7.0 instance on Vultr in order to get a mail server running with Dovecot and OpenSMTPD. I (mostly) followed the instructions here and here and a bit here. I set it up to use with ...
Joe Blough's user avatar
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How to use a local computer visit a VPS' localhost:port website?

Sorry that my English is not good. I use this: established a dapp in my VPS, and it's running at the VPS' localhost:5000. I want to use my local ...
peilin's user avatar
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Point Route53's domain to VULTR's host

Recently, I just purchased a domain from AWS by using Route 53. The problem is that I want to point this domain to a wordpress website that lies in Vultr host, but even thought I changed the NS record ...
julanove's user avatar
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I can’t send email from my own mail server using cyberpanel webmail

I have been trying to create my own server using cyberpanel on vultr I already created my email and issue ssl and configured my dns and my reverse dns but when I login to my rainloop my message would ...
Exactman's user avatar
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Pre-signed URLS on Vultr Object Storage using boto3

I have been working with Vultr for quite a while, and when I wanted to store some media files, I thought of AWS'S S3, and Vultr provides an S3 compatible service (Object Storage). I can use s3cmd CLI ...
coredumped0x's user avatar
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Nextjs v.10 getstaticprops "revalidate" stop working on docker container

first of all i am not an expert with docker deployment. The problem i have is that the revalidate feature suddenly stopped working and only work again only if i restart the docker container. For ex. ...
JSON4Live's user avatar
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Retrieve IP address from instances using for_each

I have this script which works great. It created 3 instances with the sepcified tags to identify them easily. But issue is i want to add a remote-exec provisioner (currently commented) to the code to ...
Ravi Kumar CH's user avatar
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Nginx connectivity with vultr loadbalancer

We had many applications on single vultr cloud instance, but it has only one default healthcheck for a single https loadBalancer with SSL certificate. so we used nginx to configure mutliple /backend ...
klee's user avatar
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Deploy two seperate application (Nuxt app & Laravel) in VULTR

I am using VULTR to deploy my nuxt & Laravel application. I have a nuxt application in my_ipaddress:3000 & a Laravel application inside my_ipaddress:5000. Is it possible to deploy my laravel ...
Emarat Hossain's user avatar
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Retrieve the instance ID after deploying at Vultr with the vultr-cli?

I'm scripting a process with the vultr-cli. I need to deploy a new VPS at Vultr, perform some intermediate steps, then destroy the VPS in a bash script. How do I retrieve instance values in the script ...
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Can't get Terraform instance IP address after create

Utilizng Vultr's terraform provider, I'm creating a few instances of machines. All is great, except I'm now trying to create cloudflare records (subdomains pointing to each new machine respectively) ...
Mike M's user avatar
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