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TortoiseGit loosing branch name in windows explorer on Windows 11

My IT department surprised me with an upgrade to Windows 11. Took a while but I have all the tools I used to use working again with one small thorn. TortoiseGit's Windows Explorer plugin used to list ...
wdtj's user avatar
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How to reorder commits in TortoiseGit rebase dialog using keys?

Especially with a larger list of commits, I sometimes lose track of where to place a commit when scrolling during tracking a commit to its new place. I thought it would be much more accurate if it ...
Mr. Gung's user avatar
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OpenSSL: error:0A00010B:SSL routines::wrong version number (TortoiseGit - Git SCM)

I want to use TortoiseGit to push a software revision from my local domain to a remote server hosted on GitHub. To push the software to the remote server, right-click on the local directory and follow ...
Sercan's user avatar
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Interactive hooks in TortoiseGit

I added a new git pre-push hook, to avoid pushing a commit without a specific file, asking the user to approve pushing without that file: echo -e "Are you sure you want to continue without the ...
LYB's user avatar
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TortoiseGit not pulling public submodules: asks for credentials

Using TortoiseGit on Win10, when I git pull one of my private repository that contains submodules, they remain empty. If I do [Update submodules] and specify [Recursive] I get a popup with "No ...
dargaud's user avatar
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How to list only all merges to a branch after a specific commit/datetime?

I have multiple branches (dev, release_1, release_2, etc.). A lot of merges occur. I want to see all the merges to a branch after a specific commit / datetime. For example, in dev branch there is a ...
ChumboChappati's user avatar
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MSVC 2022 project committed returns a different sln file on checkout

As I was trying to upgrade one of my wxWidgets project to a newer release (3.2.2 - 3.2.5), I committed the local code to the local repo, then pushed the code to central repo on my LAN. When I clone a ...
user999713's user avatar
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Github login by every difference path

I am using Window 11, and use Tortoisegit,and try to use multi github account in my Window for multi path of github. Git clone will require username/passwordToken by every difference path.
Trần Hữu Hiền's user avatar
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When I add a new file the parent folder remains "green" unmodified

Step to reproduce the problem: create new folder for example named "1" with gitbash create a repo, "git init" now the icon on folder "1" is correctly "green" ...
Stefano Magni's user avatar
-1 votes
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Convert local SVN to GIT using Tortoise GIT fails with unable connect?

EDK2 changed from SVN to GIT so I wanted to change my local copy to GIT then try to sync back up with their version so that my working copy changes merge correctly. But when I try I get: git.exe svn ...
user3161924's user avatar
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How to make TortoiseGit not open SVG files with image compare tool

I have an svg file in Git and I want to see a diff of local changes. I would expect the config setting for which files are opened with TortoiseGitIDiff to be in TortoiseGit settings/Diff Viewer/...
Roel's user avatar
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Can't resolve merge conflict in TortoiseGit

I must be missing something obvious but I don't seem to be able to resolve a merge conflict in TortoiseGit. At least not resolve it in any way other than keeping the current version. During a merge a ...
nocaster60's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bitbucket: Getting "No supported authentication methods available (server sent: publickey)" when using with ssh keys

I know there's many similar questions like this out there already, but so far I couldn't find any describing or adressing/ resolving my exact issue yet. I've just setup my personal ssh key in ...
Sebsen36's user avatar
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tortoiseGit "show log" function cannot be used anymore

enter image description here Just like this, I wait a long time, but nothing is shown. DIfferently, my tortoiseSvn's "show log" function works well. I want to us tortoiseGit's "show log&...
hyptooth's user avatar
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TortoiseGit stuck in "merge mode", cannot restore pull option in menu

This is related to this question about why the pull option in the TortoiseGit menu is missing - a (conflicting?) merge is in process, so pull is hidden from the context menu. But when I try both ...
ciscoheat's user avatar
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Why is the BASE file generated by TortoiseGit in merge conflict resolution 0 bytes?

