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1 answer

how to apply screen by screen permisssion in Spring mvc?

I am a beginner in spring MVC framework and I am building an application in which I have a role and role have different permissions on different screen .like:- on Dashboard user have two permissions (...
yash's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How to control component visibility in Java android applications based on user role?

I'm implementing Android Java application in which there are two types of User. Each of them have permission to use some of the application features but not all of them. My current implementation ...
Chris Johnson's user avatar
24 votes
5 answers

How can I get other users info(username, firstname) by id? [Keycloak]

How can I get user keycloak attributes (username, firstname, email...) based on user id? The user I'm using in the Keycloak session has already the role view-users assigned so I should be able to ...
User6300's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to manage users and roles for S/4HANA from Java?

I want to manage Account and Role of SAP S/4HANA Cloud (HEC) by Java code. My client tries to upgrade to SAP S/4HANA Cloud from R/3. In the previous version of SAP R/3 I could control them using ...
anizo's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Permanently set environment variables for Multiple users

Java build machine is on Redhat 7.5 to run mvn clean package deploy for building Java code. Multiple users login with their username to this build machine, to build Java code. To permanently set ...
overexchange's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Java multiple user application

I am currently working on an application with Eclipse RCP4. But that is not the main information but just keep it in mind as background information. I was told that my question did not quite ...
handyerror's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Recommended way for Multitenant User management

I want to manage users for N number of clients across 3 different products with different level of accessibility. I am not so interested in creating application from scratch as it will divert my core ...
Sumit Ramteke's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

User management UI

i am doing a project using android studio in which once user logins,images of the books in their cart should be displayed. But different users have different number of books in their account like one ...
Usha's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

User management and security module for a java application over Spring

I need to design a web service API for a java application. I figured spring + tomcat would be the best choice, as it's very widely used. The security aspect of the web service is of very high ...
KidCrippler's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I use geoserver's user management for my application

I'm developing a gis application with java. My layers are in geoserver. Layers have different permissions, some layers have public permissions and some of them have private permissions. for private ...
Morteza Malvandi's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

User and Role Management in java with LDAP

I am new to LDAP. I have to implement a User and role management with Open LDAP in java. Currently i am using open LDAP 2.4. I am planning to map the following required entities to LDAP objects like: ...
Smita's user avatar
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2 answers

Apache Tapestry user logged in feature

I am trying to create a login feature for my apache tapestry website, where after logging in, instead of the 'Log In' and 'Register' button, the email of the logged user should be displayed, along ...
Marius Popa's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to handle more users (with own accounts) for Android Application? Multithreading?

I have an Android App and a Server for maintenance. My App has a onetime registration process, where the user has to add a unique ID. And for this unique ID the user gets his data from the server. And ...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to add a password to a system user with java code

I need to attribute a password to my system account (UTILISATEUR-PC/UTILISATEUR° using java code. Is there any java api or indication how to start to make this work?
junior developper's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to implement user access control mechanisam in web application

Am developing a web application using Springs. To make a scalability for my application am in need of user management system. In application having different groups each groups having different users....
Aravind Cheekkallur's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Make Jahia User non-visible to the admin of another virtual site

We have a requirement that every virtual site should have its set of users which will not be visible to the admins of another virtual site. I know that documentation
Siarhei Vouchak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

User management in Apache Shiro [closed]

I am starting with Apache Shiro. A database is used for persistence via Shiro's JdbcRealm. My question is whether Shiro provides some support for user management, such as user creation, assigning ...
Radek Skokan's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Java/Scala library for user login and authentication

I want to make an app where users can authenticate, register etc. I plan to use email as the username. Are there any libraries in Java/Scala that let me do this? The app is pretty simple so all I ...
Jus12's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How can I handle/restrict user-access to servlets & jsp's?

I'm currently writing a little dynamic web-application in Java. The application is supposed to be an event-platform where you can create a user-account, log in, and then you can see all open events (...
MrTrustworthy's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Easy way for Authentication and Authorization with JAX-RS Jersey

I'm pretty new to REST and am currently developing an API with JAX-RS Jersey. I am curious on what is the easiest way to implement a user Management. I.e. users must log in and have restricted access ...
jvataman's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Protect Google Cloud Endpoints from unauthorized users

I managed to implement the auth function described by google using a clientid. So when visiting the html page, one gets asked to authenticate with a google account. Question: As it is now, everyone ...
Imperative's user avatar
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1 answer

How to authorize user in page request if logged in with REST API?

Before, I had asked a question Access control to a page with REST service But maybe I need to ask more briefly and more generally to get the idea. I have a REST API. Client is browser. "login" is ...
Mert Mertce's user avatar
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2 answers

Fetching user name (windows) from a java application

Problem: I am logging into a virtual machine(RDC) using the below credentials: The user is part of a domain group called as teldept user:147852 pass:helloworld when i try to get the user ...
Wills's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any API in android for user management?

I am developing an application in Android that can be used by many groups of users. I want to manage my users' access to each part of my application. I know there is a user management structure in ....
Linaina's user avatar
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1 answer

howto add custom authentication to a Jetty webserver running solr

I have a Solr server running as a webapp on jetty. I now want to add a custom authentication procedure to jetty, to ad/remove users that can access the solr search. The user sends a token that needs ...
samy's user avatar
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2 answers

Supporting anonymous and registered users

I'm trying to create a RESTful API for a game. The game will support both anonymous users (users that just want to play now) and users that are willing to register. What I'm trying to achieve is ...
Ian Bishop's user avatar
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1 answer

User authentication using MySQL and GRANT or custom software solution?

I'm a long time programmer but have done very little database design. So I'm seeking some feedback on a solution I'm developing. Description I will have several (10 to 20) customers storing ...
ZaXa's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Jackrabbit user management

I can hardly find any documentation on how to design and build a repository for multiple users. I'm quite new to Jackrabbit and I was always using one master user credentials to build a repository ...
lisak's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

GAE logout url giving error 404

My GAE java based application uses only one google user - the admin. For the admin web pages I generate the logout url using UserServiceFactory.getUserService().createLogoutURL("/") The generated ...
Gopi's user avatar
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2 answers

user access management in j2ee web application

I am working with jsp/servlet project and I have to complete the module of access management to my jsps since I have more than one user with different profile. I defined a table in my database which ...
kawtousse's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Do you know a user management project in Java? [closed]

I'm looking for a lightweight and easy to install user management system made in JAVA. It should use a free Database System (MySQL for example) and handle basic security after logging (access or not ...
tinky05's user avatar
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2 votes
10 answers

Security - Stop people using my program without authorization

I am developing a program that I want to share with certain people, however if I change my mind about these people I want to be able to 'revoke' their access to the program. Ideally this would be on ...
Ben Page's user avatar
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