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Extend annotation io.micrometer.core.annotation.Timed

I'm using @Timed in Spring Boot app for collecting metrics from methods and it works: @Timed(percentiles = {0.95, 0.99}, histogram = true, extraTags = {"slice", "client"}) Since I'...
евгений кунцевич's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

TSAN WARNING: ThreadSanitizer: unlock of an unlocked mutex (or by a wrong thread)

I have write the following member function in my class which executes in a seperate thread and it sets the _cancellationRequested to true and execution function which runs in a seperate thread detects ...
Sujith Gunawardhane's user avatar
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Javascript that displays different page every hour needs to open in new window

I have javascript on my page which opens a different page every hour of the day. This example uses a text link in the code. It opens in the same window it is displayed on. Works fine except I need it ...
rma45's user avatar
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Scraping of metrics isn't working on spring boot with Micrometer annotations @Timed and @Counted with a prometheus

I am trying to design an application that will show metrics about it's health and other custom metrics, like how long each function runs and how many times etc. I am on spring boot 2.7.1. I want to ...
Fleky's user avatar
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2 answers

Run a program task in the background within a time range in .Net Core

I have the following code, which I need to run within an interval of hours, in this case from 9:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m. every day, to send emails: public class TimedHostedService : IHostedService, ...
Danilo 's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Sending a timed messege on discord with python

How do I send a message on discord channel from python? I tried YouTube videos they aren't working also I want the messages to be timed like after every 1 minute the message should go import requests ...
Yash Raja's user avatar
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Win32Exception: The wait operation timed out

When I make a backup using C# and SQL Server it gives this error System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: 'Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or ...
mohammad esawe's user avatar
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Check50 failing my recover code on time out while waiting for program to exit fault

I have been on this problem all day but I cannot seem to discover what is wrong with my code and why it won't pass on check 50. If I try to make changes I would get a segmentation fault and I cannot ...
Leonard Offor's user avatar
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discord.ext.commands.errors.BadArgument: Converting to "int" failed for parameter "duration". eventhough i defined the duration as 5 in the parameters

@commands.command(name = "mute") @commands.has_permissions(administrator = True) async def mute(self, ctx, member: discord.Member, reason = None, duration = 5, *, unit = None): ...
OjuIsNab's user avatar
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Selenium Python timed out receiving message from renderer error

I want to add the plugin called metamask to my browser and check the amount of etherium in my wallet. But when I add the plugin, sometimes I get this error and sometimes I don't: selenium.common....
Emrovsky Emrovsky's user avatar
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How to run items from an ExternalTimedMetadataTracks collection?

I'm working on a UWP Desktop application for playing videos. I need to include subtitles at runtime and I'm trying to use a TimedMetadataTrack object of type Subtitle. Although I've included several ...
Jose Afonso's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to implement a calendar event-driven workflow in Java

The project I work in requires me to write a service in Java that acts as a calendar. It should be possible to put events on the calendar, at a specific point in time. And there should be a process ...
Kjeld's user avatar
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io.micrometer @Timed not emitting metrics for @Override method in Java and Springboot App. Tried registering TimedAspect manually

I am trying to capture the metrics for an override method in Java / Springboot. Below is the snippet @Override @Timed(value = "processor_timer", histogram = true) public void preProcess(byte[...
Gupta's user avatar
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1 answer

Google Play Timed Publishing - release and alpha/beta track at the same time

This is the scenario: I turned on timed publishing. I created and submitted a release on a production track (Initial 1.0 release). "Go live" button became blue after some time. I made numerous fixes ...
Dick Thunder's user avatar
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Python 3 - Creating a time defined user input within a loop (windows)

I have decided to ask here because after spending several hours trying to figure out my issue (alone and online), I have not gotten anywhere. Let me explain you my issue first: I am trying to write ...
Bilalord's user avatar
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Timed waiting and infinite waiting on the same condition variable?

