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How to change my ssl ciphers in ldaps request?

Dears~, My environment is: OS:Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS Python:Python 2.7.3 When use ldap connect to AD server over ssl. I got this error "A TLS packet with unexpected length was received" I have got the ...
harry's user avatar
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0 answers

How to update from php 5.4.x to php 5.5 on ubuntu 12.10

I tried to update my php from 5.4.x to 5.5.x with this link. But it did not work. my system claimed nothing to update and everything is newest. Could someone help me???
Haruji Burke's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unable to read serial data from COM port in Java

I am trying to read serial data for my Java application, which I am developing on Linux (Ubuntu 12.10). This is my code: try { portId = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier("/dev/ttyS0"); ...
Suhas Pai's user avatar
0 votes
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package not found while typing in apt-get install commands

I'm newbie to Ubuntu and I'm working on the Ubuntu version 12.10, when i type in any command apt-get install i receive the message package not found thank you
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upgrade r and rstudio on ubuntu 12.10 server using terminal

I have updated the sources.list file in /etc/apt with the link deb precise/ I have changed precise with quantal, trusty also. I am staying in ...
Arun Raja's user avatar
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6 answers

Not able to install mysql-workbench in ubuntu 12.10

I am trying to install msyql-workbench in my ubuntu 12.10 using the following command sudo apt-get install mysql-workbench but it shows the following error. Reading package lists... Done Building ...
Praveen Srinivasan's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

quantal (12.10) ubuntu repos

I'm trying to install HTSeq (bioinformatics tool) on a server running Ubuntu quantal (12.10) and for that I need to install some packages so I use the following command: sudo apt-get install python-...
user1834095's user avatar
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Failed to bind to '': Address already in use

I'm using ubuntu 12.10 for my MPI(message passing interface) configuration I have installed mpd after installation I have start mpd, it is started normally no error message display but when I'm trying ...
user3711865's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Upgrading from Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.04 LTS [closed]

Can (and how does) one upgrade from Ubuntu 12.10 (now EOL) to 14.04 LTS? I've found contradictory info about this online, some suggesting an intermediate upgrade to 13.10, while others suggest a ...
user2331291's user avatar
-1 votes
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Installing xattr PECL extension in Ubuntu 12.10

I am trying to install extension xattr in my Ubuntu 12.10 . sudo pecl install xattr But I am getting the error as : checking for xattr files in default path... not found configure: error: Please ...
Nitish's user avatar
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ubuntu 12.10 not working after Upgrade from 12.04

after upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to 12.10 i have a black screen, don't see any thing I well remove this version and install a new one . but I need My all projects from local host. it's Important .
Ahmed's user avatar
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8 votes
8 answers

Set mysql skip-networking to off

I'm trying to setup my Ubuntu 12.10 server to accept remote mysql connections, however I am having difficulties setting skip-networking to off. Note I have already set the bind-address to the internet ...
Dimitri Shukuroglou's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to allocate the given Url to a specific folder in my localhost in ubuntu 12.10?

I have two folder in my localhost var/www/project1 and var/www/project2 When I access one project url I want to get that site only how can I achieve that? ex: `` should go to ...
Naveenbos's user avatar
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8 votes
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Cursor shifted from position

On a given line of the RStudio console or script writing area, the cursor as it flashes on the screen is shifted from its true position, where text is inserted. Say I want to delete a character on a ...
Pertinax's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

PHP warning : Module 'mcrypt' already loaded

When I run a command with PHP, it shows me an error. E.g when I run php -v to see my PHP-version it shows me an error then the informations about PHP: Module 'mcrypt' already loaded in Unknown on ...
Zied R.'s user avatar
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open firefox from bash shells script in other desktop in ubuntu 12.10 (pear os 7)

So I have figured out how to open Firefox from Bash. It's pretty easy. However, I would like it to open in my 2nd desktop, not the one I'm using. So it doesn't bother my primary desktop. How do I ...
user3308683's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cloning github repo meteorite exception

