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VS Code uses diffrence C++ version when "Run Code" and "Run C/C++ FIle" I want both items uses c++ 17 [duplicate]

As you can see, When I hit "Run code", VS Code compiles the C++ file and runs it immediately in the terminal. All of this is good with one problem: it uses C++ 98. But when I hit "Run C/...
Watheq Alshowaiter's user avatar
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2 answers

'Undefined reference' error while building a C++ program with custom includes using VS Code tasks

I'm trying to compile a C++ program "test.cpp" that includes a custom file "Cars.h" using VS Code. However it causes a build error even though I'm pretty sure I did everything ...
AlexWatson's user avatar
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The proper way to compile SFML on vscode with G++

I want to know which is the proper way to use and configure VSCode build tasks, using G++ and some libraries (in this case, SFML). I'm using linux mint, when i type the build command directly on the ...
dgrfps's user avatar
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Script for multiple .cpp files in VsCode (tasks.json) using g++ compiler

I'm making a script so I can build C++ projects in Visual Studio Code in tasks.json using g++ compiler commands (I use Linux). Currently, my script only builds the .cpp file that I'm currently seeing ...
Bikke21's user avatar
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Tasks.json does not accept wildcard for multiple files

I have a folder with multiple cpp files that I want to compile to a DLL with g++ (MinGW). My Tasks.json looks like this: { // See // for the ...
Raildex's user avatar
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g++ builds in wrong directory: ${workspaceFolder}\file.exe instead of ${fileDirname}\file.exe

Summary: While in tasks.json the destination argument for g++ is clearly "${fileDirname}\\${fileBasenameNoExtension}.exe", it decides to build in "${workplaceFolder}\\${...
FaidonKourounakis's user avatar
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Problem with VSCODE includes using intels IPP libarays

Hi I can not understand why I cant build the simple sample from intels IPP libaray using visual studio code it keeps saying fatal error: ipp.h: No such file or directory 2 | #include "ipp.h"....
nchannon's user avatar
3 votes
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How to show warnings in VSCode editor for a .cpp file?

Is it possible to tweak VSC somehow to see GCC warnings in the text editor? Refer to the screenshot below - it shows only errors in the console. I'm using 1.43.2 version with C/C++ extension 0.26.3 ...
Evgeny Karkan's user avatar
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GNU G++ stops compiling after including D3D12 include paths (Using VSCode)

I am trying to get VSCode to compile DS3 Code, I have heard I needed these four include paths for D3D files to compile (to include d3d12.h): C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.17134.0\...
OeilDeLance's user avatar
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Visual Studio Code cannot finde g++ compiler on linux

Does anyone knows why vs-code can't find c++ compiler. I have used vc-code for several months without any problems, but suddenly without any clear reason it can't find the compiler anymore!! does ...
Bobo Feugo's user avatar