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2 answers

Why .net 8 is not list in the target framework in VS 2022 - MacOs

Target framework 8 is not listing in the visual studio 2022 (17.6.1) version even after installing the .net 8 in my Mac machine. it still showing only 7 I was installed .net 8 and corresponding ...
AnbuArunmozhi's user avatar
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2 answers

Maui dotnet 8 works with dotnet build - not inside visual studio for mac 17.6.7

i have a Maui solution I upgraded from dotnet 7 to dotnet 8 it fails in visual studio for mac 17.6.7 on dotnet command line it builds just fine. Can i make this so;ution build inside moc visual studio?...
Mark Wardell's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Unable to run MAUI project on Visual Studio Mac

I have a MAUI project that runs on a Windows Device fine on a windows machine in Visual Studio 2022. Having great difficulty getting it to communicate with my Mac though, so have pulled the code onto ...
Matthew Warr's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

[VS MAC]Updating to .NET 8 all of my Maui projects display Error NETSDK1139: The target platform identifier ios was not recognized

Yesterday I updated from .NET 7.0 to .NET 8.0 following my colleague doing so and having it work immediately. For myself however, on both my VS Mac and my VS Windows I get the error Error NETSDK1139: ...
Ben Price's user avatar
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Is there any Alternative Package Available for ZXing.Net.Mobile while Migrating From Xamarin IOS to .NET 7 IOS?

I can see my Existing Barcode Scan Package(ZXing.Net.Mobile - 2.4.1) does not support .Net 7 IOS Platform. I ve been using this for Xamarin IOS earlier. Now after Migration its not supporing. I was ...
Tanmay Kanekar's user avatar
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Visual Studio 2022 17.8 Preview 2 for Mac (m1) - with .NET core 8 support?

I would like to do some web development on my M1 mac machine, with ASP .NET core 8, but it seems like I am not able to find a Visual Studio version, that allows me to do so. I was expecting to see a ...
jm''s user avatar
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Xamarin.forms iOS app signed with invalid signature when deploying in debug on device

Steps to Reproduce Set Apple signing to automatic with correct team for app bundle id Build and run to actual ios device Expected Behavior App built and signed and debugging on ios device. Actual ...
Bishokouts's user avatar
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1 answer

Visual Studio for Mac build error Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/4.5/aspnet_compiler.exe is invalid

I'm trying to build a solution in Visual Studio (2022) for Mac and getting this error Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/6.12.0/lib/mono/4.5/aspnet_compiler.exe is invalid. The project's ...
missingsemicolon's user avatar
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Populating the properties of a Picker based on a complex object/model

I'm trying to rebuild a web-application in MAUI. There is a select-element with 3 different string values. This input field relates to the property of an object which has the type int. My question ...
fonzane's user avatar
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Visual Studio Mac NETSDK1005

I have an existing project with UnitTests. When I build the unittests on my laptop, Macbook M1, I get the following error: Error NETSDK1005: Assets file 'project.assets.json' doesn't have a target ...
Niels's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac 2022 "Go to Definition" in "using" lines doesn't work

I created a simple console project with the following: using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace JsonExample { public class Program { public static void Main() { // Create ...
Manish Zacharias's user avatar
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How to install frameworks in Visual Studio for Mac after the initial installation

I have installed Visual Studio for Mac today but did not toggle .net thinking I would install it later as my internet connection was very slow. But now I can't find the place where to install .net ...
Adnan's user avatar
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.Net MAUI iOS only supports later version (iOS 16)

I am running Visual Studio for Mac Preview v17.4 with MAUI workload, but when I try to run the hello world app on my iOS 15 device I get an error to downgrade to a lower version but I can't do so in ...
Sami Ben's user avatar
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Error building .NET MAUI apps in Visual Studio for Mac Preview

I've downloaded the latest version of Visual Studio for Mac Preview and attempting to create a .NET MAUI app. I'm not able to build and run the solution as "The solution requires .NET SDK ...
Bhav's user avatar
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Visualize Project Dependencies in Visual Studio for Mac?

I'm using Visual Studio for Mac, and I want to create a picture of our numerous .NET C# Projects that visually shows the dependency graph. It appears I can do this in Visual Studio (for Windows) with ...
Michael R's user avatar
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3 answers

How to easily share code between iOS and Mac Catalyst in .net 6?

