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connecting a fine-tuned chatgpt model with vtt and tts via terminal in linux (raspberry pi)

Basically, I'm trying to build a way to interact with a finetuned chatgpt model via a headset. I've managed to make it work with tinylama, though for to me unknown reasons that doesn't work anymore ...
marsika's user avatar
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Issue with Data Preprocessing and Tensor Concatenation for Whisper Model Training

I am trying to train a Whisper model for Jeju dialect speech recognition. However, I am encountering several errors related to tensor concatenation during the data preprocessing phase. Below is the ...
dw26's user avatar
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Sending file from Raspberry Pi Pico to voice recognition API

I have a project of a bedside lamp with a voice assistant using special requests. I have this code on my PC : import os import shutil import time import requests import speech_recognition as sr from ...
Melki Youssef's user avatar
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Speechbrains SpeakerRecognition saves short cuts/links/symlinks of used audio files in working directory

I use the speaker recognition of speechbrain using the Python language: from speechbrain.inference.speaker import SpeakerRecognition and I load a model in the following way model = SpeakerRecognition....
Tütü's user avatar
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Using webrtcvad to capture audio when the user starts speaking and stops speaking (like Siri) and then saving to a .wav file

I'm trying to make a "Siri-like" audio capture using python. I would like the system to detect speech to begin recording, and then detect silence to stop recording. I would like for this ...
helpme's user avatar
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How to extract these acoustic features from audio files

I was making a voice gender detector, and when trying new samples I need to get the features below from the audio samples, and I wrote this code that doos that; but apparently audioFeatureExtraction ...
yacer meftah's user avatar
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Why Python voice assistant works so slow?

I am making a voice assistant using Python 3.12 on MacOS. Now, i am at voice recognition step, but it needs like 6 seconds for just recognize my speech and say 'How can i help you' to user. I know, ...
Dima Paharski's user avatar
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Detecting Silence in Python Voice Assistant

I'm making small pet-project. It's voice assistant. Now, development is on speech recognition part, and i need to make silent detection, to react on user's phrase end. I use vosk for speech ...
Dima Paharski's user avatar
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how to add events to calendar with google calendar api

for example; I have a meeting at 2 o'clock on December 8th, I'm trying to make a python voice assistant that will add the appropriate date in the calendar as an event when I give the voice command, ...
zeyzey's user avatar
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not able to convert produce audio file in gradio

I am making Voice Assistant for ordering in restaurants, the VA takes voice input passes to a trained model, and gives output according to intent. For interface, I am using Gradio which takes voice ...
Isha 's user avatar
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Does Google Speech-to-Text Consume Internet Data for Silent Audio Input in Python?

I am currently using Python's Speech Recognition library with Google's Speech-to-Text functionality. My concern revolves around cases where there is no speech detected during the audio processing. ...
mrithul e's user avatar
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Unable to tts = TextToSpeech() | Tortoise tts | Torch

Am sorry, I may not use apt words for explaining my issue. please help me out. Running the code in VS code with python. These are the codes screenshots with errors: My setup commands: !nvidia-smi !...
Daaris Ameen's user avatar
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Python voice recognition stopping when it hears a sound it does not know

I am using Python speech recognition and when it hears sounds that are not understandable (like a dog barking) it raises an error and the program has to be restarted. Is there any way to fix this? ...
Asher Ellet's user avatar
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i was trying to create a desktop assistant using python but whenever i speak something it shows an error

FOR EG (I SAY ="Hello bro") The error-- "'hello' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." or even if i say anything else it displays ...
MANAN SINGH's user avatar
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I have trouble working with pyaudio . How do I fix the errors?

I'm having trouble with my voice commander as it's not working properly and I think it's because of some errors in the PyAudio file. Can you suggest some steps to fix this issue? I have already ...
Muskaan Sharma's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to change the language speech

def take_command(): try: with sr.Microphone() as source: print('listening...') voice = listener.listen(source) command = listener.recognize_google(voice)...
Windows Master's user avatar
-2 votes
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Python "speech_recognition" module has no "recognize"?

