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-1 votes
2 answers

Google Docs Menu and Toolbar

The font size on my Menu and Toolbar is tiny. Is there a way to increase the text font size? I Googled for answers, but I only found how to increase the font inside the document, which I already know. ...
Lesa Boutin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How do I do multiple toolbars at the top of a window in SwiftUI on MacOS

I have something like this and both toolbars are on the same line. I want them both stacked on top of each other. One toolbar on top of the other: struct ToolbarView: View { @ObservedObject var ...
Keith's user avatar
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Sheet does not appear when triggered while menu is open in SwiftUI (and thereafter)

I seem to be using (context) menus incorrectly in SwiftUI (or there is a serious bug): When a menu is open and the user taps another button (⛭) in the background that is supposed to open a sheet, the ...
Mischa's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Swift UI Toggle inside of a toolbar Menu

I can't seem to get a switch toggle to work inside of a Menu placed in the toolbar. I did notice that if I do not set the .toggleStyle(.switch) it will allow you to toggle on and off with a check ...
Fear_B's user avatar
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1 answer

Android Studio Toolbar İs Not Showing

Android Studio Toolbar İs Not Showing Hello Guys, I am sure that my codes for creating the menu in Android Studio are correct, and it also does not give an error, but when I run my project, the menu ...
Enes Polat's user avatar
1 vote
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Hide toolbar item on Menu open

I trying to build a menu like the Notes app on iOS. On press of the ellipsis-circle button, it should release focus on the text and hide the Done toolbar item. This is my code: @FocusState private var ...
abegehr's user avatar
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3 answers

How to add items to the menu bar using the new MenuProvider?

Very much a beginner question here. Since the old paradigm which used "setHasOptionsMenu(true)" in the fragments was recently deprecated in Android Studio, I have been trying to convert my ...
Eriol's user avatar
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1 answer

How to reference an existing button in your Visual Studio extension .vsct file?

I have created a Visual Studio 2022 extension that has a menu, a submenu and various commands in those menus. I'm able to add those commands to a toolbar, and the icons I associated with those ...
Kyle K's user avatar
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1 answer

Not sure how to target menu items

this is probably a simple question for most of you but I'm just wondering if any of you could tell me what exactly MenuItem item is targeting when working with toolbars? I'm taking a class on Android ...
ReginaldRey's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

how can I show the pull-down-menu in Wireshark GUI?

I downloaded wireshark(3.6.3 stable release), and my laptop is MacOS ARM 64-bit. I want to have my wireshark to show " The Menu" interface. This image is my wireshark. my wireshark And I ...
wony0120's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I apply Menu functionalities to buttons in WIN-PROLOG,

I am trying to build a toolbar in WIN-PROLOG and I am having some problems on giving functionalities to the buttons. I want to have buttons that have the same functionalities that items in the menu ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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1 answer

python: how to add items to a menu of an ipyvuetify toolbar

I would like to find out the way to add items to a toolbar menu created with ipyvuetify # stack overflow toolbar = vue.Toolbar(rounded=True, color='#6BB6BC', ...
JFerro's user avatar
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2 answers

How to set navigationIcon color white in toolbar?

I use toolbar in my application, when I inflate menu in toolbar, navigationIcon color is too dark. I want to set navigationIcon color = white, but I don't know how to do it. Please tell me what can I ...
YouXiang's user avatar
0 votes
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the title in the overflow menu item is not appearing

so, the overflow menu appears in the application, but the title the string is not shown in the menu items. I have tried many things but I couldn't figure out a way to make it appear. for example I ...
Amanuel's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

android menu item don't appeirs on topbar

Toolbar toolbar = view.findViewById(; ((AppCompatActivity)getActivity()).setSupportActionBar(toolbar); @Override public void onCreateOptionsMenu(@NonNull @NotNull Menu ...
Ahmed feki's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

onNavigationItemSelected open activity XML problem

Original problem of menu item's not opening activity was solved by removing all the XML code incide ConstraintLayout. I added NavigationDrawer after creating all the stuff inside ConstraintLayout. How ...
Akzhan's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

How to remove the title from toolbar menu in Kotlin?

i have this toolbar i want to remove the title of the fragment so i can display more items is it from the xml file or the activity? because i tried to add this to my main activity: getActionBar()....
Enigma's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I define the items in the menu row or even better have the default format menu item appear in the toolbar?

