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Vitest Stuck when running in a Docker Container

I would like to run the Vitest Unit tests of my Nuxt application on Github Actions in a Docker container, but the tests do not start, but get stuck on the output to be seen below. I'm currently ...
Leo Gall's user avatar
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How to mock multiple refs (and refs in general) in Nuxt?

I'm looking for a way to mock multiple refs (and refs in general) in Nuxt? I'm using Vitest and Nuxt test utils. About my Case: I want to test a SideBar.vue component. The component has multiple refs: ...
Leo Gall's user avatar
0 votes
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Nuxt registerendpoint also mocks child paths

I am just starting to write unit tests inside my nuxt project. now i have the problem that i have an endpoint path available which also has subpaths, like this: endpoint 1: /animal/dog endpoint 2: /...
Kieni's user avatar
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Failed to resolve import "#app/composables/script-stubs (Vitest)

I am receiving the error 'Failed to resolve import "#app/composables/script-stubs"' inside the .nuxt folder in the imports.d.ts file My code is like this and I've tried importing everything.....
Julio S's user avatar
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1 answer

Configuration Vitest in Nuxt 3

I have a large project made with Nuxt 3, Vue, Pinia, Axios, and TypeScript. I need help with configuring Vitest to work in my project. I've had many problems. For example, I wrote a test and it didn't ...
Julio S's user avatar
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3 answers

Mocking useStorage() using @nuxt/test-utils

The goal is to write a test for a function that uses KV storage, under the hood provided by Nitro, in the Nuxt app. On the client side useStorage() is automatically imported. When writing a test, ...
kotkifotki's user avatar
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Nuxt testing: detect child component events

I am trying to test a nuxt page with vitest. It has a child component toolbar which emits an event "on-click". When this event is triggered, the page calls a method "onClick". My ...
Auloma's user avatar
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Unit test error using 'Vitest, @nuxt/test-utils' (SyntaxError: At least one <template> or <script> is required for each file component. )

Objective: I want to test an API via useFetch from Vuetify components. Error occurrence: To achieve this goal, I've used '@nuxt/test-utils/runtime'. However, I encountered errors in the logs. To ...
Motoo's user avatar
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How to mock Supabase in Vitest?

I've got a Nuxt3 application that uses the @nuxtjs/supabase module for auth and storage, and am trying to add Vitest unit testing to it. In my app.vue, I have the following: <script lang="ts&...
J. Jackson's user avatar
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2 votes
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Warning about wrong type

I'm trying to use Vitest in a Nuxt3 + Vuetify3 project. I'm trying to start really simple, which is why my only test so far is mounting a component. The test passes, however, it's always throwing a ...
Adam Silva's user avatar
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Nuxt Vitest page unit testing with SSR: false

I am trying to performed End to End testing on my index.vue page according to the documentation. My project requires that SSR is false but, when disabled, my Vitest unit tests fail. This is my index....
Ali's user avatar
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ReferenceError for mocked modules in Vitest

I am just getting started with Vitest in a Nuxt app with Nitro and stuggling to getting the mocking right it seems as I keep getting ReferenceErrors. My spec aims at testing a module in the /server ...
Stf_F's user avatar
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Vitest testing components of a Nuxt.Js project (using primevue component library)

I am making a web application using Nuxt.js. I am fairly new to this framework. The component I have finished working on is a wizard component. This wizard is a modal that takes in an array of form ...
Iyanai M'pfunya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'parentNode') - router.push({})

I have recently upgraded my dependencies and now every time I click on my button to navigate to the next page (and thus triggers router.push({ path: getBaseRoute("next-route") }) it throws ...
I try so hard but I cry harder's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How to check if navigateTo was called in nuxt.js

I'm working on a Nuxt.js project and using Vitest for unit testing. I need to verify if the navigateTo function from Nuxt.js is called with a specific path in my tests. Here's the relevant part of my ...
quippe's user avatar
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Trouble with Nuxt Content Module, Vitest, nuxt unit test and Test Setup

I'm encountering issues while trying to set up unit tests for my Nuxt application using the Nuxt Content module and Vitest. Here's a breakdown of my situation: I have a Nuxt application using the Nuxt ...
Makar Vakulenko's user avatar
1 vote
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Error: Nuxt instance is unavailable! In Vitest with Nuxt environment

I'm busy implementing unit tests for our Nuxt application. Testing components that don't use any Nuxt modules run fine without any issues but testing a component with an installed Nuxt module throws ...
Gezzasa's user avatar
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Vitest - How do I assert that a flat function was called within a composable?

I'm working with Vitest and Nuxt 3. I am trying to assert that useHead() was called with a given argument from inside a custom-written composable. In Vitest, you can create a spy to assert that a ...
fronzee's user avatar
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Can't mock Vue composable function with vitest

In a Vue/Nuxt project, to separate the all the business logic and data, I have created a new function with the help of Vue composition api. The custom composable function will help me to do some ...
Saeem Osman's user avatar
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ReferenceError: toRefs is not defined

I am trying to use vitest with nuxt 3. Since,nuxt has auto-import feature I am not importing it but when I am writing unit test in vitest its giving me error ReferenceError: toRefs is not defined how ...
amisha's user avatar
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ReferenceError: definePageMeta is not defined

Description: In my vue 3 and nuxt 3 project, i'm using vitest for test. But i've a problem when i run test: ReferenceError: definePageMeta is not defined - /pages/client/login.vue:869:5 - /...
Phan Ly Huynh's user avatar
1 vote
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How to test that a vue component has rendered after a pinia state change?

