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Customized printf printing garbage values [closed]

I have written customized printf called 'cprintf' which is a variadic function . int cprintf (const char* format, ...) { int i; va_list args; int msg_len; tlv_struct_t *tlv; bool patt_rc = false; ...
Abhishek Sagar's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Variadic arguments vs. upcasting arguments

The overloaded variadic version of a function is supposed to have the lowest priority, when the compiler chooses a template specialization. However, this is not the case when a function argument has ...
Tiramisu's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

How to properly forward non template, variadic arguments in C/C++ under MSVC

I am trying to forward non-template variadic arguments between two functions. None of those functions is mine so I can't change their signatures. I used va_args for that purpose but (unluckily) my ...
Johny Siemano Kolano's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I pass different data types in a variadic function, with parameter folds?

Edit: Reformatting the entire question Making a Linked List lib, and I wanted to pass through multiple values in order to make the appending of items easier, so I created some Variadic Functions, ...
Gursimranjit's user avatar
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C++17: explicit first template parameter before variadic template

I am trying to write a generic class for a symmetric bloc matrix of arbitrary dimension. Only the upper triangular part is given: A B C D E F so the number of blocks is n*(n+1)/2 where n is the ...
Charlie Vanaret's user avatar
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Type Parameter Packs: how to return a tuple instead of an array?

To begin with I have this code, which works totally fine: protocol ComponentAccessible {} extension ComponentAccessible { func components<each T>(_ keyPaths: repeat KeyPath<Self, each T&...
Roman's user avatar
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Convert `(String, Int)...` variadic parameter function to Dictionary for ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral

I have objects that are currently initialized via one-parameter init functions that take an Array or Dictionary. I've realized that I can use ExpressibleByArrayLiteral and ...
pkamb's user avatar
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Confusion about type deduction in variadic templates

I have a class with multiple constructors, one being variadic and one taking an additional callable before the variadic arguments. However, the objects I create result in overload resolutions I dont ...
Philipp317's user avatar
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4 answers

Variadic function pointer in C

I want to implement a function that take a function and its arguments then call it. I have search a lot and could not implement it with variadic function. I want a clean way to record stdio after ...
Saeedou's user avatar
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Variadic Generics vs. Value and Type Parameter Packs in Swift

There are two evolution proposals: Variadic Generics and Value and Type Parameter Packs. So... what is the difference? They feel conceptually very similar. The second one, with super heavy syntax, is ...
Roman's user avatar
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"some" keyword with variadic parameter in Swift

protocol myProtocol {} func doSomething(with params: (some myProtocol)...) { // Implementation goes here } extension Int: myProtocol {} doSomething(with: 1, 2, 3) Compilation error at the func ...
Roman's user avatar
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Achieve the opposite of __VA_OPT__ in variadic preprocessor function-like macros

How can I achieve the opposite effect of VA_OPT(), expanding only, if there are no variadic arguments in VA_ARGS. Something like VA_NOT_OPT(). Example: #define MY_MACRO(...) __VA_NOT_OPT__(default) ...
Martin Fehrs's user avatar
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How does one parse argument values from a function with a varying arguments signature?

I have a function called "Time", it accepts from 0 to 6 arguments. function Time(year,month,day,hour,minutes,options) { } Parameters month, day, hour and minutes cannot be defined if the ...
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equivalent implementation of C++20 variadic capture

Out of pure curiosity, while watching C++ weekly ep 171 I was wondering how variadic capture could be implemented, so I merely "asked" cppinsight. Here is the input snippet: #include <...
Oersted's user avatar
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C++17: pass multiple callable objects together with their parameters

I would like to write a function (C++17 if that matters) that accepts multiple callable objects together with their arguments and executes them in a loop. I would also like to avoid any intermediate ...
TruLa's user avatar
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Passing variadic arguments to a method once object is constructed

I'm trying to build a template class that once constructed with its variadic arguments has its member functions use these arguments without the user having to manually insert them back. This code (...
Marco Tullio's user avatar
2 votes
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Variadic zip over iterables in TypeScript

I'm trying to write a variadic zip over iterables while also preserving type. For example, function* naturals(max=10) { for (let i=0; i<max; i++) yield i } const x = [1, 2, 3] const y = ["a&...
Meow's user avatar
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Metal Shader function with variadic arguments, called from SwiftUI?

