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Untiy Netcode For GameObject unable to connect to remote server

I am recently trying out the new unity networking solution which is netcode for gameobjects . In Unity using netcode for gameobjects i tried making a simple game which consist of a server and clients ...
Sekhar JD's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Is there any way to make a multiplayer game in unity completely free?

Hello so am wondering if there is any way to create a multiplayer game completely free, Like I followed Brackeys tutorials using UNet to create a multiplayer game, I followed the whole tutorials till ...
dyari's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

uNet to Mirror Migration (2 errors)

I have two problems to solve. The first is error CS0115: 'NetworkManagerSample.OnServerDisconnect(NetworkConnection)': no suitable method found to override And the second is The type or namespace name ...
Кирилл Купряхин's user avatar
1 vote
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How would I spawn a different prefab for a local client and a remote client in Unity with MLAPI?

Sorry if this is a duplicate question. I found this Reddit post which is exactly my current problem. However, there's only one ...
circles.png's user avatar
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Scene management using unity MLAPI (Multiplayer)

I was reading up on the unity MLAPI and read in the documentation that basic scene management is offered. However as far as I ...
Mark Stroeven's user avatar
-2 votes
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Enabling Multiplayer Service in Unity [closed]

Can anyone provide me the solution of how to overcome the event in the black label in the given image?? Here I want to remove the pop-up:- "UNet-powered features are in the process of being ...
Akshit Giroud's user avatar
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How to make Unity Tilemap.SetTile() to work in multiplayer?

I'm trying to make 2D-multiplayer game with randomly generated map. Here's some simplified code what I have tried public class Map : NetworkBehaviour { private TilePainter _tilePainter; [...
shklaurant's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't get UNET work between two Devices using the standard NetworkManager(NOT the MatchMaking!) on Unity3D

I am new to UNET UNITY NETWORKING in general so what I made was a simple prototype game and everything works perfectly at least at that moment when I run two instances of the game on the same laptop ...
The Wolf's user avatar
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Unity network transform problem - Client spawning objects at wrong location

I'm working on a Fortnite-esque game for Unity. Player spawns in, has ability to spawn cubes to make a "base". Everything works perfectly well in mono but I'm having a strange issue with ...
pfbarnet's user avatar
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Multiplayer [SyncEvent] problem with non-player objects

I'm developing a multiplayer game based on turns. So I have an script named gameController which is the one who has the global timer to alter the turns and also choose which players are attacking and ...
ktmlleska's user avatar
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Have an object moved by a client with a tag

Im trying to make a tetris game, where the host moves his blocks, and the client moves his. Client on the left, host on the right. So the host is suppost the move the object with the "playerObject" ...
Jordy Rutjens's user avatar
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Unet spawnable object delayed on client side

I am making 2D Top-down shooter in network. I spawn a gun on Players hand position. My problem is, when Client spawn his gun, it has some kind of delay. When client is moving, the gun is not following ...
Kiket95's user avatar
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Problem in authority shifting of non-player object

I am making a multiplayer game and I want to have player to interact with a non-player object (whose transform can be changed by any player). When I interact them with the player who joined first (or ...
Haseeb Asif's user avatar
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How to control animation transition of static object in unity multiplayer

I want to animation of a static object which is in environment of unity multiplayer, are need to happen when player click on it. and also the animation would show every player who are connected to the ...
Jefhunt's user avatar
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Networking lobby player image not working on host and other clients

I am trying to create a lobby for my game. I need to set a profile image for every player, but I can't send to texture from each player profile image to the server anny sugestions? I have tried ...
Mickey Evers's user avatar
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Unity: InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code XXX(): IL_0011

So the project is an online MMO. It uses the uMMORPG2D asset (which in turn uses UNET). The code in question has been working fine for the last week without incident, and hasn't been modified in any ...
NeoKuro's user avatar
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Null reference Error in UNET [duplicate]

