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Appropriate GPU deepface

I am currently using only CPU(intel-13700K) for deepface to run face recognition. I have achieved 15 images per second on my dataset; however, striving for more. I am using a combination of ArcFace + ...
Andrey's user avatar
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FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'patchelf' while building TensorFlow from source

Description: I am trying to build TensorFlow 2.18 from source on CentOS 8 with the following environment: Python Version: 3.10, Bazel Version: 6.5.0, CUDA/cuDNN Version: CUDA 12.5 / cuDNN 9.3, GCC/...
Goutam Agrawal's user avatar
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Problem with tensorflow non linearity Apple M4 Chips

I have a problem with the result of non-linear(sigmoid) Neural Network Classification in tensorflow. I suspect is a problem with the M chip and my instalation but I tried several versions using ...
Marco Feregrino's user avatar
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Keras metrics are aggregated over training?

Most TF keras models I see are implemented where at the end of a training step they calculate some metric and use metric.update_state(metric_value) to log the metric. As far as I can understand this ...
ThreeOrangeOneRed's user avatar
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InvalidArgumentError, Deep Learning with Python, Example 10.2.3

I'm trying example 10.2.3 from the book Deep Learning with Python by François Chollet. I'm getting an error on the line history = using Tensorflow 2.17. However, I don't get an error if ...
Mike M. Lin's user avatar
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MirroredStrategy output varies depending on the visible GPUs

I'm trying to run the following code import tensorflow as tf def test_multi_gpu_communication(): # Check if multiple GPUs are available gpus = tf.config.list_physical_devices('GPU') if ...
go_krm's user avatar
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Can't setup specific parameters of server_core through model_config_list

Im having an infinite loop when model_paths are not correct in model_config_list for tf-serving. This seems to be a known behaviour for tf-serving and it also seems to be two different ways of ...
Sergiodiaz53's user avatar
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Training Tensorflow from Bigquery table

I need to train a tf model with a huge table on Bigquery. I try to follow the example in the documentation ( but without success. I can't figure out ...
M F's user avatar
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How can I get model summary from a Object Detection API model?

I am working with, where I have loaded the following model using pipeline config: import tensorflow as tf from ...
wordhydrogen's user avatar
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TensorFlow 2.14.0 Fails to Detect GPU on Google Colab

I'm trying to use Mask-RCNN with a GPU on Google Colab, as I need a powerful GPU that my local machine lacks. I’ve even subscribed to Google Colab Pro for this purpose. I've implemented a repository ...
Trulatriz's user avatar
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Tensorflow serving keras bert model issue

I am trying to use tensorflow serving to serve a keras bert model, but I have problem to predict with rest api, below are informations. Can you please help me to resolve this problem. predict output (...
cceasy's user avatar
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ImageDataGenerator sending array of image, instead of file path in preprocessing function

I am trying to implement a Deep learning project in python, that takes Image as input detects one human tells the color of cloths, that human wearing. I have a folder which have all training images ...
Manas Bisht's user avatar
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TypeError: '_UserObject' object is not callable

I am posting a question because there was a problem in the process of creating and importing custom models from tensorflow. This is the code that has a problem: import os os.environ['...
하채린's user avatar
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what kind of data is written to events.out.tfevents.1730092600.jolteon.215490.0.v2 from keras.callbacks.tensboard callbacks

Would like to know what kind of information is available and in what format is the file events.out.tfevents.1730092600.jolteon.215490.0.v2 written in. This file is generated by : tensorboard_callback =...
Sriharsha Dokula's user avatar
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TensorFlow InvalidArgumentError: Concatenation dimension mismatch in ConcatOp - Shapes do not match

I keep getting this error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- InvalidArgumentError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-50-...
Md. Imrul Kayes's user avatar
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Query on reinforcement learning model not converging

I was trying to build a reinforcement model to personalise email campaign (basis email variants, time of day etc.) and improve open rates. For this, I created a DQN model and followed epsilon decay ...
Sthitapragnya Kalita's user avatar
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Tensorflow - Training error at the end of each epoch in (keras)