My app requires to render a field strength in a SwiftUI View, i.e. to assign a color with a coordinate dependent opacity to each point of the View. This can be done using Canvas, as described here, ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
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Composition For WithOptions Pattern in Golang

In golang there's a pretty cool pattern for variadic options as CallSomeStaff(mandatoryArg, WithSomeVariadicOption(val1), WithOtherVariadicOption(val2)) But what is the best/intended practice (or at ...
404's user avatar
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How can I write a Publishers.CombineLatest that uses variadic generics in Swift 5.9?

Now that Swift 5.9 includes support for variadic generics, I was hoping to get a Publishers.CombineLatest implementation using it, but there isn't one. I figure we can make our own, but I don't even ...
Hilton Campbell's user avatar
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suppress warning "left operand of comma operator has no effect" [duplicate]

In the following code, a array with repeated elements is created using a fold expression: #include <array> #include <utility> template <std::size_t N> class A { int m_x; public:...
francesco's user avatar
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C++ return type depending on the number of function arguments

I have the following struct: #define vec std::vector struct A { std::mt19937 rng; std::uniform_real_distribution<double> U; A(){} A(int sed) { rng.seed(sed); U = std::...
user2961927's user avatar
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vsprintf() does not print warning when having more arguments then specified in format

I was trying the create an error check while creating logs, with a simple logging mechanism. I observed that it is possible use vfprintf(), that it does not print any warning at compile time, that too ...
MrSaiba's user avatar
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Initializing variadic-template-constructed tuple of types with constructor requiring an argument

I apologize already having asked a similar question here when I should have modified the question I asked first. I have the class Level which constructor requires an argument. Using variadic templates ...
Astor's user avatar
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Wrapping a Call to Spdlog Inside a Variadic Macro

I am using the spdlog library in a C++20 project using modules. I've encapsulated spdlog inside my singleton logger class because I don't want spdlog exposed to clients in case I swap it out for a ...
Todd Burch's user avatar
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Golang Generic+Variadic Function

In Golang having a number of functions of some generic type type Transformer[A, B any] func(A)(B, error) How to define a Generic Variadic high order function that could compose such functions in ...
404's user avatar
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Unpacking Variadic Parameter Pack of Enums

Update: Edited to fix compilation in working example. I want to do something like the following so the function can take in both a list of the enum class instances or a struct that holds them, but the ...
AlethicSupporter's user avatar
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I want to make a variadic template constructor that only accepts type T and one that only accepts non type T (c++)

I do not know how to do it and everything I try just doesn't work and I just can't know why. Here's what I am trying: template <typename T, typename... Args > concept IsSameType = std::...
Chris's user avatar
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Variadic Generics in Delphi?

Context Trying to have a generic "Observer" pattern in Delphi, I managed to make something working: TObserver = class protected FSubject: TSubject; public constructor Create(); ...
Adrian Maire's user avatar
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Create a map of member functions with variadic arguments [duplicate]

I have a class with (private) functions and different arguments. I want to put these into a map and then call them with a single function that accepts variadic arguments. I am fine to have a ...
merula's user avatar
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Variadic function is behaving strangely [closed]

I am trying to understand what is wrong with my variadic function. For some reason it breaks all the variadic arguments, except the second and the third. The function looks correct according to the ...
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Inheriting variadic constructor marked __attribute__((format(printf, ...)))

The following code compiles in clang but not in gcc: #include <cstdarg> #include <iostream> struct Base { Base(const char* fmt, ...) __attribute__((format(printf, 2, 3))) { va_list ...
dshin's user avatar
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How to write a variadic Rust macro that forwards to the vec! macro?