Using this script i can shoot the projectiles from Server to Client. But when i try to shoot the projectiles in the client it shows null reference error. Can someone help me? This is the error : ...
Devender Gupta's user avatar
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2 answers

Object not set to an instance of an object [UNET]

Just recently started using UNET and it has been difficult, to say the least. I'm trying execute a few lines of code to essentially have the server assign a spawned prefab (aka the Player) a camera, ...
Oham's user avatar
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Unet, how to sync a counter to check if all players are ready

I'm making a multiplayer bomberman game using Unet. I'm trying to create a ready check to start the game when everyone else is ready. I tried using a sync var,Command and Rpc calls, but nothing seems ...
Zoroastiran's user avatar
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Getting Race Position in Multiplayer Game in Unity3D using UNET

I am building a Runnig Race Multiplayer Game in Unity3D using UNET. I have 2 Player running straight in a game Subway Surfer. I want to update position of the player while running who is first and who ...
Jamshaid Alam's user avatar
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Unity Networking Client not calling functions on server

i have a 2 player game. One user becomes server the other client.I am calling the method "buttonclicked" from both the sides when they are connected to add a tower. When the method "buttonclicked" ...
muzzammil's user avatar
-4 votes
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unity fuction don't work in client

I am trying to make a construction system like in survival games that works in multiplayer. Here is the code: using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using ...
Reinaldo Assis's user avatar
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Unity Multiplayer globally (World Wide)

i have developed a complete Airstrike Multiplayer game in unity using Unity Multiplayer Services. It's connecting successfully on LAN and i even checked on internet, it's working fine within my city ...
M Umair's user avatar
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Finding other network player unity unet

I am having problem in getting other network player I want to store like this. void Start () { GameObject[] players = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Player"); for (int i = 0; i < ...
Aqib Nawaz's user avatar
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Unity (Unet) Multiplayer Synchronization Issue

I am working on unity multiplayer.The game is endless runner and the problem is that my character is not synchronizing properly. Here is the Screenshot of my unity inspector window Advance thanks ...
Aqib Nawaz's user avatar
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How can I get an instance of a gameObject from the Server to the client using Unity's Unet?

I am making a game using UNET and making it for the HoloLens. Basically, my game is pretty simple, players join the session and then they can spawn a ship to control with an Xbox controller. I have ...
Dtb49's user avatar
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unity multiplayer control not working

Hi I am using uNet Unity Multiplayer and my player controls dose not work properly. i connect 2 devices on 1 device it work good but on other device it does not move left or right nor jump. only local ...
Aqib Nawaz's user avatar
2 votes
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Unity3D - Starting multiplayer architecture

I am working on a new 3d game based on a 2D tiled map. After developing the most basic features (procedural map generation, and player movement) i want to make it work in multiplayer. I have read the ...
Fernando gonzalez-burgos roche's user avatar
4 votes
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Synchronizing complex GameObjects in Unity Networking - UNET

I'm working on first person game where player can build complex objects. Structure example: Train - Wagon - Table - Chair - Chest (stores items) - Workshop (manufactures items, has build ...
Ondrej Petrzilka's user avatar
1 vote
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Change Object name of spawn object to client and server depending on the localplayer ID (Unity 3d Unet)

I have a gameobject that is spawned via Networkserver.spawn(missile). I want to change the object name of the spawn missile depending on the local player name but it is always taking the server player ...
Edmart Añora Banzil's user avatar
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Making Unique Playername for my multiplayer game using unet Unity 3d

im having difficulties in creating unique player name system for my multiplayer game. i've tried using [Command] to get playername variable[SyncVar] and send data to server then send data from server ...
Edmart Añora Banzil's user avatar
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Dedicated Server with UNET

I'm trying to make a multiplayer game where maximum 4 player could join into a room and shoot some enemy, with default unity network one of the player would be the host+client, but i would like to ...
FunFair's user avatar
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How to Identify Sever and Client Seprately in Unity 3d