I am finding the built-in TortoiseGitMerge tool very underpowered at dealing with even slightly complex changes, so am looking for an external tool that might do a better job. I am trialling WinMerge, ...
J Collins's user avatar
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What's the fastest way in TortoiseGIT to switch to a remote branch having its name in clipboard?

what's the fastest and easiest way in TortoiseGIT to switch to a branch remotes/origin/feature/xxx having name feature/xxx in the clipboard? I'm always going with context menu on repository directory, ...
AleqCZ's user avatar
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Windows 11 TortoiseGit menu not showing after Register context menu clicked

I have try to googling method/ways that can make the TortoiseGit menu show in the main context menu in Windows 11 but still not showing. Like this Custom Context Menu for Windows 11 - For this I can ...
Anson's user avatar
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TortoiseGit remote settings don't adhere to config scope

In the TortosieGit settings dialog Remote is a sub menu item to Git (the menu item Git, not the program itself). If I select Global for the config scope and enter a remote it does not get entered in ...
Ray H's user avatar
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TortoiseGit - Change font size of Commit and Diff windows

OS - Windows 11, TortoiseGit I want to increase font size of TortoiseGit Commit and Diff windows I tried updating the font size In Tortoise Git > Settings > For below configurations, i ...
Parth Pithadia's user avatar
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Is it possible to use --ignore-matching-lines option with TortoiseGIT

I'm looking for a way to filter out non-relevant, automatically generated changes in my project files. Each file has a generation date in its header. Because of that, Git marks it as modified. I ...
AdamL's user avatar
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how does tortoise git get commit information?

A strange question here. I need to filter out some part of any commit message in a repo (it's a long hash automatically added after some migration). As I'm (and my team also) using tortoise git, I ...
Sterpu Mihai's user avatar
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How to solve error ! [remote rejected] main -> main (pre-receive hook declined) in tortoiseGit?

Error Details: [git.exe push --progress "origin" main:main Enumerating objects: 128, done. Counting objects: 100% (128/128), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects:...
Nakib's user avatar
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Git, tortoisegit. How to run my cmd file after every commit

I use tortoisegit. How can I run my cmd file after commit on some of my repositories . I mean use an event on commit on repository?. I do all of my meaningful commits only by tortoisegit and i need it ...
Nbilov's user avatar
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Git commit. Restrict renaming

I have a folder in my repository where i have only create or delete files or subfolders, but never rename them. But git often interprets in one commit deleting a file and creating another file like ...
Nbilov's user avatar
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TortoiseGit not working using GIR_DIR and GIT_WORK_TREE?

The main aim of what I'm trying to is to have two Git repositories in the same tree and for TortoiseGit to display differences of a modified file. Here is the scenario. Two git repos: MainProj and ...
Alex Net's user avatar
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TortoiseGit not working on WSL filesystem

From within WSL2, I cloned same repo to two locations: /home/user/work and /mnt/c/work/ Then, Right-click > TortoiseGit > Settings > Git > Remote. The repo on my C:\ gives no errors but ...
Bob's user avatar
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Get rid of extended git repository information shown in the title bar of explorer

It seems like tortoisegit added some information in the title bar of windows explorer. It shows how far behind/ahead of the tracked repository we are. How do I get rid of it?
Anders Lindén's user avatar
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How to configure TortoiseGit to only show the top of an untracked directory in the Diff and Commit windows?

I have a Git repo and I use TortoiseGit to handle it, as well as command line Git commands. Inside my repo, there is a folder that is not tracked and is not a part if the repo. MyRepo/ +-- ...
ysap's user avatar
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4 answers

After upgrade getting error "repository not owned by current user"

After upgrading to latest tortoise git I get error below. When I commit from the command line, this works without error. I executed the global command but error persist.
Joe Robe's user avatar
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How to remove " 3 commits ahead" from branch in tortoise git bitbucket

while doing git pull its showing 3 commits ahead of master/branch in tortoise git . How to get rid of this message I tried by stashing the changes but still getting the same error
Hari Krishnan A's user avatar
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Detect Errors using TortoiseGitProc.exe to initiate pull in a console application

I'm programmatically calling tortoiseGitProc.exe to perform a pull of source code files. The process works fine in that I get the TortoiseGit Pull dialog and all is well. What I cannot do is ...
Hendrik Vis's user avatar
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How to git rebase a topic branch from a different topic branch?

I'm looking for a sequence of git commands to acquire changes that attempt to do something similar to my changes, but not from master/main, but from another contributor to the repo's branch. I would ...
bartCharon's user avatar
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What is additional "onto" button in TortoiseGit Rebase?

