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connecting a fine-tuned chatgpt model with vtt and tts via terminal in linux (raspberry pi)

Basically, I'm trying to build a way to interact with a finetuned chatgpt model via a headset. I've managed to make it work with tinylama, though for to me unknown reasons that doesn't work anymore ...
marsika's user avatar
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Synthesizing Audio with Unseen Speakers Using Pre-trained VITS Model

I've been using a pre-trained VITS model (VCTK dataset) for text-to-speech synthesis. I've successfully obtained a list of available speakers using the command: !tts --model_name tts_models/en/vctk/...
Adil Ahmed Chowdhury's user avatar
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Unable to tts = TextToSpeech() | Tortoise tts | Torch

Am sorry, I may not use apt words for explaining my issue. please help me out. Running the code in VS code with python. These are the codes screenshots with errors: My setup commands: !nvidia-smi !...
Daaris Ameen's user avatar
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How to enable program to speak?

I am trying to create my own voice assistant with React.js, react-speech-recognition and react-text-to-speech packages. My problem is that it does not speak, just when I added button like it is in ...
Peter_Griffindor's user avatar
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How to display text on the screen it is said over the audio

As a personal project, I decided to create one of the reddit text-to-speech bot. I pulled all the data from reddit with praw import praw, random def scrapeData(subredditName): # Instantiate praw ...
jshel's user avatar
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How to make TextToSpeech language turkish voice

I'm using Android Studio. Code java.I want to make TextToSpeech language Turkish.How can I make the voice Turkish? my code: TextToSpeech textToSpeech ; ImageView ımagespeech; textToSpeech = new ...
Muratcan Yıldız's user avatar
1 vote
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I made a voice assistant with Python. How can I execute only one when I use two different voice commands in the same sentence?

I am making a voice assistant with Python. I'm giving voice commands to the assistant. There are several predefined sentences and answers. However, if there are two commands defined in the code before,...
Bahadır Ödemiş's user avatar
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Facing problem while integrating voice assistant in rasa chatbot

I was following this tutorial to integrate voice assistant in my chatbot. When I was in the Implementing the text-to-speech component stage, I have downloaded file and ...
Mahfuza Mohona's user avatar
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How can I save recognized voice from AudioRecord class in a file?

My app can recognize my voice and convert it to text to speeech. I want to save the recognized voice in a playable format at the same time. If I want post this voice file and text to another server. ...
Suman Kumar Dash's user avatar
2 votes
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webrtc vad for finding start of (possibly short) utterance

We'd like to know when in an audio file an utterance starts. The utterance can be a whole sentence or quite short, e.g. a single word. There may be some background noise (breathing, creaking, fans etc....
unhammer's user avatar
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Why I am facing some problem with voice RSS api

I am using Voice RSS api for text to speech, I am facing some problems with this api this is my code When try to say Hi or Hello in microphone it works on fine , but with other sentence it dose not ...
Jyoti Thakur's user avatar
-3 votes
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How to create android app which change the speech to text language when button click

I wanted to create an app which changes the default android system text-to-speech language when clicking a button. Why I need that? Because I am using this app for blind people. So for registration ...
Palash Dey's user avatar
7 votes
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Convert voice to text while talking in python

I made a program which allows me to speak and converts it to a text. It converts my voice after I stopped talking. What I want to do is to convert my voice to text while I am talking. https://www....
WeeeHaaa 's user avatar
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How to dynamically detect languages in javascript

Here I am trying to auto detect voice and try to search. which i can able to do. But my problem is, in my code it's not auto detecting the languages. example: let a voice is speeked in English ...
Sangram Badi's user avatar
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text to speech not working as initialization is not over

I am followiing this question to make tts to work Android TTS doesn't speak But in the answer he gave say(gameover,true),say(line,false),say(definition_string,false) please could anyone help me ...
Bhanu Sri's user avatar
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4 answers

Text to speech not working on android device

Below is my code.I am unable to hear the voice in my kitkat device.Toast is appearing but voice is not playing.I am following this tutorial
Lakshmi's user avatar
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error in text to speech code

I am following this tutorial for text to speech implementation in my app The speech is striked. please refer to the image below ...
Bhanu Sri's user avatar
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Create Patterns in Phraselist that Cortana can understand

I'm working on an UWP app which should filter cars by their VehicleIdentificationNumber (VIN). This VIN is a 17-char long string. It can include Numbers and letters on every position. Do anyone has ...
TiMeJuMp's user avatar
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How to make Cortana understand pronounciation of made up words?

I integrated my app in Cortana via VCD but the problem is my app name stored in the tag "AppName" is not a dictionary word. It is called "cybrick" and Cortana just does not understand it and pronounce ...
nmrlqa4's user avatar
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Python - interrupting function while executing [closed]

I am having some difficulty finding a solution to my problem in python. I have a function that uses text to speech, to say the given phrase. I want to be able to interrupt the function in mid process. ...
N. Chalifour's user avatar
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Managing text-to-speech and speech recognition at same time in iOS

I'd like my iOS app to use text-to-speech to read to the user some information that it receives from a server, and I'd also like to allow the user to stop such speech by a voice command. I have tried ...
AppsDev's user avatar
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Voice Interaction App [Android]

I am wondering how do you make an App like Utter or Siri. Not as sophisticated but something that allows me to get vocal input from a user and respond with an updated UI and vocal confirmation. For ...
user3604212's user avatar
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Speech recognition intent starts before TTS ends speaking

