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Cannot create archive for publishing MAUI project in Visual Studio for Mac or Windows

I have a .NET MAUI project that I converted from Xamarin, it builds and debugs fine and all of the provisioning profiles are found. Ultimately I am trying to get it published on App Store Connect. ...
rgorr's user avatar
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.NET 8 on iMac doesn't install

Visual Studio 2022, Visual Studio for Mac and Visual Studio Code make me crazy when I have to deploy apps for iOS (and macOS). I have my .NET 8 MAUI application that is working on Windows and Android. ...
Enrico's user avatar
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No suitable test found in -path- Nunit - Visual Studio Mac

I am trying to use nunitTestAdapter in Visual Studio Mac, but when trying to debug a test I see the following error in Test tab(screenshot attatched): The operation failed due to an internal error, ...
Jaime Santos's user avatar
10 votes
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[VS MAC]Updating to .NET 8 all of my Maui projects display Error NETSDK1139: The target platform identifier ios was not recognized

Yesterday I updated from .NET 7.0 to .NET 8.0 following my colleague doing so and having it work immediately. For myself however, on both my VS Mac and my VS Windows I get the error Error NETSDK1139: ...
Ben Price's user avatar
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Waiting for the debugger to connect to Iphone ov port 10000 via usb - visual studio for mac maui

I am not very familiar with Mac as I do all my development in windows but I need to verify a functionality that only works on a mac and when running any project in mac I cannot connect to the debugger ...
developer9969's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac miss .net6 for .NET MAUI after update

After I updated my Visual Studio for Mac and installed .NET 8 preview, then I cannot create a MAUI with .NET 6. You can see from the following picture, I can only choose .NET7 or .NET8. [] Detailed ...
superhappy's user avatar
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How can I analyze the memory usage of my app built with Visual Studio Mac on iOS?

I built a .NET MAUI app using Visual Studio 2022 for Mac. The app appears to be getting jettisoned on physical iOS devices due to high memory usage as indicated in Jetsamevent reports. How can I view ...
cfischy's user avatar
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Passed parameter in ASP.NET Core 5 reactjs textfield to controller is always 0

I am new to React.js and ASP.NET Core 5 and I'm developing using Visual Studio Mac. I'm having this problem where the value being passed from text field to controller is always zero (0) even though I ...
ohayoouuuu's user avatar
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I can't compile a Visual Studio Solution with Blazor Client/Server/Shared projects and Xamarin App/App.iOS/App.Android projects

I would like to create a Visual Studio slution with 6 projects: Blazor.Client Blazor.Server Blazor.Shared XamarinApp XamarinApp.Android XamarinApp.iOS The first I did was create two individual ...
Asier Cayón Francisco's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 on Mac missing all simulation devices

I have Visual Studio 17.5.4 (build 8) installed on my Mac with OS Ventura 13.0.1 and Xcode version 14.3 The iOS simulation devices have all disappeared. I made a dummy project in Xcode and I am able ...
Shant Hagopian's user avatar
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Is there any option to add SpecFlow Extension on VisualStudio for MacOS?

Visual Studio for Mac has option to add extension from Visual Studio > Extensions... From the Extensions window, if I search Specflow and I see nothing is there. Is there any option to install ...
Funny Boss's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac Browser .Net Core code from SourceLink

I don't know if this feature is existing or not on vs for Mac but I'm asking myself if it's possible to browser .Net 6 source code when navigating through implementation of specific object or method ...
Guillaume D's user avatar
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What are the extensibility options for VS 2022 for Mac?

Trying to find information on VS 2022 for Mac extensibility but online docs only refer to the earlier MonoDevelop ide extensions pre 2022. On the VS 2022 for Mac blogs I cannot seem to add comments to ...
Frank's user avatar
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How to change tab size in Visual Studio 2022 for Mac?

I am using Visual Studio 2022 for Mac (currently v17.4). I want to change tab size as they are too big. I cannot see such option anywhere and even in the documentation it says it doesn't apply to ...
Wiktor's user avatar
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Another No iOS signing identities match the specified provisioning profile error question [.NET MAUI]

I know there are a million other questions for this error and I've tried pretty much all of them no avail. I try "Automatic Provisioning" as well as "Manual Provisioning" and ...
Sam's user avatar
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Publishing .NET MAUI app in Visual Studio for Mac

I'm using Visual Studio for Mac 17.4 (Build 2406) and trying to create a package that I can upload to AppStore. I'm not sure if we can now use Visual Studio to do this or we still need to use the ...
Sam's user avatar
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What does the orange angle-bracket file/navigator icon in VS Code mean?

