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Configuring OpenOCD debug on VSCODE with the Raspberry Pico as a target using the Debug-Probe - No working solution found

I have been pulling my hair out trying to configure VSCode on MacOS to support the above mention configuration. The debugging works on the command line: I started the OpenOCD server in a separate ...
Hans van Schaick's user avatar
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Failed to parse json file, possibly due to comments or trailing commas

Whenever i am clicking on Run and Debug in vs code getting this error. "Failed to parse json file, possibly due to comments or trailing commas." how can i solve this? I tried deleting the ....
yugsolanki's user avatar
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VSCODE - (launch.json) What do I change to instantly run the php file instead of just launching localhost/

{ "name": "Launch built-in PHP CLI server", "type": "php", "request": "launch", "runtimeArgs": [ ...
Svelte's user avatar
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VSCode: execute command when focus on terminal view?

I've set "ctrl + end" to execute this multicommand sequence, When I focus on the terminal view, executing the command will output some characters in the terminal,not execute the actual ...
user956609's user avatar
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how to do map dependencies with code maps using VS code on ubuntu?

I encountered this link:, and I was thinking to follow it to generate code maps for my c++ ...
zhenDong's user avatar
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Toggle Sidebar visibility and Toggle Panel visiblity together in vscode?

I want to make a keybinding: When the sidebar is visible, the bottom panel is not visible, press to hide the sidebar, press again to show both. When the sidebar is not visible, the bottom panel is ...
user956609's user avatar
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VS Code console.log() appears in developer tools instead of debug console

I've been working on a VS Code extension using the Hello World example generated by Yeoman (yo code). The console.log() message only shows up in the Developer Tools, but not in the Debug Console like ...
Nick Ortakales's user avatar
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Use VS Code extension variable in task.json

How I can define a variable with extension scope, and the same can be used in task.json. It's like I can set the value of SelectedAppId variable and the variable I can use in task.json { ...
Niranjan Sharma's user avatar
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How to detect failure of task execution from a vscode extension?

My Visual Studio code extension allows users to deploy and debug applications on remote devices. To do this I need to have the application "installed" in a local folder that will then be synchronized ...
Valter Minute's user avatar
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How to stop my service running from VS Code extension while upgrading the VS Code to new version?

I have a VS Code extension installed which runs a java service from extension location. But I am getting below error while updating the VS Code to a new version because of the running jar. "Failed ...
Shriram Bhat's user avatar