Scenario: I have a condition_variable based wait and signal mechanism. This works! But I need a little more than just the classic wait and signal mechanism. I need to be able to do a timed wait as ...
AdeleGoldberg's user avatar
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Getting: cURL Error #:Operation timed out after 30000 milliseconds with 0 bytes received with POST request (PHP)

I am trying to make a POST request to this url:***/orgunits in order to create new Organizational Units. This is the code to make a cURL ...
Y_Lakdime's user avatar
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SpringBoot application monitoring Adding Timed annotation cause to error

I'm implementing micrometer to spring web project. While trying to add @Timed annotation. Prior to add @Timed i'm supposed to create TimedSpect bean. But it says could not autowire no bean of ...
Damitha Dayananda's user avatar
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How to show content timezone specific using javascript & html

My website currently displays the .pastTV div during the hours of 12:00pm-12:30pm EST. However, the code is not time-zone specific, capturing the local time of anyone visiting site. Is there a way ...
Jak's user avatar
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The TCP/IP connection to the host localhost, port 1433 has failed. Error: "connect timed out. "

This is my Java code: import java.sql.*; public class Database_connect { public static void main(String[] args) { String url= "jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=Reena;instance=...
Reena's user avatar
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Enable timed caching using java

I have set expires for a particular api using httpServletResponse.setDateHeader("Expires", c.getTimeInMillis()); however when i make the api call it does not seem to work. Every time it's making the ...
kavya reddy's user avatar
1 vote
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Terminal Operation Times Out (Recent Python Install Issues)

I was stupid and may have deleted some dependencies for mac's base python (and/or python 2.7) as root when trying to uninstall anaconda navigator. Now every Every time I try to perform an install or ...
awags1's user avatar
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2 answers

Android - Notification at specific time every day

I am trying to add a notification feature to my application. I want it to run a notification or action at the same time, every day. I have this code for my notification right now: import android....
Jacob's user avatar
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Eclipse microprofile metrics @Timed does measure time, always 0

we have a problem with eclipse microprofile metrics @Timed annotation. It does not seem to measure times (only counts number of calls). Setup is with Payara 5 full. Typical output via http://...
wurznsepp's user avatar
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Freezing Functions based on time (GAS or Detault Functions)

I'm trying to find a way to execute a formula at a specific time and then lock it, without changing. Essentially, I am counting responses for different people (from the output of a google form). Each ...
koolkats99's user avatar
-5 votes
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How do I add an integer to a hashmap every second, then check when it reaches the intendid final number?

I am practicing learning java and I would like to learn a lot more than I can find on my own hence I am asking this question. I know how to create a hashmap, I know how to add things into the hashmap, ...
Shaden's user avatar
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1 answer

std::threads not available in windows forms

I have this callable timer, but the std::threads are not not available when working with Windows forms class Timer { public: template <class callable, class... arguments> Timer(int ...
Benjamin Lyderik Olsen's user avatar
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2 answers

Nodejs once every eight hours

I am trying to impliment into my nodejs script a function to allow once per 8 hours a select command. example: !hug <--- would let bot respond with a hug but only once every 8 hours I've been ...
Chris Jones's user avatar
-1 votes
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PHP timed script execution

I am not quite sure how to put my question into words, but this is what I am trying to build. I want to send email using PHPMailer through my gmail account. Now, Gmail has a limit of 500 emails in one ...
Eric Sison's user avatar
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Screensaver loads image in radom location after inactivity, restarts if user does anything

I have the following two pieces of code (awful but I have no idea what I'm doing): var stage = new createjs.Stage("canvas"); createjs.Ticker.on("tick", tick); // Simple loading for demo ...
Henry Wood's user avatar
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2 answers

Batch windows xp timed prompt without choice.exe

im new to batch scripting. I was wondering if there was a way to write a timed prompt without using choice.exe because I'm using windows xp. Something along the lines of: @echo off /set p answer=...
stewazy's user avatar
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-6 votes
3 answers

Android - What is the best way to do something every time the time changes? [closed]

I want a do something every time a minute passes, for example when the time changes from 10:38 to 10:39 i want to do something. What is the best way to do this?
D. Vincy's user avatar
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Wordpress display/hide content based on date/time without refreshing page