I changed menu to this: menubar: 'format table tools help' But what appears in the menu in my editor is just format. Table, tools, and help don't appear. Why is that so? Also, if I want to get rid of ...
Doug Lerner's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add QueryTextListener for searchView in android fragment?

I have an in app contacts list screen (which is a fragment) and I want to add a searchView in my toolbar. This is my code: Fragment code: private lateinit var contactsToolbar: Toolbar ...
android enthusiast's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to Recognise which menuItem is disabled?

Heyy, I have implemented menu, where there are two menu items and when I click on first item, the other menu item goes disabled and vise-versa. And when I click on back button navigation icon, I have ...
Harsh0021's user avatar
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1 answer

how to create dynamic menu in extjs3?

I have Ex. 10 menu in menu header and each of this has permission base so if user have permission for particular menu then that menu will be show for that user only in menu header. If particular user ...
KaranPithadiya's user avatar
-2 votes
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Android toolbar menu doesn't work properly when I even set shoAsAction as always

here is my code fun initActionBar() { setSupportActionBar(toolbar_main) actionBar?.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) } override fun onCreateOptionsMenu(menu: Menu?): Boolean { MenuInflater(...
임세준's user avatar
  • 154
1 vote
1 answer

How to have the title of a toolbar on top of the menu

I'm trying to figure out how to have the title of a toolbar on top of the menu but I don't find anything online. basically I want to have the same toolbar as google maps on that screenshot at the ...
nell's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Toolbar menu not appearing using navigation drawer and fragment

I'm using navigation drawer and toolbar. When I tried to create an option menu on the toolbar of the DrawerActivity, it was not shown. I went through a lot of online resources but still couldn't find ...
jonijeng's user avatar
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Buttons disappeared in Adobe Illustrator

These buttons have disappeared from the Free Transform Tool in Illustrator I've tried everywhere for the solution but still can't figure out where they are, I've already reset the toolbar but that ...
sawankumar1993's user avatar
0 votes
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Android Toolbar Menu Not Displaying on All Activities

I created a Toolbar and a "3-dot menu" that goes on the Toolbar. In my HomeActivity, the menu displays. However, in other activities, the menu doesn't (but the Toolbar does). I'm not sure what's ...
Tyler M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Menu not showing on Android Studio Toolbar

I created a Tabbed Activity and Navigation Drawer in Android Studio. I want a menu option to appear on my second tab, but it is not appearing on the toolbar, since I am using a fragment class and I ...
S.A's user avatar
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1 answer

MFC context menu has incorrect height of items

In my MFC app I create an context menu: CString strName; strName.LoadString(IDS_EDIT_MENU); GetContextMenuManager()->AddMenu(strName, IDR_POPUP_EDIT); This menu is described in a resource file as ...
denn's user avatar
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1 answer

How to configure Jetbrain phpstorm add action buttons to main menu / tool bar such as redo and undo buttons instead of CTRL+Y and CTRL+SHIFT+Z?

I installed new version of Phpstorm 2018. And by default it does not have undo/redo button in the main menu. I am not sure how to add them back. New Phpstorm version 2018 Problem of hiding Back and ...
Dung's user avatar
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PhpStorm Menu and Toolbar arrangement

I want 'Current Line', 'Line Separator' and 'Git Branch' from the Status bar (bottom) moved to the Navigation Bar (top). But I can't find anything in the 'Menus and Toolbars' settings. My end goal is ...
ruslansteiger's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Menu problems in toolbar

I have many fragments in my app, each fragment has a menu and icon button in toolbar. After, I use action bar and the icon work, but when I replace the action bar with a toolbar, the menu is not ...
essetwopoints's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Toolbar menu not inflating