I was trying some code i watched on a video but when i had to run the program it said the following text: "An error ocurred : module 'speech_recognition' has no attribute 'recognize'" i used ...
axel cardona vasquez's user avatar
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PvRecorder not reading fast enough on my Raspberry Pi Zero

I'm using picovoice (rhino speech-to-intent and pvrecorder) on my pi0. Here's my code: from pvrecorder import PvRecorder import pvrhino #my pico voice key key='my_access_key' #removed the access key ...
aashvikt's user avatar
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Why the command listener.listen from lib pyttsx3 printing this extra text?

basicly trying to follow the steps of a vid, everything is working great exapt that those lines of code: with sr.Microphone() as source: print('listening..') voice = listener.listen(source) command = ...
Nir Malka's user avatar
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Voice Recognition (converting voice to text)

I have code to convert voice to written text, I want to save the written text after it's converted to files that can be accessed later, how do I do it in the following code? import speech_recognition ...
Fatimah's user avatar
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I am making a voice assistant in python and I need a code or maybe a module for a wake up system

I am using the speech_recognition module for taking voice commands. The problem is that I want a system like Alexa and Google voice assistant has. When we say "Alexa" or "Ok Google"...
Aditya Chandra's user avatar
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Python smart voice assistant with using a JSON file

I was trying to create a voice assistant using python... but my code is showing some weird texts when I run it... down below is my code from email.mime import audio from logging.config import listen ...
Ankur Pathak's user avatar
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Speaker recognition using Python (recognize who a voice belongs)

I would like to know if there is a library or tool for python that allows me to retrieve any identification for a recorded voice based on prior data. For example: import voice_recorder import ...
plshelpmeout's user avatar
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How to make voice detection in python faster?

I have some voice detection code and it works! but, it runs really slowly. Can I do anything to make it faster? import speech_recognition import pyttsx3 recognizer = speech_recognition.Recognizer() ...
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Voice to text in python

Lets say I want to give input in Hindi or any other language in voice And it will give an output in English (text). How can I do that? What I know: I know how to transfer voice to text. E.g. ...
Subhajit's user avatar
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TypeError: speechtxt() takes 0 positional arguments but 1 was given

I am writing code for voice recognition I am run the program, I am getting TypeError problem. This is my code: import pyttsx3 import pyaudio import speech_recognition as sr import webbrowser import ...
user avatar
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Can I use the mic with a voice record ? Python

im working in a selenium project and i need use the mic into a website. But I need run an specific voice record into the mic. So when the project is running i need this, 1-Open the website 2-Use the ...
Martin Lackington's user avatar
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Loading a test set when extracting a d-vector - model wants the training set size

So I have to extract a d-vector (d-vector is the averaged activation from the last hidden layer of this DNN) of the taught model. I pass in a checkpoint from the last epoch and want to create a list ...
Moriyama Aiko's user avatar
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how to do speaker identification using voice?

I was wondering if you can detect s using their voice. For example, we give feed some data in our program like this is the voice of a cat and when it detects it, it says hello cat or something.
Kamran Aslam's user avatar
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I am making voice assistant in pycharm. It was working fine week ago but now it is showing assertion erorr from file

import pyttsx3 import speech_recognition as sr import datetime import wikipedia import webbrowser engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') voices = engine.getProperty('voices') engine.setProperty('voice', ...
Anuj Goel's user avatar
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How to display text on the screen it is said over the audio

As a personal project, I decided to create one of the reddit text-to-speech bot. I pulled all the data from reddit with praw import praw, random def scrapeData(subredditName): # Instantiate praw ...
jshel's user avatar
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I tried to make a virtual assistant using python, earlier it was only printing listening. Now it is browsing myntra's website for every command given

''' on executing the following code, when I am giving any instruction to this voice assistant : it is not printing whatever i am saying it is opening myntra's website for every instruction I am ...
AKSHIMA's user avatar
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Training Keras Model : Graph Execution Error (callbacks = callbacks)