I haven't had any issues with using Visual Studio until now, I am on a Mac, but until recently now when I load the app my files will have this angle backet as a icon in the tab name and list name. no ...
LOVΞFIЯΞ's user avatar
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How to install frameworks in Visual Studio for Mac after the initial installation

I have installed Visual Studio for Mac today but did not toggle .net thinking I would install it later as my internet connection was very slow. But now I can't find the place where to install .net ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Navigation has failed: takes to the assembly browser

I've been working on a mobile app using Xamarin.Forms in Visual Studio for Mac. I ran into a glitch that I have never encountered before. When I click on a button, which generates an event and ...
Jace's user avatar
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Set Xamarin Project Build Version in Visual Studio for Mac 17.0

Looks like Microsoft has changed a few things in Visual Studio for Mac 17.0. I can't find where I can set the build number for my project. I only see project version but the build number field seems ...
Sam's user avatar
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Cloning GitHub repository in Visual Studio for Mac 17.0

I tried cloning my GitHub repository using Visual Studio for Mac 17.0 and got the username/password screen. Once I entered them, I got an error message stating I need to use my Personal Access Token ...
Sam's user avatar
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What is the right macro for platform?

I'm trying to write a pre-build event script that must be able to adapt the the build platform (Windows / Mac / Azure DevOps image) in my case. So far I have found the $(Platform) macro but it returns ...
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Why are region headings blurry?

I recently migrated from visual studio code to visual studio (because vsc and unity wouldn't be friends), and my only gripe is minor, yet a major annoyance: Despite all other text looking fine and ...
Rexor4321's user avatar
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Visual studio for mac shows a small unwanted window

Recently i have been experiencing a weird issue with Visual studio for mac. While doing any development a small window appears out of no where on Visual studio and stays there. And i can't do any code ...
Mayank N's user avatar
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Visual Studio Mac - signing failed: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect

Weird problem. I am trying to compile and deploy a Xamarin forms app to the google appstore for android. I keep getting a "signing failed: Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect&...
Wallace B. McClure's user avatar
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Why can't Visual Studio fro Mac run node?

I've installed Visual Studio for Mac community 8.10.11 and created a new Project based on React + .net Core WebAPI. But If I try to run the app, I got /Users/xxx/Projects/yyy/yyy/yyy.csproj(5,5): ...
Gerrit's user avatar
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Is it possible to downgrade version of Visual Studio For Mac? [Due to an error with Hot Reload]

After the last update, VS for Mac Hot Reload stopped working. This greatly stops my work and the work of my team. Already contacted Microsoft Support, but did not receive any response. (Only ...
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How can I convert a Visual Studio theme in .vsix format to .vsettings for use on Visual Studio Mac 2019?

I'm trying to use this port of the Night Owl theme from Visual Studio Code on Visual Studio 2019 for my Mac. I had no issues downloading and installing this theme on the Windows version of VS 2019, ...
Ginger and Lavender's user avatar
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Install extensions on Visual Studio 2017 Mac

I'm running the 2017 version of Visual Studio on my mac and I can't find any of the extensions that I need (that are available on windows). To get to the extensions I've done this: visual studio ...
AKang123.'s user avatar
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Why is only "Generic Simulator" showing and the menu item "iOS and Mac" grayed out in Visual Studio for Mac?

I am using Visual Studio for Mac and I am wondering why is the menu item "iOS and Mac" disabled under main menu Tools. And also my iPhone Simulator is not showing up to deploy an iOS app in ...
zawhtut's user avatar
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Xamarin.Forms: Nothing happens when I try migrate to AndroidX by Visual Studio

I am trying to migrate my project to AndroidX using the Visual Studio for Mac, but when I use the option on the interface (like suggesting on microsoft documentation) nothing happens. I find some ...
André Smaniotto's user avatar
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How to stop Visual Studio on Mac breaking on exceptions

Short Version Can I tell Visual Studio 2019 for Mac to stop breaking on exceptions? It's very annoying Long Version I am using Visual Studio 2019 on a Mac. I'm trying to run some Appium automation in ...
Swats's user avatar
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How to make Visual Studio on Mac break on error line instead of breaking in the main class?