Right after installing meteorite from npm npm install -g meteorite I tried to add the router package mrt add router --verbose So that's what i'm getting smart.json changed.. installing from smart....
Alucard's user avatar
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Chef server: error "ArgumentError" when adding /etc/chef-server/chef-server.rb

i'm trying to learn about chef (i use to wok with CFengine). So i wanted to install a chef-server on my ubuntu 12.10 box. I have follow this documentation: ...
Serge Tchesmeli's user avatar
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Unmount NFS folders on wlan0 with pre-down

I'm working on this machine (Ubuntu 12.10) that needs to connect to a NAS via wlan. /etc/fstab is configured with nfs auto and the directory is mounted correctly when the wlan is connected. BUT the ...
user3162846's user avatar
0 votes
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Root access fail

I've installed next: sudo apt-get install sendmail sudo apt-get install telnetd After sudo reboot and Can not login as root. I've tried to reset password from control panel, but it has no effect ...
Mihail Kuznetsov's user avatar
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Dependency issue: sun-java6-jdk (bindiff)

I am trying to install bindiff. When I try to install through archive manager I am welcomed by the following message "Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java6-jre". (I am running ubuntu 12.10) I have ...
sudobangbang's user avatar
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Ubuntu 12.10 virtualhost conflict

I have two sites on my server. One I access via my IP, x.x.x.x/site1. The other is a registered domain name, Initially, I had only my /etc/apache/sites-available/default file ...
sisko's user avatar
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Ubuntu 12.10 logrotate issue

On Ubuntu 12.10, added the following entry to '/etc/logrotate.d' path: # cat /etc/logrotate.d/tsdb /home/logs/*dat { daily rotate 30 compress missingok ...
cog_n1t1v3's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Source a file in upstart conf file

I am trying to create a service for tomcat on Ubuntu 12.10 using upstart. So, i created a tomcat.conf file in /etc/init description "Tomcat Server" start on runlevel [2345] stop on runlevel [!2345] ...
ufdeveloper's user avatar
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Chef server on Azure HTTP redirect

I've installed Chef opensource server on an Ubuntu 12.10 machine on Azure. works, but redirects me to https://instance-name....
Tzach's user avatar
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How to get the terminal output to python variable - for canonical quickly application

I am creating an Ubuntu App using quickly on ubuntu 12.10. Its a simple GUI for starting, stopping and restarting Apache2 web server. Let me first give the part of the code in which I am facing ...
Abhishek Prakash's user avatar
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what is compilation error with gcc [duplicate]

i am facing a problem during compilation of libpcap and ROHC library. when i run given program- #include <stdio.h> #include <pcap.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *dev, ...
manish shivare's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to run tests from sublime text 3

I am trying to running a sample test suite from Sublime Text 3. This is my example that I created using bundle gem foo -t minitest class TestFoo < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def ...
theTuxRacer's user avatar
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How to add ubuntu 12.10 entry to grub menu list?

I removed my ubuntu 12.10 entry while editing menu.lst file. can anyone give me a sample file containing the ubuntu 12.10 entry in menu.lst file. It should be something like this: title Ubuntu 12....
sonya kochooloo's user avatar
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how to run openlaszlo 4.9.0 in ubuntu12.04?

I am Using Ubuntu 12.04 and i want to run OpenLaszlo 4.9.0 in my system. I have read many tutorial, e.g. that ...
Kapil's user avatar
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Data import issue (HTTP Status 404) using solr and tomcat6

Version list solr 4.2.0 ubuntu 12.10 tomcat 6 sql 5.5.29 i successfully setup solr on my server and can access solr admin page using this link http://localhost:8080/solr the problem is on ...
Mubarak's user avatar
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My speakers and headphones are not working on ubuntu 13.04 [closed]

I used to work on Ubuntu 12.10 but then suddenly my speakers stopped working, my headphones didn't used to work before and still they are not working, i then upgraded to 13.04 in hope that it may ...
amian's user avatar
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WebGL troubleshooting

I am using ubuntu 12.10 OS. I would like to learn WebGL programming. All at a sudden my WebGL stopped working. Initially firefox provided 3d way of looking at webpage elements. But now it's not ...
Kishore's user avatar
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gitlab can not clone by http and check is error

I have installed gitlab and the website is ok, but when i use clone, I always get fatal: Authentication failed. but the username and password is correct, and when I use bundle exec rake gitlab:...
Nks Sai's user avatar
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Problems with filezilla and ubuntu