I'm in the process of upgrading a Xamarin Native solution to run on .net 6 using SDK style multi-targetted projects. As I understand it, there are two ways of writing platform-dependent code: a) Code ...
bright's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac Preview unable to connect to Android debugger

I am attempting to debug a Xamarin.Forms application on an Android device (a recent Samsung Galaxy, but noted on other devices as well). When I build and launch the application from Visual Studio for ...
steve richey's user avatar
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Unable to load dynamic library in a .NET app on Linux

Unable to load dynamic library on Linux I built a project on Mac OS and the output was a and libmylibrary.dylib files. I copied the .dylib into a Visual Studio Console project and was ...
Sahil Khanna's user avatar
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Can I debug codes in .a library?

For example, I have two projects let's say project A and project B. I have the source code of project A and project B. Then in my project A, there are some .a files made by project B. Project A use ...
nevermore's user avatar
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Install extensions on Visual Studio 2017 Mac

I'm running the 2017 version of Visual Studio on my mac and I can't find any of the extensions that I need (that are available on windows). To get to the extensions I've done this: visual studio ...
AKang123.'s user avatar
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ASP .NET framework option not showing after downloaded Mono on Visual Studio 2019 for Mac

I've been on this for 3 days already and I have no idea why it doesn't work like everyone else's. I have a Visual Studio 2019 for Mac installed, and since I would like to use ASP .NET Frameworks (Web ...
Yvette's user avatar
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How can I get VS for Mac to recognize that I have .NET Core 5.06 SDK installed? I may have installed the binaries wrong

I've been trying to work with Xamarin on VS for Mac but when I try to build something it throws this error: Error: .NET Core 5.06 SDK is required to build this application, and is not installed. ...
CuriousCarnivore's user avatar
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The Visual Studio for Mac compile error: Your project file doesn't list 'win' as a "RuntimeIdentifier"

This error started occuring when I modified the .csproj contents. But after that i restored the original version. The error still persists, actually with no sensible reason. /Library/Frameworks/Mono....
Mondonno's user avatar
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Cannot run .NET Core app in command line on Mac

So I'm new to .NET and am working on a command line app. I need to test out passing arguments, which I suppose is impossible to do within Visual Studio. So when I go to OS X terminal and go to project ...
SuperNormalDev's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac: Hide DLL loads from Application Output

Is it possible to stop Visual Studio for Mac from filling the Application Output window with all the DLLs it has loaded? On Windows I can right click in the window and uncheck 'Module Load Messages'. ...
software_writer's user avatar
2 votes
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Visual Studio mac 2019 (Community) - PresentationCore - Assembly not found for .Net Framework 4

I'm working on an existing solution at work that was written in C# targeting .NET Framework 4 in Visual Studio 2019 for Windows. I'm attempting to open the project on my MacBook Pro (running Catalina ...
Patrick Willmann's user avatar
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Cannot publish my Web Forms Project (ASP.NET) from my Mac

I need to publish my project to my FTP server, but I can't find how to publish it in Visual Studio for Mac. Does anyone know where is the "Publish" button?
katherine uriarte's user avatar
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Can't copy obj/Debug/program.exe.manifest, wont compile on MacOS (Visual Studio). How do I generate the .exe and subsequent manifest file?

The problem can be replicated by pulling the OrchardCMS from Git at and then attempting to build the Orchard.Web solution on Visual Studio 2019 within a MacOS ...
ChewySalmon's user avatar
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Is there a DllMap equivalent for MSBuild

So I'm trying to write a C# app on Mac OS Mojave using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition. I'm using a library called SFML.Net. There's a C binding called CSFML. It seems that SFML.Net uses the ...
rcplusplus's user avatar
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Visual Studio Mac - Generate Deps file Failed

I tried to run .Net Core application in Visual Studio Mac. DB migration worked successfully. But the following error is popping up. Can anyone help me to solve this. /usr/local/share/dotnet/sdk/2.2....
sinthu225's user avatar
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How do I deploy my cli program with custom library with visual studio for mac from the command line?

I am working on a Mac with Visual Studio Mac (==latest) and macOS Mojave (==latest,too). My boss told me to rewrite a simple windows cli program to become platform independent, so I wrote a ...
Robert's user avatar
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Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2.Responses.TokenResponseException: invalid_grant, Robot is disabled

I am using Visual Studio for Mac for a .NET Console C# project using Google Speech API. I am getting an error that says: Grpc.Core.RpcException: 'Status(StatusCode=Unavailable, Detail="Getting ...
daniel's user avatar
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How to fix: No executable found matching command "dotnet-dslc"?

