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23 votes
6 answers

Whats the main advantage and disadvantage of "do not keep activities" in android

One query I would like to have if anyone could answer it like: Do not keep activities options to be checked during testing android mobile application from developers options. I used it in my ...
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to use a progress bar when my app is reading data from a file ? Right before the start of the application

I am trying to write an application, where many rows of data are being extracted from a text file. This is done when i start the application. I want to show a progress bar to the user, when he clicks ...
user2380358's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Best way to show a lot of data on ASPX web page (Drop down list,

I am doing simple web application with a little business logic. Now I have Drop down list with about 25 000 product and user can choose it. The application will be probably slow for users who has ...
Bogdan Gorenak's user avatar
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1 answer

undo buffer in GUI apps

In a GUI application (desktop or web), there could be multiple editable text boxes in one page/window/whatever. Do people maintain one undo buffer for each text box, or just a global buffer for the ...
dacongy's user avatar
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1 answer

Make project automatically makes IntelliJ IDEA very slow. Any workaround?

I tried to use the "Eclipse mode" to do the build in background, in order to identify compilation error while refactoring: but IDEA becomes so slow! Any workaround? I already tried the IDEA way ...
Luigi's user avatar
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Best way to make a multi activity app in android

I'm trying to make an application for android that consist in multiple choices, each one depending on the previous one. At first, a list with some options is displayed, after choosing one, I send a ...
Leucaruth's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Fast and useful way of storing matrix values in C#

I need to create a 4x4 matrix class for a 3D engine in C#. I have seen some other engines storing the matrix values in single float member variables / fields like this: float m11, m12, m13, m14 float ...
Ray's user avatar
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0 answers

How to use JQuery to test Javascript Engine speed (to optimize features)

Along the same lines as responsive design, I would like to have users experience a different level of animation (or none at all) depending on the speed of the JavaScript engine in their browser. How ...
MindWire's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Yammer's Experience w/ Scala [closed]

I have been advocating using Scala at my company. One of my co-workers forwarded me this link tonight I was hoping to get some ...
fbl's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Why is debugging in eclipse/pydev so slow for my python program?

I have a relatively simple (no classes) python 2.7 program. The first thing the program does is read an sqlite dbase into a dictionary. The database is large, but not huge, around 90Meg on disk. It ...
Ronopolis's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

User Connection speed test *before* page load?

I have an idea for a site, but it's bandwidth/processor heavy. You can see (or not see) it here: Basically, it's 6 webcasts all playing at once, i cant think of a better way to show ...
RGBK's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

Software usability vs efficiency

Does ensuring software usability always result in a decrease in efficiency?
JJJ's user avatar
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1 answer

How To Simplified Application Structure?

It is always a good idea to simlified the project relations and also writing code in projects. But as I am not a software analyzer and trying to start analyzing my personal project. I want to know ...
Nasser Hadjloo's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to optimize screen real estate in a J2EE struts app? [closed]

I am working on a old J2EE struts app which has very bad UI design. Most of the pages are misusing the screen real estate like there are uneven spaces among dropdown, labels, text boxes etc. Alignment ...
Ravi Gupta's user avatar
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5 answers

Choosing between performance and ease of use in WS API

We're in the process of creating a new API for our product, which will be exposed via web services. We have an internal debate whether the API should be as easy as possible to use (in the price of ...
Eran's user avatar
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