Following the Deep Learning Cookbook, for voice recognition. On the last step, when the epochs start, the following code is breaking at callbacks = callbacks: history = model.fit_generator( generator=...
thelamp's user avatar
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Python Speechrecognizer

I'm currently working on my own voice assistant, but I often times have the problem that it's taking very long to answer/recognize that I'm not sayin anything. I already tried using: listener....
apokalipo's user avatar
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Exception: Failed to process waveform

Error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\Programming\New_assistant\", line 18, in <module> if rec.AcceptWaveform(data): File "C:\Users\david\...
DarMaster's user avatar
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Creating voice assistant in python and storing user's input

I have created a very simple voice assistant that listens to the user's input (more specifically, the user's story). Now, I want to create a function that stores the user's input - hereby, I have ...
Lea's user avatar
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Never ending batch in PyTorch

In short: training using the mutual information with a positive pair (two samples of same person) and one negative pair. Dont think the "how" is important here. I need pointers on how to get ...
Moriyama Aiko's user avatar
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TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable upon incorrect speech recognition

I'm working on a TTS/STT system for a school project and it was going well until I started getting this specific error whenever the code ran through the "Google Speech Recognition Does not ...
Daximus's user avatar
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Kivy Voice recognition is not converting speech to text

my code is recording voice, but for some reason google recognizer or sphinx not converting the voice to text. If i print the audio there is voice. the output is "Sorry, I did not get that" ...
ea hubs's user avatar
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Build a voice assistant to open the application with a path in the curly bracket

I wondered if I could add a lot of paths to open the application, but my code only opens the calculator when I ask to open chrome. It shows me like this The file /System/Applications/Google ...
Azfar Danish's user avatar
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Cannot Train Wav2vec XLSR Model With Common Voice Data

I am trying to train a transformer ASR model with wav2vec XLSR in the danish language, but whenever I try to pull the danish dataset with datasets library it's giving me an error.. Notebook link error ...
Siyam Fahad's user avatar
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower' when saying nothing in voice assistant

I am making a voice assistant in python but when i dont speak in it i get a error like this: Sorry, I could not Understand You! Traceback (most recent call last): File "g:\Python\", ...
Harsh's user avatar
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Loading data using hugging_face load_dataset from Common Voice is giving an error

I am working on a voice dataset using the Facebook Hugging Face_ transformer, but I am unable to load data from the Common Voice forum: from datasets import load_dataset, load_metric ...
amad durrani's user avatar
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Python return statement never reached but prints immediately before it

I am trying to call a take_command() function from The system prints the value right before the return call, but doesn't actually return the value to The take_command() function was ...
abristow's user avatar
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Python wakeup word for AI assistant

I have a voice assistant in python and can't add a wake word. When I execute the code it just keeps listening until I stop talkin then it shuts off I need to make it keep listening for a wake word and ...
Filip GG's user avatar
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Python Voice Transcription Missing Words / Phrases

I'm using a Google Voice Transcription Function from this package def find_speech_regions(filename,frame_width=10, min_region_size=1, max_region_size=5): # pylint: disable=too-many-locals "&...
MDorcelian's user avatar
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How do i get him to stay awake until I say goodbye?

Building my own voice assistant. After each command is given and response returned, I have to wake him again. I want him to be awake for all queries. stuck, please help. sorry if it seems vague. WAKE =...
Colin Peek's user avatar
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How to add timer in speech input in python?

I want to add the timer for the 10sec audio input import speech_recognition as r= Recognizer() with Microphone() as source: while(i==0): print('Say Something') audio = r....
Shubham Kumar's user avatar
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How to Create a new language model NLP? - Python

i use Google Api to transcript some audio files to text with Recognizer class. I found out there are limited numbers of languages available, and the most commonly and internationally used are part of ...
Nathanael Kazaka's user avatar
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What does tf.squeeze does to the audio and how can I load an mp3?

I'm using TensorFlow and I would like to be able to load audio and generate a spectrogram from it. I have little knowledge of how audio internally works. Currently, this is the code I'm using: import ...
João Marques's user avatar