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Why am I getting a "TXN_ERROR_NOT_EXIST ERROR" in GridDB when performing a user or database administration operation?

I'm working with GridDB for managing a distributed database system and recently encountered the following error while trying to perform a user or database administration operation: 10086 ...
Samar Mohamed's user avatar
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OAuth2 implementation and user management Django

Overview I've implemented successfully oauth2 in my Django project. After the user authorizes my app I receive an access token and, with it, I can access all of his information (username and email). ...
aldisti's user avatar
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Limiting EFS access on AWS Lambda for a user

Background I have an AWS Lambda (of Image type) configured through a Dockerfile. The Lambda function should execute an arbitrary python code (the code is sent from a user, and therefore can be ...
Martin's user avatar
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1 answer

Python-Django Trying to Add Users to my Database

I'm new to Django and I'm trying to create a page that allows users to register to my website. But I keep getting a page not found error. Using the URLconf defined in myapp.urls, Django tried these ...
JonahinaWhale's user avatar
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SQLAlchemy UNIQUE constraint failed on Many to Many Relationship

When I create a user with User class, for example User(username='xxx',password='xxxx', role =[Role(name='Admin'),]) Database will also add to Role table a row with name Admin. The issue is when I ...
Bình Nguyên's user avatar
4 votes
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How to prevent users installing packages via pip

I wish to PREVENT users from running pip to install packages into their home directory. I have a fairly large number students who have network mounted home directories and file and space quotas on ...
exquisite spam's user avatar
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Flask-restful API user accounts. Get full data and access to modify it if owner of account, get partial data otherwise

this is my first attempt to create a RESTful app using Flask framework. This is an API for cooking recipes. I already have basic functionality but I have encountered a problem with user accounts and ...
Jędrzej Wyzgała's user avatar
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Multiple `login` endpoints for `Flask-User`?

I'm working on a Flask app that needs user management. However, I have multiple parts of my site, let's call them /site/<name>/ with each of them having their own users (linked in the DB to name)...
Vedran Šego's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What is a good alternative to Firebase for user management, more specifically for Python?

What is an alternative to firebase for user management/auth for python apps. I know I can use node.js w/ firebase but, I would rather authenticate users through a managed 3rd party API in python using ...
matt's user avatar
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Change Password for user in Django when not using the Django User model

I'm halfway through a Django project and we did not start with the default Django User model that is provided. Now it is too late into the project to go back and implement the User model. The user I ...
Khaled Alomari's user avatar
51 votes
2 answers

Ansible: best practice for maintaining list of sudoers

In the documentation, there is an example of using the lineinfile module to edit /etc/sudoers. - lineinfile: "dest=/etc/sudoers state=present regexp='^%wheel' line='%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'"...
chishaku's user avatar
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Detecting multiple sessions from same user on Google App Engine

I am writing an application which uses the Google user API and anyone having a google account can login. I would want to prevent from multiple users using the same google account to login ...
user2578933's user avatar
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user management framework for app engine python?

Here are a few user management frameworks I've read about: GAE Sessions Flask Login gae-init (uses Flask) Beaker GAE Utilities gmemsess suas Is there a library that is widely adopted in the python ...
BigCheesy's user avatar
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Python Unix/Windows Abstraction Layer for Signal Handling & User Management

I'd like to ask a question for which my extensive web search would suggest the answer is 'no' but maybe I've overlooked something ... Are there Python abstraction layers sitting on top of Unix and ...
Fritz Ferstl's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How can I set a users password in linux from a python script?

I'm trying to automate the setup of SFTP access. This script is running as a user with sudo permissions and no password. I can create a user like so: >>> import subprocess >>> ...
Jake's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle user mangement in Django for groups that has same access but different rules?

Background information: I have created an internal site for a company. Most of the work has gone into making calculation tools that their sale persons can use to make offers for clients. Create pdf ...
googletorp's user avatar
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User management API

I am developing an application suite where users will need to connect to a server and depending on their account type they will be given some services. The server will run Linux. Can you please ...
Akshey Jawa's user avatar