I'm trying to write a unit test which checks whether a component has rendered when the pinia state has changed. I would expect that store.menuIsActive = true would mean that expect(toolbar.exists())....
crushen's user avatar
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How to setup unit tests for Nuxt3?

I created a new Nuxt3 app via npx nuxi init <project-name> and want to add unit tests. Based on the docs for testing I called npm install -D @nuxt/test-utils vitest and started with ./pages/foo....
baitendbidz's user avatar
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Vitest and nuxt 3 form submit testing

I got a form in a nuxt 3 app with three input fields. Here is how the submit function looks like: const submitForm = async () => { try { await $fetch("/api/contact", { ...
hatja's user avatar
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Vue-Test-Utils (Vitest) doesn't recognize Nuxt useRouter as a function

I am using Nuxt 3 on the current project at work. We just started writing tests (this is my first time doing that). I'm trying to test a component which has Nuxt useRouter and my basic test fails ...
AirKlisa's user avatar
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Testing in nuxt 3 (vitest/jest)

I have a nuxt 3.2.3 app and i want to test it. Nuxt is supporting both Jest and Vitest for testing, but i read somewhere that Vitest is the recommended one. On the other hand @nuxt/test-utils package ...
hatja's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Vitest setup auto-import for Nuxt and pinia

I'm trying to setup vitest + @vue/test-utils but I can't test some components that use ref(Vue) or useCookie (Nuxt), I have the same problem with Pinia as well where I import globally 2 functions in ...
DevWizard's user avatar
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7 votes
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nuxt3: how to test SSR page with form, useFetch() and pinia?

In my Nuxt3 project, I have a very basic login page which is SSR like the following: pages/login.vue <template> <form @submit.prevent="login"> <input ...
DengSihan's user avatar
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ERROR [worker reload] [worker init] Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'config')

I installed Nuxt3 with vuetify and Vitest: 1.install nuxt3 npx nuxi init [name-ap] //install nuxt3 app cd name-app npm i npm i vuetify@next sass 3. Create plugin for vuetify create new folder: '...
MDekker's user avatar
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3 answers

How to test a function that uses Nitro's useStorage

I have created a function that allows to manage caching. I use this function to cache the responses to API calls. export const cache = async (key: string, callback: Function) => { const ...
Nicolas Dos Santos's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

Vitest mock modules function in only one test and use the actual function in others

The following is an abstraction of my problem and thus does not make too much sense: Given I have a simple utility callMethodIf that's returning the return of another imported method (blackbox). ~~/...
floriankapaun's user avatar
9 votes
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Test a component with Vitest using useNuxtApp with Nuxt 3

I want to test a component using the useNuxtApp composable. This is the component(MyComponent.vue): <template> <div class="flex justify-between"> <span>{{ $fmt(12) }}&...
Adri HM's user avatar
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5 votes
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ReferenceError: computed is not defined on Vitest test suite

Description I'm migrating test suites from Jest to Vitest. But i've a problem when i run test suites, an error occurs when a component has a computed property. The common error is : ReferenceError: ...
superdunck's user avatar
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Nuxt Vitest Mock useRoute in another module

I am trying to write a test for the following Nuxt 3 composable (useLinkToSlug). import { computed } from 'vue'; export default function () { const route = useRoute(); return computed(() =>...
floriankapaun's user avatar
1 vote
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Aliases not resolved in vitest

I want to use aliases in tests files with vitest: import { describe, expect, it } from 'vitest' import Plan from '@/modules/Pricing/models/Plan' let plan: Plan describe('Plan model', () => { it(...
Adri HM's user avatar
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6 votes
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How would definePageMeta will be Mocked in Vitest?

I was trying Vitest to write UTs for my app which has Nuxt on the top of Vue. But I am getting definePageMeta as undefined when trying to mock test.vue. Here is my component test.vue - <script ...
CandleCoder's user avatar
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How to write unit test for components with vitest in Nuxt 3?

I'm trying to migrate from Vue 3 to Nuxt 3. I've written unit tests for my components using vitest which are working fine in my Vue app, but the same test in the Nuxt app give me the following error: ...
mo3n's user avatar
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How to use paths in vitest with Nuxt3?

I have nuxt3_rc_3 project and using vitest to test the utilities I wrote for project utils/index.ts imports few constants from ~~/config/constants While writing test in test/utils/index.test.ts I ...
itsmnthn's user avatar
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Testing Pinia store inside Nuxt3 with vitest throws `useRuntimeConfig` not defined

I am testing pinia store in nuxt3 app. Inside setup() of store I'm using useRuntimeConfig to get initial value for counter from public config variables and I got this error ReferenceError: ...
itsmnthn's user avatar
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