In TortoiseGit->Rebase window has these two selectors : What is the purpose of Onto selector, while in Upstream you already select the branch you are rebasing onto.
T.Todua's user avatar
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How do I git clone to Windows using different username than I am logged in to Windows with

I am using Tortoise Git on Windows to clone a remote Git repository on Bitbucket. I am also using Talend Open Studio (TOS) which only really likes a single login, meaning there are internal properties ...
jmarkmurphy's user avatar
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Configure TortoiseGit to pull all submodules when pulling superproject

I'm looking for a 1 click option in TortoiseGit for pulling the parent project as well as updating all the submodules to point to the latest HEAD. I know you can do the following after a pull with ...
tzg's user avatar
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How to clear the branch names from TortoiseGit

In my git repo origin, i used to have the branches called "test" and "master". I removed the branch "test" from origin. And pushed a new branch "TEST". Notice ...
sridhar249's user avatar
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TortoiseGIT not showing in menu Windows 11

I have installed Tortoise GIT into Windows 11 and its not showing at all in the context menus, both the normal menu or the windows 11 menu I have uninstalled and reinstalled loads of times Has anyone ...
Paul's user avatar
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How do you get TortoiseGit GUI for Windows Explorer working in WSL2 Linux including Windows 10?

I'm migrating my dev environment to Windows subsystem for Linux WSL2 on Windows 10. I want to use TortoiseGit GUI on the win10 side for files in WSL2. How do I do that?
TaiwanGrapefruitTea's user avatar
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GIT pull not showing any changes [duplicate]

We are using bit bucket as a repository. Below is a scenario we got. Pull from Branch A (commit already in Develop Branch of A) -> B (git pull origin A) Reverted commit in branch B of A (git ...
Harshal C's user avatar
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Using separate credentials in TortoiseGit

I have work and private repos on my Windows PC. Both work and private repos can be either Bitbucket or Github. Whenever I push to private repos the commits are pushed with work credentials. I'd like ...
jackhab's user avatar
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Connecting TortoiseGit to github using different SSH credentials per repo

I have several repos on github, and two different accounts. My accounts are the creators of both repos which are discussed below (username1 created repo1 and username2 created repo2). How do I ...
caponica's user avatar
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TortoiseGit does not show overlay icons for some files - sometimes

I currently have a very strange issue. I have a repository, which includes another one as submodule. Recently, I added some files (three to be exact) within a subfolder of that submodule. I did that ...
Gunter's user avatar
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problem in git sync or git pull when I delete my local file?

I have cloned my remote repo to the local machine. I deleted some files from my local but when I use git sync or git pull to get my missing files from remote repo, Tortoise git show me everything is ...
Alizero's user avatar
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Tortoise Git change the last commit

Im trying to change the last commit message by the tortoise git. I found the following answer on this forum: If the commit is the head of current branch, that is easy. Context menu -> Git Commit ...
user3903854's user avatar
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Modifications in files appeared again after Tortoise Git reverting

Im using TortoiseGit and in some cases I got this error. I have modified files, which I haven't changed by myself. I'm reverting them and everything looks good. 1 But when I hit F5 and refresh window,...
Seekeer's user avatar
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GitHub and using SSH keys

I know there are lots of links about this topic and some official ones. I have tried several SO answers too but I am still at a loss. I have created a ED25519 SSH private key (PPK file) and public ...
Andrew Truckle's user avatar
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tortoisegit: Setting path to git.exe to an invariable destination

we are using tortoisegit 2.11.0 and the PATH variable at windows is pointing to the standard installation path at c:\Program Fles..... Can't change this because of system rights! Now, our git.exe to ...
dahaze's user avatar
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Show weekdays in TortoiseGit

In the log messages dialog of tortoisegit, dates are written without weekday. as opposed to TortoiseSVN Can I have weekdays shown?
Anders Lindén's user avatar
4 votes
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How to Sparse checkout with Tortoise Git?

The working way to sparse checkout using git bash is: git clone \ --depth 1 \ --filter=blob:none \ --sparse \ \ cd test-git-partial-clone git sparse-...
DarkCoder's user avatar
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