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HTML-like labels in chl parameter of image-charts url?

Is it possible to use HTML-like labels (with angle brackets) in the chl parameter of an image-charts graphviz URL? I'm calling the URL from an iOS app to create an AsyncImage. I am trying to use some ...
Jacob Smolowe's user avatar
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1 answer

iOS Swift API URLQueryitem

var urlComponents = URLComponents(string: "") urlComponents?.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(name: "id", value:] var ...
Sivani Sangameswaran's user avatar
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Upload form-data with SwiftUI and Express backend

I want to upload some user data for register new users and I want to upload a profile picture. I'v tried with this code but it doesn't work, on my backend im just receiving a request with nothing like ...
Victor Billaud's user avatar
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How to fix URLQueryItem in swift

I need to pass an query param to my URLComponents: URLQueryItem(name: "scope", value: "channel%3Amanage%3Apolls+channel%3Aread%3Apolls") but when i see the url in debug i see this ...
alexmasu's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to put an array into a URLQueryItem?

I'm using Firebase dynamic links and need to put an array of strings into the value of a URLQueryItem and then be able to convert it back into an array when the link is received. How can I do this? I ...
nickcoding2's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to convert string to URL in Swift iOS

In order to make HTTP request call using URLSession,I need to convert string to URL first so I have tried everything but just can’t convert this piece of string to URL(string: ). This is the string: “...
gagan sharma's user avatar
4 votes
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How can I add http or https to a swift URL?

I have a swift app and I'm trying to use rich links. I first detect a link in some dynamic text using the following: do { let detector = try NSDataDetector(types: NSTextCheckingResult.CheckingType....
alionthego's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I make URLQueryItem with large bracket ([])?

I need to make a URL with query parameter with large bracket. this is the example.[]=smtwGBArkp3ByfrLK3KfxdoX I trying to use URLComponents and URLQueryItem. but ...
hiroshi046's user avatar
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Using swift URLComponents to extract param value from url

I've tried the following code in order to extract param value out of an existing url address func getQueryStringParameter(url: String, param: String) -> String? { guard let urlItems = ...
Zohar81's user avatar
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Detecting a valid web address

I am trying to write some code that lets me both validate that a string is in fact a valid web address to reach a remote server && be able to unwrap it safely into a url for usage. From what ...
Adam Dahan's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to pass array to Postman as form-data

I have the following URL that I would like to test in Postman. However I would like to break down the array for easier testing for example as Form-data (or other). How would I setup this array in ...
Paul S.'s user avatar
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1 answer

URLComponents init fails

I'm trying to create an URLComponents object so I can extract parameters values from a string. I have the string topic_id12&lessong_id=45: let dataString = "topic_id12&lessong_id=45" ...
Kex's user avatar
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JSON URLComponents URLQueryItem Failure

I'm struggling with an http call for json data. If I use the entire URL as a string, the json fetch works. If I separate the call into URLComponents I have not been able to make it work. My Webservice:...
JohnSF's user avatar
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How to include accented characters in Swift URL without percent encoding?

I am trying to make a web request to a URL that needs to keep accented characters instead of percent encoding them. E.g. é must NOT change to e%CC%81. I cannot change this. These are the allowed ...
Kocsis Kristof's user avatar