I am conducting a literature survey for my thesis and was trying PROSE SDK by Microsoft. However, whenever I try to build the dependencies of the project from their sample [repo] (
Asos's user avatar
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Replacing class reference from "built-in" assembly with out-of-band assembly using Visual Studio 2019 Preview for Mac

Background: I'm currently trying to use EF6 to connect to a MySQL database and am searching for a resolution to an error message about a type not being able to be loaded from an assembly. I believe I'...
Becca's user avatar
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Visual Studio Mac 2017 - Detected package downgrade: Microsoft.AspNetCore.App 2.1.3 to 2.1.1

I keep getting this error when trying to run my code in Visual Studio 2017 for Mac. The code builds and runs fine in Visual Studio 2017 for Windows, and I can also run it fine in VS Code with the C# ...
Rick Hopkins's user avatar
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On .NET Core 2, Mac OS, Visual Studio for Mac using MySQL: ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero

I'm suffering to do an simple test on .NET Core on MacOS. I created a table on MySQL: CREATE TABLE USER ( ID BIGINT(20) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, USERNAME VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, ...
Jean J. Michel's user avatar
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Visual Studio for Mac not able to compile any project. The SDK 'Microsoft.NET.Sdk' specified could not be found

I am setting up a new Xamarin development environment on a MacOS High Sierra 10.13.4 First I installed XCode, then Visual Studio for Mac, then Android Studio I wanted to test a simple hello world on ...
jose luis gonzalez clua's user avatar
9 votes
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.Net Core - Building to release does not copy NUGET dependencies

I have a console .net core app. It references a few nuget packages. Now that it's ready to deploy, when i'm building to release, the nuget references are not coming along so i'm getting a bunch of ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Why is .NET Framework a valid build target when using VS for Mac

Using Visual Studio for Mac 7.3.3, why am I able to create solutions that target .NET Framework 4.x? Reproduction steps: (file->new solution->other->.NET->Console Project) or (file->new solution->...
Anonymous's user avatar
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ASP.Net Async MVC controller function causes Razor View Engine error

I am having issues with an asynchronous ASP.Net MVC controller method. I have a controller with one view that returns on a HttpGet to '/home' route. It works fine synchronously, but i wanted to test ...
Jake Leveroni's user avatar
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Can not find compilation library location for package 'Newtonsoft.Json'

Using Visual Studio for Mac (Community 7.3), I am trying to run the sample project from's "Learning ASP.NET Core MVC" Chapter 3 which introduces "Render HTML with Razor". I builds find but ...
Nik Edmiidz's user avatar
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How can I change the target framework in Visual studio for Mac?

I want to set the target framework in Visual Studio for Mac because of this problem: The referenced component 'xxxx' not found for framework .NET Framework 4.6.1
xiaokang's user avatar
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Xamarin/Visual Studio on Mac - iPhone - Not able to list X509Store certificates

Environment Device: . iPhone6s Development Environment: .net Standard 1.5, Visual Studio on Mac Community Version 7.2.2 (build 7), Xamarin I have the following code to get/list Certificates that are ...
user1811107's user avatar
15 votes
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Dependencies not flowing between dependent projects, causing System.IO.FileNotFoundException

Let's say my solution has 2 projects: The first called "MainProject" (A .NETStandard 2.0 project). The second called "MainProjectTests" (A NUnit test project) with some unit tests for each class into ...
Bruno Peres's user avatar
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Azure & VS Mac, SSL

I am currently migrating my MVC .NET Core project from Windows Visual Studio 2017 to Visual Studio for Mac. I host my database on Azure and I get the following error. SSL encryption for data sent ...
Giorgos Neokleous's user avatar
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How to make MSBuild correctly track files generated with an external tool across referenced projects?

I have MSBuild code that takes files with a particular Build Action (CompileFoo in this example) and generates output files (with a different extension). This is the code I have so far: <Target ...
Andrew Russell's user avatar
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allow non local/ remote connections in Visual Studio 2017 for Mac with a .net MVC application

I am trying to see if I can hit a local application running on my Mac running osx 10.12.5 on a modernIE windows virtual machine running on Parallels (this instance of Parallels is running on the same ...
Frank Visaggio's user avatar
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"type does not exist in the namespace" error even though I added a project reference

I have a Visual Studio Mac solution solution with 2 projects - a NUnit test project and a .net standard library. I am getting compile-time errors in my test project referencing members from the .net ...
MonkeyBonkey's user avatar
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Cannot find namespace Microsoft.Azure in Visual Studio Mac

I'm trying out to create a simple DocumentDb hello world program and am getting type or namespace name 'Azure' does not exist in namespace 'Microsoft' using Microsoft.Azure I added the DocumentDb ...
MonkeyBonkey's user avatar
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How to Setup/Configure nginx server for dotnet project (csproj)?

I am new to dotnet and with nginx. I have moved my dontnet project on Mac (Visual studio mac preview), so in mac i dont have ISS. So, trying ISS alternative like nginx or apache. Need info - How ...
Sandeep's user avatar
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