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Is there a way to get tasks in VSCode to automatically run when connecting to a new branch and not just when opening the project folder?

I've successfully automated the running of tasks (./.vscode/tasks.json) when I open the project folder. But is there a way to automatically run that script of tasks when connecting to a new branch? I'...
Jono's user avatar
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Attach a debugger to a flask process started by tasks.json in vscode

I have the following tasks.json in my workspace: { "version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [ { "label": "Run Locally", &...
Yuri Waki's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

How do I use Austin to profile a Python program from the command line

I need to profile a Python program from VSCode. This is not working and I am looking at the command line created by VSCode for the run. > austin -i 100 --pipe /usr/bin/python3 /Users/mh/ 👾 ...
mhaselup's user avatar
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VScode adding tick to dockerRun command

I'm trying to get the below to run a docker container command via VScode. Within tasks.json I have: { "label": "docker-run: debug", "type": "docker-run",...
Oliver Brace's user avatar
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vscode running tasks in sequence in a virtual environment

Question How do I get a vscode task's command to run in a python virtual environment/shell created by another task? Example I'm trying to run a couple of tasks in sequence using vscode. The first ...
Ashir's user avatar
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How do i mark directory as source in vscode? Have tried all possible solutions nothing works

I have the following structure in vscode: development .vscode |____settings.json src extract | utils | build |...
Maths12's user avatar
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How to run python module command from VSCode tasks

I am trying to run my alembic migration which is in a subdirectory so I am writing VSCode tasks for it but when I run it I get command not found error: { // See
JD Solanki's user avatar
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How to set environment variables with bat file before starting python debugging in vscode

I'm doing simulations with Adams Car 2020 and Python. I use the internal Adams Python functionality. In this internal python environment I don't have matplotlib available for example. Therefore I've ...
user3223765's user avatar
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Do we have Task in VS code

I used to work with Pycharm But now i use VS Code for coding Django, so Does anyone know Do we have Task in VS code or Do I have a way to make this Task? i use it Many times like when i call ...
Sir-Sorg's user avatar
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How do i automatically clear the terminal in VSCode before execution of script? [duplicate]

I am currently using VS Code to learn Python . So i have to run scripts like 10-15 times a minute , just doing small edits and learning all things. I am running the scripts in integrated terminal of ...
Sachin's user avatar
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How to run a Python script in VSCode using the same path of the script? (otherwise it can't find an input file located in the same folder)

I have this Python code: which runs perfectly from the terminal (Python 3 required) if I do for example: python But if I try to run ...
Andrea Grandi's user avatar
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Running "Active File" closing before I can see anything in VS Code

I just installed python onto my computer and I'm testing it with some simple code like print("test") and when I try to run the code through the Terminal - Run Active File it opens a command prompt ...
The Messenger's user avatar
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How to get rid of this dialog window in vscode?

I am new to vscode and I'm running python in it. Is there a way to remove this? I've tried to change many editor settings but nothing seems to work. This is the current user settings file I have. { ...
Bharat's user avatar
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Task output encoding in VSCode

I'm learning BeautifullSoup with Visual Studio Code and when I run this script: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from fake_useragent import UserAgent ua = UserAgent() header = {'user-...
Eunito's user avatar
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