In Rust 2021, I have a struct type called Intersection, and I wish to store it in a variable length list, so probably a Vec<Intersection>. I can easily construct a new container with: #[derive(...
davidA's user avatar
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Cartesian product of n ranges

I am rewriting a python program into rust and I am struggling to translate this line: itertools.product(range(0,8), repeat=n) What I am trying to achieve is something like this:
artemetra's user avatar
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Generic Variadic Types in Python3+ class definition

I haven't used Python in a while. I'm implementing a simple stack: class Stack: def __init__(self): self.stack = [] def push(self, val) -> None: self.stack.append(val) ...
weyj4's user avatar
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How must a function pointer be defined, which points to a function with variadic arguments

The goal is to have logging, both under Arduino / espressif platform and native. C++ 11 is used. For example: logx("Text val1: %d, val2: %u", a, 123); ------> 20:24:27.237 > [ 26][D]...
eismeraldo's user avatar
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5 answers

Null-terminating a list of arguments for a C variadic function

I'm messing around with variadic functions in C to learn how they work, and am trying to build a simple 'print lines' function without requiring manual counting of the lines. I'm doing this by ...
P...'s user avatar
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C++ Paramater pack expansion over chained function calls

It is common for libraries to have types which return instances of themselves from member functions to encourage chaining calls. For example, nlohmann json: auto my_data = my_json_object["first ...
xzaton jw's user avatar
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How to iterate over a template-less variadic in C++

I was under the impression that I don't need a template in order to use variadics in C++. So in the following class, I have a method that accepts a variadic as its second variable. Now my question is: ...
Injenye Lojik's user avatar
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Error with variadic templates function: candidate expects 0 arguments, 3 provided

I'm trying to write a static variadic templates constructor for my class. But I'm not so experienced in variadic templates and get an error. I wrote the following code: template <typename T> ...
ralex's user avatar
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Trying to replicate printf behaviour about variadic paramenters

I'm trying to replicate some printf functionality for education purposes, but I've encountered some printf behavior that I'm unable to understand. I'll try explaining with a simple example: have this ...
Lineath's user avatar
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How to prefix __VA_ARGS__ elements in a macro

Is it possible to prefix each element of variadic parameters with something else? #define INPUTS(...) ??? Function(INPUTS(a, b, c)) should become Function(IN a, IN b, IN c)
M.kazem Akhgary's user avatar
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Suppressing warnings for a printf-like function in C++

I have a legacy logging printf-like function in C: namespace legacy { void DoLog(const char* format,...); } If is only visible if a corresponding macro is defined (this is legacy too): #ifdef LOG ...
DumbStudent2016's user avatar
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Trying to construct a vector from initializer list using std::make_unique()

I struggle to understand the code below. Why can v2 be constructed from an initializer list, but v3 fails? #include <vector> #include <memory> int main() { auto v1 = std::make_unique<...
user2107184's user avatar
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Tuple, array or vector of vectors as argument of a function

I want to be able to provide vectors as arguments from an array of vectors to a macro iproduct!, which accepts varying numbers of arguments (all arguments must be Iterator element type). Most ...
Carlos_G's user avatar
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Using a custom type with va_arg

mystruct_t v = va_arg(a_list, mystruct_t); Is this okay (using a custom data type that's >= the size of an int) as far as C specs go?
Edwin Skeevers's user avatar
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Is there a standard for saving caller saved registers from within variadic functions?

I'm exploring variadic functions, particularly the assembly it gets compiled to. Let's imagine we have a variadic function which calls a function from within it. With reference to the example file ...
Pack Yak1's user avatar
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Specify Order of Variadic Generic Arguments for Variable Parameters in TypeScript

I'm trying to do something that feels absurd, but I've gotten so close I feel it must be possible, I just can't quite get it. I'm trying to create a generic function type such that assigning the ...
JMA's user avatar
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calling class function based on variadic function arguments resulting an error

Facing some compilation errors when using the below example with a variable number of arguments & need some help to find some solution or some better approach. I am trying to initialize the class ...
user2621476's user avatar
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Why does passing a dictionary as part of *args give us only the keys?

The setup Let's say I have a function: def variadic(*args, **kwargs): print("Positional:", args) print("Keyword:", kwargs) Just for experiment's sake, I call it with the ...
Siyana Pavlova's user avatar

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