I have searched high and low looking for a plugin or code to show or hide content on a WordPress page based on the date and time without refreshing the page. I can rig something and have the page ...
user1653127's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to create timed events using node.js

Could I use node.js to create timed events that happen on another webpage? For example, could I set up a node.js server to connect to a website and click a certain button every 24 hours? Or is this ...
McMatt's user avatar
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4 answers

create a timed 3 state push button in arduino

Due to a shortage of pins on a esp8266 in arduino, I need a way to detect a button where; momentary press runs snooze() 15 sec press runs conf_Desk() 30 sec press runs calibration() the ...
user1213320's user avatar
33 votes
6 answers

Google Play Timed Publishing

While updating an app with "Timed Publishing" on Google Play, after I upload the APK, should I select the "publish now to production" option? Will this submit the new APK to production or will Google ...
Gowri Shankar Malapaka's user avatar
-3 votes
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Enable button for a limited time period in a day in Adndroid

I have a button it should work according to time from 09.00 Am to 04.00 pm and rest of time it should not work. I am developing an app. I am new in android. I have three buttons namely register, ...
Sali Suban's user avatar
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Batch to go back and forth between 2 exe

I am trying to write a bat file to go back and forth between 3 executable files every 2hrs. So that A&C will run for 2hrs and close then B&C will open up for 2hrs and continue this process ...
Jeff Wright's user avatar
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RxJs: How to emit events at predefined times?

I have some pre-defined events set to occur at specific times. And I have a timer, like this: const timer = Rx.Observable.interval(100).timeInterval() .map(x => x.interval) .scan((ms, ...
mookie the swede's user avatar
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Javascript Timed Message

I'm trying to make a timed alert that goes off at midnight, and the code so far: function startTime() { var today=new Date(); var h=today.getHours(); var m=today.getMinutes(); var s=...
user3115558's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pure JavaScript - Timed Animation - Consistent height?

I have created a script that animates the height of an element in 500ms. The timer works fine but I am struggling to make the height increase consistently. How do I animate the height smoothly ...
Paddy's user avatar
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Changing the image size on image display that changes every few seconds

Cheers, I have this code for an image display that changes every few seconds but I can't figure out how to adjust the image size of each one, or how to make them all the same. <!DOCTYPE html&...
jorswag3's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

What's going wrong with my timed Traffic Lights program?

I don't know why as it seems to be all correct and there are no errors in console. It always starts on green.png and stays there? I'm trying to make a timed traffic lights sequence that can start as ...
John Greenwood's user avatar
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How can i make this Audio file only play at the time listed and not any time after?

Below is the code I got from this site. THANK YOU. but everytime the page is loaded it plays the audio file any time after 16:24. Is there a way to prevent this? var now = new Date(); var audio1 = ...
P Harmon's user avatar
-2 votes
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Javascript Timed Event/ Image?

What I want to program is a timed event that occurs when a person opens a web page. They will get to a page on the website where an image will be displayed for an amount of time (say 10 seconds) and ...
Kristi's user avatar
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JavaScript timed response

I'm having trouble with a JavaScript timed-output that states some type of greeting and then the time. Code: <script language="Javascript"> <!-- { var now = new Date(); var h = now....
user3115558's user avatar
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3 answers

My site stopped with this php error

ERROR: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection timed out Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/mangaat/public_html/include/config.php:...
mmoamen's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Increment an output signal in labview

![enter image description here][1]I have a high voltage control VI and I'd like it to increase the output voltage by a user set increment every x number of seconds. At the moment I have a timed ...
Eric van der Merwe's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

jQuery Timer for click event

We have a facts page on our website with the following code: <div class='buttonplacer'> <button class="facts-button1">Fun Fact #1</button> <button class="facts-button2">Fun ...
Sjoerd's user avatar
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Meteor Timed variable resets

I'm making a game with meteor and I want certain variables to reset at the end of everyday.. DO you know how I would go about doing that? Like at the end of everyday the amount of turns goes back to ...
Alex Hong's user avatar