I am trying to understand data synchronization in Unity network development. First Problem that I am facing is to understand unity3D server client model. 1 My basic understand is that one ...
Bilal Mirza's user avatar
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Unity UNet Queries

I recently started working on UNet basically on a MMO game. My setup is that I am hosting my own dedicated server by building a linux headless build and uploading and running it on the server. All the ...
kashif789us's user avatar
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Networking Movement not working

I am making a multiplayer scene for my dodgeball game and once I have a host and a client running, it spazzes and forces me to control both the host and the client in one window. Here is what I mean: ...
Juan Francisco Patino's user avatar
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Unity network spawn get delayed

I have implemented the network game like on the tutorial which the client will send the Cmd fire to server and then the server will spawn the bullet to all player. Everything goes well when I played ...
Apin's user avatar
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Unity Multiplayer client inputs are invaild

I try to do football game for fun but i got a problem void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "BallTAG") RpcAddForceToBall(other.gameObject); } [ClientRpc] public void ...
Buğrahan Özkan's user avatar
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Get Current Network player transform/gameobject in unet

How can i get current network player transform object? there is Network.player but it don't give me the transform or gameobject. I am willing to get the transform.
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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PlayerPrefab's `Start()` is being called before play scene's `Awake()`

I'm using Unity's Network Lobby asset to create a lobby for my game. The game's working fine on editor, but when I build to PC something weird happens: The Start() function of the first player object ...
AVAVT's user avatar
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Unity2D, can't sync my sprite across all clients (multiplayer)

I'm trying to learn about Unet, but I'm having trouble getting the hang of it, despite following a few tutorials. I am making a 2d game, and what I'm currently stuck at, is updating the way my ...
Fross's user avatar
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13 votes
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Additive scene loading in Unity Networking-UNet

Short Description: I am loading an Additive Scene in my Main scene, its loading fine but Additive scene's GameObject (that contain Network Identity Component) are becoming disable. Details: I am ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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Additive Scene loading in Unity Networking

I have a main scene where my player is loading as i start or join server. On some action of the player i want to load additive scene in my main scene which is loading fine on the client but not across ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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How to connect networkig player with internet

I just followed a guide about Basic UNet Tut Here, Its spawning network car player which can be controlled by local player. I can make or join server through built-in Network Manager HUD which is ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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Unity 5.3+ Networking Load Next Level

In a networked game project following on from the Unity Multiplayer Tutorial, how is one supposed to go about changing scene to a new level/map while preserving camera/player GO/health etc. in one ...
Rogod's user avatar
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Unity3d unet - TargetRPC call originating from Client

Unet's documentation is lacking, as we all know. I would love to get this answered, and hopefully it can help others searching later. Here is what I am trying to do: Detect hit with raycast on ...
Emotitron's user avatar
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Unity3d Unet multiplayer - only server host can place buildings network aware

I am writting an multiplayer game but I am stuck with building system - I mean I've created a code to place blocks it works perfectly fine on host-side (when you run this script on host the block ...
Seoner's user avatar
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Instantiate two different players objects on network

I am using two different objects for player in network multiplayer game. Two different kinds of Gameobject will be instantiated by unity network Manager but the problem is there is only single ...
Muhammad Faizan Khan's user avatar
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How to call [Command] on Client in UNet(Unity)

I'm working on a Unity 2D multiplayer game using UNet. My problem is that the Client cant send the [Command] to the server. Im debugging on UnityEditor and a built apk for my android phone. First I ...
Daniel's user avatar
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C# - How to synchronize a list of "player stats" instances? (Unity)

It's probably o noob question, but important to me. Also I think it's an interesting topic. I'm using C# with new Unity Multiplayer. You can find tutorial here:
A guy's user avatar
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Unet. Multiplayer Vehicles

I am currently developing multiplayer fps shooter, and i am stuck on vehicles. i tried these "ClientRpc" stuff, "Command" and etc. So Player has Controll script, and this script has function ...
Nick's user avatar
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