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2 answers

WPF Can't Remove Red Border from UserControl

I've built a simple login page and when invalid input is detected, a red border is drawn around the usercontrol. Here is my layout code: <UserControl x:Class="WPFTest.UI.Views.EmptyLayout&...
George Fabish's user avatar
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WPF validation error style in reuseable UserControl?

I have made a reusable UserControl in my WPF application that has a Textbox (and in the real project other components) inside of it. I'm using Fluent Validation with INotifyDataErrorInfo to validate ...
hablahat's user avatar
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Show UserControl as invalid when DependencyProperty is invalid

I have user control which works as a vendor selector. It displays the currently selected vendor name and uses a button to display a vendor selection dialog. <PO:VendorSelector VendorId="{...
user3326308's user avatar
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WPF UserControl: Client-side validation of TargetType for custom styles?

I have a UserControl for multi-purpose use. For the sake of simplicity, I'll show you the control first: <UserControl x:Class="CompetitionAgent.View.UserControls.ExpandingButtonGrid" ...
DerpyNerd's user avatar
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WPF. Understanding error validation inside a UserControl with MVVM

I'm trying to validate a form in a UserControl element that is being used by another UserControl that is inside a Window. I'm using MVVM pattern and i'm implementing the INotifyDataErrorInfo in the ...
MorgoZ's user avatar
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Accessing Validation Errors in a UserControl

I created a WPF (.Net 4) UserControl containing some ComboBoxes and a TextBox. In XAML, some ValidationRules are bound to the TextBox. If the TextBox contains invalid data, a red frame is shown, and ...
Bernhard Hiller's user avatar
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Issue with WPF validation(IDataErrorInfo) and loading User control Dynamically

I have a user control and i use (IDataErrorInfo) for validation the problem is when i load User control Dynamically the validation not appears for the first time but when i load it in design time it ...
am shammout's user avatar
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bind user control to contentcontrol validation rules not firing

I have many user controls and i have main window which contains a content control and list box when user select from list box i bound the selected user control to the content control the problem is ...
am shammout's user avatar
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How to remove Validation Display Error box shown on top in wpf?

In my wpf user control, I have a text box with an error validation box. and it works fine. but when I reduce screen size, the error box comes top to next panel aside the text box, when the text box ...
FM Plus's user avatar
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Validation.ErrorTemplate not shown

I have a MainWindow and a UserControl. The MainWindow shows the UserControl. The UserControl itself following the MVVM pattern and implements the IDataErrorInfo Interface in the ViewModel. This works ...
teekkari's user avatar
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WPF - Style validation error of UserControl

I have implemented validation within my application using DataAnnotations and INotifyDataError and can successfully show when an error occurs and what the error is. I wish to change the default error ...
user1370257's user avatar
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ErrorTemplate showing for the user control and not the text box within it! How to fix?

There are similar questions to this one on here however I have tried the mentioned solutions to no avail! Let me just run you through the setup - I have a model which implements IDataErrorInfo, a ...
Sam's user avatar
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Validated Textbox in a UserControl

I have created a UserControl - a Labeled TextBox which is working pretty well, except for the validation template. When there's an error the validation control template shows up but it fills the whole ...
sysboard's user avatar
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DependencyProperty validation is not called from data template (only in .NET 4.0)

There is a problem in .NET 4.0, which does not exist in 3.5 (have not tested earlier or later frameworks). I have created a demo user control, which has only a single property Num (of type Integer): ...
Dima's user avatar
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Advanced WPF Validation

Could anybody provide any link to tutorial which fully explains WPF validation. I'm not interested in reviews, I'm interesting in MVVM-style validation using IDataErrorInfo. There are a lot of ...
Y.Yanavichus's user avatar
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How to checks that whether UserControl is Valid or not

I have a textbox inside usercontrol that implements ValidationRule and it is working fine, now in the window where i'm using this control has one button, and i want that button to be disabled if ...
Ali's user avatar
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Edit Validation.ErrorTemplate in code

I have a UserControl that contains a TextBox. The TextBox.Text property is data-bound and validated. When a Validation.Error occurs, I would like to edit the Validation.ErrorTemplate. Specifically, I ...
pomeroy's user avatar
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Why doesn't the Validation.Error event get fired in this case?

I have copied an example from MSDN and added the Validation.Error event. Problem is, it never gets fired. Why not? <UserControl x:Class="MeasurementControl" xmlns="http://schemas....
pomeroy's user avatar
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WPF: Clearing all errormessages in an elegant way

I'm a complete beginner at WPF. I've made a usercontrol "labeledTextbox" that holds a label, a textbox and a textblock for errormessages. When the user hits the submit button, I call ...
Thomas Stock's user avatar
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