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Working with document term matrix in xgboost

I am working on sentiment analysis in r. i've done making a model with naive bayes. but, i wanna try another one, which is xgboost. then, i got a problem when tried to make xgboost model because don't ...
wahyu ramadani's user avatar
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Text mining on sentences with the tm.package in R

I'm working with the tm package in R. I have several txt.files in a folder and a list of 30 sentences. Now I have to check if my files contains these sentences. How can I create now a programming ...
Andy's user avatar
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Remove languages other than English from corpus or data frame in R

I am currently looking to perform some text mining on 25000 YouTube comments, which I gathered using the tuber package. I am very new to coding and with all these different information out there, this ...
Lucinho91's user avatar
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R Sentiment Analysis with syuzhet tm corpus

I'm newbie to text analysis in R, is there an easy way to apply the syuzhet: get_nrc_sentiment to a corpus with x elements (loaded individual text files)? I'm guessing you need turn the corpus back to ...
Mikey's user avatar
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remove emoticons in R using tm package

I'm using the tm package to clean up a Twitter Corpus. However, the package is unable to clean up emoticons. Here's a replicated code: July4th_clean <- tm_map(July4th_clean, content_transformer(...
Luis's user avatar
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How do I average a sentiment score for a day with multiple texts?

I am doing a text sentiment analysis in R using the tm package. I have scraped news articles from Reuters and gave them a variable name according to their date. I added a,b,c etc. to indicate multiple ...
ymbrouwer's user avatar
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How to chain together multiple qdap transformations for text mining / sentiment (polarity) analysis in R

I have a data.frame that has week numbers, week, and text reviews, text. I would like to treat the week variable as my grouping variable and run some basic text analysis on it (e.g. qdap::polarity). ...
JasonAizkalns's user avatar
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Classifying anger,disgust,fear,joy,sadness,surprise using RTextTools

I have trying to do sentiment analysis of tweets. I am trying to classify anger,disgust,fear,joy,sadness,surprise of those tweets which is generally done by RTextTools. But I can't how to do it? It ...
Ritesh Jung Thapa's user avatar
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R functions using SentiWordNet

I am doing sentiment analysis and text mining on an e-mail box dedicated for client feedback. I use R for this work. I based the sentiment analysis on the work done by Jeffrey Breen. It works fine ...
Hein's user avatar
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DocumentTermMatrix fails with a strange error only when # terms > 3000

My code below works fine unless I use create a DocumentTermMatrix with more that 3000 terms. This line: movie_dict <- findFreqTerms(movie_dtm_train, 8) movie_dtm_hiFq_train <- ...
anthonybell's user avatar
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R tm, plugin.sentiment packages: how to plot sentiment trending?

My Objective: Select a stock ticker, plot candlestick plot with stock trend for it. Access news for the same stock ticker and plot sentiment analysis trends for it to visually correlate the trends. ...
Sudarshan's user avatar
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negation handling in R, how can I replace a word following a negation in R?

I'm doing sentiment analysis for financial articles. To enhance the accuracy of my naive Bayes classifier, I'd like to implement negation handling. Specifically, I want to add the prefix "not_" to ...
cptn's user avatar
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