I've developed an Android App which give commands using tts (Text to Speech) and then listen to the vocal answer of the user using Speech Recognition Intent. Obviously, only when tts finishes to ...
Alessandro's user avatar
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Android Text-to-speech and Speech recognition at the same time

Just want to find out if we can use Text-to-speech and Speech recognition at the same time. My use case: When the Text-to-speech is speaking something if the user says "stop" then the tts should stop ...
AndroidDev's user avatar
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Speech to text and Text to speech at same time

INTRODUCTION I'm developing an app where I need to use booth SpeechRecognizer and TTS. But I'm facing some problems while trying this. The main one is that if I initialize TTS, SpeechRecgonizer seems ...
masmic's user avatar
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Start activity from inside thread

INTRODUCTION I have an activity that processes some functions. Inside this activity, the main process is one thread that makes the processing of these functions.When the processing is done, it should ...
masmic's user avatar
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How to make a new SAPI voice for text-to-speech? [closed]

Anyone know how to create own SAPI TTS voices? Are there any docs / apis / algorithms? I have not the slightest idea where I could begin. I want to use the voice in my own software and also I want to ...
MilMike's user avatar
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How to stop voice recognition during tts speaking?

I am making an application that uses both voice recognition and tts. In my application I have continues voice recognition, the problem is that when I use tts the voice recognition will listen for what ...
Hasan Kassem's user avatar
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Speak failed: not bound to TTS Engine

I am trying to make an application that uses Speech to text, and Text to speech. So the algorithm of this program is: 1 - when the user runs this program, it will call voice Recognition 2 - after ...
mas_bejo's user avatar
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stdafx.h and sapi.h not working correctly in C++ (using Code::Blocks)

So, I'm trying to make a personal assistant program for my desktop in C++. Basically, it opens up websites and programs on my computer for me. I was playing around with it and suddenly got the idea ...
SplatFace Development's user avatar
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Recalling the 'onInit()'

In Android Text To speech using Google engine, you can't change the language without re-calling the 'onInit()' method. How can I recall this method, without restarting the application?
PeakGen's user avatar
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Dictation grammar vs custom grammar

I am working on the following code using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Speech.Recognition; using System.Speech.Synthesis; using System....
PeakGen's user avatar
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How to install VOCE for C++?

I am trying to install the VOCE api, which is a voice recognition API built for both C++ and Java. This is the second time I am working with external C++ libs, and first time working with Java + C++ ...
PeakGen's user avatar
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code for converting sms text to speech (audio voice) in android

Can any one give me idea or downloaded code about notification about receiving sms msg and convert this sms into audio when i click on button.
nil_born to hack's user avatar
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Implement barge-in for Android TTS

I am having difficulty figuring out how to resolve this issue, I am not sure if I am not setting up threads correctly or if it is even possible to resolve things properly. This is an Android app ...
Edward Moreno's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Windows 8 speech to text and text to speech API

I guess the question pretty much says it all? And I would prefer not to access cloud services such as Microsoft Translator and Project Hawaii? Is there any direct API I can access? (For metro apps)
cjds's user avatar
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Android Activity layout for voice commands

I am writing an android application to accept voice commands from user and then respond to it with some text. I want to design the UI like IRIS app as shown below, the central blue icon change color ...
Ahmed's user avatar
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what to do for voice application for ios?

how to make Vlingo like application? is there any api that can be used for making apps for ios? Please provide some guide line or any tutorials or an help or comment will be appreciated Thanks in ...
The iOSDev's user avatar
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My text to speech doesn't want to talk back to me

I am still having problems with my TextToSpeech android, I entered the button twice once for the implemented Speech like exlipse asked me too and one for the implemented OnClickListener, Even if I ...
baron dune's user avatar
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Siri's phonetic fields

Is there a way or a tool to check how Apple's Siri would interpret/read the value of phonetic field? I've been able to help myself a little with say something in terminal (Mac OSX) but I'm curious of ...
Lenart's user avatar
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Linux > Python > TTS, STT & voice reconization

Text to Speech I had been trying to run pyttsx in windows as well as Linux environment... Linux Environment: import pyttsx engine = pyttsx.init() the python just hangs up after executing the first ...
ablaze's user avatar
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HTML5 speech input and Google Translate text-to-speech, problem in Chrome

I'm creating a voice/text-memo web application. Here: look at its source (very short, most of it is css) This is: Voice recognition, works only ...
Gustav's user avatar
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TTS *and* Speech Input simultaneously?

I noticed that as soon as a voice recognition activity starts, text-to-speech output stops. I understand the rational: TTS output could be "heard" by the voice recognition engine and interfere with ...
srf's user avatar
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7 answers

Iphone voice to text & back to voice API [closed]

I want in my iphone app , Voice to Text and then back to Voice. I tried searching on forum and Google and found some APIs like OpenEars, Vocal Kit and tts , but these are all for English Languages ...
Iphone_bharat's user avatar
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Windows Mobile - voice control + speech synthesis (text to speech)

I've got Windows Mobile 6.5 application and I need to add simple voice control (like "yes" and "no" commands recognition). I'd also like to add possibility of reading text displayed on LCD. I'd ...
MattheW's user avatar
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Voice recogntion engines for embedded applications

I am trying to research available voice recognition engines and SDK for developing a Windows CE voice enabled application. I've run across Nuance, but don't see much of anything else. I would prefer ...
Dustin's user avatar
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