When I'm debugging my project and I encounter a runtime error the debugger stops on the main line instead of the error line. using AppKit; namespace Project { static class MainClass { ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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Visual Studio: How to turn off "String Defination" popup/tooltip

I have updated Visual Studio on my Mac system a few months ago and having some annoying large "String Defination" popup when i try to select any string. These are really annoying and i have ...
user6159419's user avatar
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How do I add an Apple class to a project in Visual Studio for Mac

I have a really tough question. How would I add a class in Visual Studio for Mac? More specifically, how do I reference any class? I'm going through the instructions here. It says there is an Audio ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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Getting System.Net.Sockets.SocketException "Can't assign requested address" on Visual Studio for Mac (2019)

I'm running multiple .net core API projects in Visual studio 2019 for Mac. The 1st project get started. But other are failing. Error screen shot
Janith Chirantha's user avatar
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The Visual Studio for Mac compile error: Your project file doesn't list 'win' as a "RuntimeIdentifier"

This error started occuring when I modified the .csproj contents. But after that i restored the original version. The error still persists, actually with no sensible reason. /Library/Frameworks/Mono....
Mondonno's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2019 for Mac lacks Xamarin.Android

I am trying to install Visual Studio for Mac 2019 with Xamarin, following the instructions here. All goes seemingly well, I do select Xamarin (in this case it's grayed out because this is not my first ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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Unable to upload Xamarin.ios solution to TestFlight cause of following error:

We have an update scheduled for our iOS app which needs to be uploaded to TestFlight first. Hovever, just out of nowhere, the following error keeps preventing Visual Studio from uploading the solution ...
JvBrecht's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2019 Fails to connect to Mac's installed Visual Studio for Mac after update "No SDK found at specified location"

Before updating my PC's Visual Studio 2019 (v16.8) I was able to build Xamarin apps and connect to my Mac without issue. After updating to Visual Studio 2019 (v16.9), VS went through the normal ...
Ken's user avatar
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Upgrading a Xamarin .net standard 2.0 solution to .net core or .net 5 options / path?

We have a .net standard 2.0 Xamarin solution with iOS and Android projects. On a slightly unrelated note, I've been trying unsuccessfully to fix some warnings, which recommends upgrading .net core. ...
Jules's user avatar
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Could not add Razor View using a layout page on macOS in ASP.NET application

I am using Visual Studio for Macos. I need to add Razor View, but the use a layout page option in windows does not appear for me. How can I see the Use a layout page section? Thanks in advance.
Sum's user avatar
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Is it possible to deploy xamarin.forms ios to iphone without apple developer accaunt?

I want to test my xamarin.forms application on my Iphone 11 pro witout Apple developer accaunt I try this but it nor work create swift app with xcode and use same bundle identifier from my xamarin....
Tonikyan's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac exits while Build of React-Template with return code 127 cause Node not found

I've created a blank React-Redux project on my Big Sur Mac with Visual Studio (not Code). Then I tried to build it but build process ends with /Users/xxx/Development/TimeCounter/TimeCounter/...
Gerrit's user avatar
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Cannot run .NET Core app in command line on Mac

So I'm new to .NET and am working on a command line app. I need to test out passing arguments, which I suppose is impossible to do within Visual Studio. So when I go to OS X terminal and go to project ...
SuperNormalDev's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac: Hide DLL loads from Application Output

Is it possible to stop Visual Studio for Mac from filling the Application Output window with all the DLLs it has loaded? On Windows I can right click in the window and uncheck 'Module Load Messages'. ...
software_writer's user avatar
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.net-core3.1 on Visual Studio for Mac: Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint

On my Mac, Visual Studio throws this error when I try to run a .net core project. System.InvalidOperationException: "Unable to configure HTTPS endpoint. No server certificate was specified, and ...
Leo's user avatar
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ConfigurationBuilder().AddEnvironmentVariables() not working on Mac

Having this issue with visual studio for Mac - Can't load my configured environment variables. If i run the app from a Terminal it works, but it doesn't if i run it from Visual Studio for Mac. I added ...
Rafa's user avatar
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How to set an Embedded Resource property with VS Build Configurations?

I'm using Visual Studio for Mac. I found this which describes how you can setup a secondary ...
Jules's user avatar
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Xamarin.AndroidX build error in release mode

I have a Xamarin Forms project for iOS and Android. The iOS app builds in both Debug and Release, but the Android app is not building in Release mode. I can build and run it in Debug fine, but I get ...
Austin's user avatar
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