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How to get the right URL for thredds and load ncml data in R?

I'm trying to load some climate data from PAVICS with thredds in R. library(ncdf4) library(thredds) url = "
M. Beausoleil's user avatar
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Writing an ncdf4 file to disk after accessing it through OPeNDAP using R?

I am accessing a ncdf file from a thredds server and subsetting using openDAP, however while I can open and access the file connection, I cannot seem to copy the entire *.nc file to my local disk. Is ...
Moritz Shore's user avatar
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Error when trying to remotely access MERRA-2

I'm trying to get PM2.5 data from the public NASA data base. Specifically, I'm following all the steps from this guide. I also created the three files just as explained on this requirements website. ...
futur3boy's user avatar
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Calculating the size (bytes) of subset large netCDF file from a THREDDS Data Server before reading the file using ncvar_get?

I'm using nc_open to get a DatasetNode from a THREDDS Data Server, and reading a subset of the data in ncvar_get by specifying start and count. Reproducible example below: library(thredds) library(...
marine-ecologist's user avatar
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Abort download.file in R if file becomes too large

In a shiny app I would like users to be able to download a remote (.nc) file with file size limit of say, 100MB. For some files inspecting the header works well, as suggested here https://...
Danny's user avatar
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How to download and subset netCDF files from NCEI THREDDS server

I am trying to download and subset the files located here:, but I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong ...
pbreach's user avatar
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How to format netCDF datasets to be compatible with Thredds OGC services

I have a netcdf dataset produced from the NASA LIS model that i want to be able to show through WMS using a Thredds server. The specific dataset and thredds server can be found at https://tethys.byu....
Riley Hales's user avatar
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2 answers

NcML aggregation of remote THREDDS catalog

I want to aggregate all files within a specific directory of a remote THREDDS catalog. These are grib2 files for nam forecast. This is the main list of directories for each month. Here is my ncml file ...
Sia's user avatar
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How to get Contours in ncWMS thredds vertical section for getVerticalSection request

How to get Contours in ncWMS thredds vertical section for getVerticalSection request. I need to obtain some pngs with contours on them for a project using thredds 5.0.0, I am unable to find find any ...
paras's user avatar
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Thredds getCapabilities for ncWMS server

Thredds Data Server TDS provides getCapabilities for a netCDF file. e.g. http://localhost:8080/thredds/wms/testAll/ Here, the ...
Alberto's user avatar
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THREDDS Server NetCDF file via WMS

I have setup TomCat and THREDDS server (loaded war file) and attempted to serve up some *.nc files using via WMS protocol. I can request the file but all I seem to get back is a black image. I had ...
Madmartigan's user avatar
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Using Javascript to make parallel server requests THREDDS OPeNDAP

For the following THREDDS OPeNDAP server: I would like to note four Attributes of every file in there. The ...
user5612440's user avatar
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THREDDS OPeNDAP speed Matlab

Using the following code in Matlab: nc_file_list = {''}; ...
InteressantPunt's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Using NCML to reduce dimensions in netCDF file

I'm trying to use NCML to 'convert' a CF-1.4 file to CF-1.6. Of particular interest is how to 1) remove dimensions and then 2) change the dimensions of variables. For example, below are the top ...
JimP's user avatar
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NcML aggregation of remote 3D and 4D variables?

Can NcML be used to aggregate 3D and 4D grids? I wasn't sure since they differ in the number of dimensions. e.g. sea surface height (ssh) and water temperature, where ssh has three dimensions [time, ...
John Maurer's user avatar
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Loading data on Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) from a THREDDS catalog?

I am trying to load some data to IDV from a THREDDS server via the catalog, but I get error messages such as Server does not support Content-Length I can add netcdf data from my local folders, but ...
ZZZ's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a hardwired limit to the NcML/THREDDS values element?

Is there a limit to the size or number of entries that can be placed within the values NcML element? I'm attempting to get a set of NetCDF files without lon/lat variables - but with x/y variables - ...
Steven Baum's user avatar
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Best way for Excel users to access NetCDF files on a THREDDS Data Server?

I have seen the following example to access a netcdf file using excel. I was wondering if it possible to access a certain part of the data based on specific indices (e.g. a time series of a ...
ZZZ's user avatar
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THREDDS server using Godiva viewer

Anyone knows how I can configure the godiva viewer in order to get a specific colour palette and specific range of values? This is an example, where the colour palette is the default, but the range ...
Gago-Silva's user avatar
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