I am making a contexual action bar by modifying the toolbar on long click of recyclerView which contains edit and delete. It works okay if I select / deselect the views, however if I click on edit, ...
Akshra Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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Change the style of MenuItem on android toolbar

I'm using android toolbar for my application actionbar. It has an action button which has 2 MenuItems like this: Now I'm trying to change the style of the MenuItems to represent something like the ...
mammadalius's user avatar
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Menu inflating issue in Multiple fragment hierarchy

Facing issue while inflating different Menu in different fragment. My application hierarchy is like: BottomNavigationView --> Fragments(4) ---> Tab+ViewPager --> Fragments(3) Each fragment contains ...
Prat's user avatar
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1 answer

Menu Inflater doesn't render items outside menu xml

I am trying to create menu according to Menu items are shown perfectly only in menu_main.xml. I cant see items in toolbar_main.xml or ...
Neone's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Kotlin: How to make toolbar menu with Anko DSL?

How to make Android toolbar menu with Anko DSL directly in UI class? Do not want to write listeners in my Activity class. Regarding my answer given below, is there a way to avoid XML recource file to ...
Almaz's user avatar
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1 answer

Hide/unhide toolbar menu

I want to can be able to hide/unhide programmatically the toolbar menu. Because I couldn't find any information for that on net I use next code to remove menu from toolbar: Toolbar mToolbar = (...
gogoloi's user avatar
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toolbar menu item color is white and i cant change it [duplicate]

i have this toolbar < android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:theme="@style/AppTheme....
wajde's user avatar
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ImageView on Toolbar pushed by menu icon

Image Screen Capture I have an ImageView inside a Toolbar, and now I added a menu with an icon inside. How can I do to keep my ImageView centred and not being pushed by this icon? Watch the screen ...
Matias Nagore's user avatar
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How does android action bar work?

<menu xmlns:android="" xmlns:app="" xmlns:tools="" tools:context=".MainActivity"> ...
rsanath's user avatar
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How to get menu id?

I have a fragment. In it I have an overflow menu (three dots on toolbar). I need to highlight them via Material Showcase. The trouble I face is that I can not obtain these "three dots" id. How to ...
Pavel Sarpov's user avatar
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Color of menu button in toolbar

How to set any color for these three points?
24nch3z's user avatar
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How to vertically center menu item on toolbar less than 48dp?

I'm trying to vertical center a simple menu item on my 30dp height toolbar. I realize that Material Guidelines suggests a toolbar of 48dp, but I have too many items in my screen to give up any real ...
Jay's user avatar
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Need aid on Javascript dropdown menu

So essentially I can't figure out why this menu won't dropdown when I click on the hamburger icon, any help will be greatly appreciated Javascript: function myFunction(){ var hamburger=document....
MJCarnahan's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Menu with Text only not showing in Toolbar

I have to show back icon, Logo and text (Next) in Toolbar. Next is right aligned. I tried placing text via menu. I have set logo and back button to toolbar. toolbar.setLogo(R.mipmap.logo); toolbar....
seema's user avatar
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Does JavaFX has AbstractAction like swing has?

I'm building an app with javafx that need to have same buttons in toolbar and in menu. So it's easier to use abstract actions, like swing has. So my question is, does javaFx has something like that?
Filip Antic's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to set menu items in a fragment toolbar?

I have a fragment in my Activity and the fragment has its own toolbar. Like this: Image Here is the layout of the fragment: <FrameLayout xmlns:android=""...
Bishwajyoti Roy's user avatar
0 votes
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Add res/menu folder on created project

I already have a project created, but I need the res/menu folder to add a toolbar to the layout, I've been searching and none of them worked, can you help me find the problem please? This is the ...
Oliver Carneiro's user avatar
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How to change menu item to textview android

I want to reduce the size of my application. I have multiple images that can be removed to reduce the size. Some of this images used in my toolbar menu items as icon. I want to change the <item /&...
Azak's user avatar
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Onclick in Tool bar is not working

Hi guys I am using badge in toolbar and I set count and its working fine. but only the problem is clickable function is not working Here is my code @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(...
Edgar prabhu's user avatar