I have a big problem with my FileZilla on my current Ubuntu 12.10 installation so its unusable. First of all some facts: FileZilla works with my Router/WLan etc. setup on windows perfectly. It even ...
patman's user avatar
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3 answers

What are the tools to debug native code in Android [closed]

I've made some changes to the csipsimple app for android, and I want to debug its native code. I'm using the ADT bundle v21.1 to develop (eclipse 3.7, cdt 8.1) under Ubuntu 12.10. I came across this ...
david-hoze's user avatar
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Debugging native code in android under eclipse fails

I'm trying to debug the native code in the "csipsimple" android app using the Debug As->Android Native Application option. I used this tutorial to do it. I keep getting these errors: [2013-06-09 ...
david-hoze's user avatar
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I'm getting 404 error in php [closed]

I made my php project in windows8 OS. It is running well in WAMP in windows8. I'm using duel boot so I started my ubuntu 12.10 OS. After that I copy pasted same project in /var/www/Day4(My project ...
user avatar
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lgcc_s not found by ld even if link is not broken on Ubuntu 12.10

I'm facing a problem compiling with gcc with -static, -static-libgcc flags enabled for compiler and -Wl,-static flag enabled for linker on Ubuntu 12.10. But the application builds fine with dynamic ...
Samik's user avatar
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12 votes
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Node.js source code build giving segmentation fault on ARM

tl;dr: I tried to install node.js on my ARMv7-based Cubox running Ubuntu 12.10 (quantal). When compiling node.js from source (see "Second attempt" below), node produces a segmentation fault. What can ...
cyroxx's user avatar
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Cannot Run Project in Eclipse C/C++ OpenCV 2.4.5 Ubuntu 12.10

I have just installed OpenCV 2.4.5 and Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers on Ubuntu 12.10 and followed this tutorial. The project builds with no errors but when I reach the "Running the ...
Pedro's user avatar
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how can I work with mysql 5.1 in ubuntu 12.10

When I run mysql 5.1 files with my ubuntu 12.10, it reports syntax error. it seems because the version 5.5 and version 5.1 is not fully compatible. Since the 1GB .sql file is not written by me, I do ...
Haohan Wang's user avatar
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no matlab executable were found

I tried to install the "MATLAB - Scientific computing environment" from the software center but failed, because I got the error message "No MATLAB executables were found in the directories you ...
user2370622's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Visual Studio Express in Ubuntu12.10 [closed]

Is it possible to install Visual Studio Express in Ubuntu??? I've Visual Studio In my Windows7 OS but I want to install it in Ubuntu.
Shubham Naik's user avatar
3 votes
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Building AOSP (4.2.2) on Ubuntu 12.10 X64 Fail

I'm trying to build AOSP (4.2.2) on Ubuntu 12.10 X64 and i get following error : armin@ubuntu:~/source$ make -j1 ============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL ...
Armin's user avatar
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beagleboard xubuntu s-video to TV

I'm running Ubuntu 12.10 on a Beagleboard xM with Xfce 4.10 as the desktop gui. For some reason a TV I need to hook it up to doesn't display the DVI-D output using an HDMI cable, but a newer TV works ...
user2340643's user avatar
72 votes
6 answers

I screwed up the system version of Python Pip on Ubuntu 12.10

I wanted to update pip on my main install of Python, specifically to get the list command. Which also includes the list- updates capability. So I ran: sudo pip install --upgrade pip All looked ...
dartdog's user avatar
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8 votes
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Brother QL-720NW, printing labels using CUPS & Ubuntu

I'm trying to get my Brother QL-720NW label printer working from an Ubuntu server. I'll briefly describe the process so far, and where I'm stuck. First I installed CUPS and LPR and cupswrapper ...
simen's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

Unable to install curb gem

It gives me the error of gem install curb Building native extensions. This could take a while... ERROR: Error installing curb: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/...
Alan Coromano's user avatar
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Subclipse not recognizing my JavaHL

I keep getting the following error: Failed to load JavaHL Library. These are the errors that were encountered: no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path no svnjavahl ...
d_inevitable's user avatar
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