After changing laptops, the training of my transformer (a simple translator) fails at the end of the first epoch. The code is pretty long but I use and overridden train_step(). h = ...
u2gilles's user avatar
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Tensorflow Lite Dynamic Output shape

i have a tensorflow object detection model. when i load it with tf.saved_model.load() i see this signatures: {'detection_scores': TensorShape([1, 100]), 'detection_boxes': TensorShape([1, 100, 4]), '...
Admiral Tidebringer's user avatar
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Tensorflow executes slow on GPU - retracing issue?

I am trying to develop a transformer sequence to vector model but encounter performance issues. I am working with a Tesla V100-PCIE-16GB. Whenever the model encounters an unseen sequence length, the (...
D. E.'s user avatar
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tf.math.segment_mean operation not working with XLA_GPU_JIT in google colab

I am using Google Colab pro with a T4 GPU for testing, my model is a GNN that is used to find relational data between chess pieces on a board. When I ran my code with a CPU it ran perfectly fine, but ...
MessiSkillz's user avatar
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Having issue with calculating SINR using TensorFlow, how numerically stable is TF when it comes to complex numbers?

I have code for training a neural network and the loss is negative SINR, for a system with multi group (G) and multi users (K). However when I calculate the sinr, something odd happens. the SINR ...
reza soleimani's user avatar
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Tensorflow probability - quantile is not implemented in Binomial but is documented

quantile() does not seem to be implemented in Binomial distribution but is documented here To reproduce the issue please run : import tensorflow_probability as tfp import tensorflow as tf tfd = tfp....
u2gilles's user avatar
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How do I handle a custom loss function with (1/(1-exp(-x))-1/x) in it?

I am working on a deep learning model with a ragged tensor where the custom loss function is related to: f(x)+f(x+50) and f(x)=1/(1-exp(-x))-1/x when x!=0, f(x)=0.5 when x=0. f(x) is ranged between 0 ...
kospie's user avatar
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Is it possible to use Vertex AI exported AutoML Edge model(saved_model.pb stored in GCS ) file as pre-trained model for transfer learning

I trained an AutoML Edge model in Vertex AI using image dataset and I exported the trained model to GCS (saved_model.pb) and now i want to use this model as pre-trained model and train on new dataset ...
Ramesh Raj's user avatar
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The still returns full dataset in its entirety

The full dataset for my CNN model is too large for the 12GB vRAM the GPU has and throws OOM error when all of them is loaded. To solve this OOM problem, data generator is implemented as ...
user938363's user avatar
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Tensorflow creating CNN for Matrix Completion PYTHON 3.9.19

I have an issue with building a modell to fit my problem. First ill explain what the objective is: This is just an example of what it looks like, they are points in a picture, and due to distortion ...
Seaweed1603's user avatar
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AttributeError: Can't get attribute 'TextPreprocessor', when deploying Flask app on Render

The problem is I have a flask app, which predict spam or ham text, by taking input from user. I have two 'joblib' models with pipelines for text preprocessing and prediction (with tensorflow) This is ...
Manas Bisht's user avatar
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A strange behavior about output_shapes in

A data generator is defined in a VGG16 transfer learning model. The input shape of image is (224, 224, 3). Here is the generator defined: def preprocess_image_patches_image_embedding(image_paths, ...
user938363's user avatar
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tensorflow Input shape error: Expected shape (None, 3), but input has incompatible shape (None, 3, 3)

After adding tf.dataset generator, the starts to throw error about incompatible input shape. The model is a VGG16 transfer learning model with customized dense layer. The input is image of ...
user938363's user avatar
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Issues implementing a custom layer in Tensorflow

I copied this code from tensorflow's documentation for implementing a custom layer: import tensorflow as tf class MyDenseLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer): def __init__(self, num_outputs): super(...
tew_evolving's user avatar
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How To Choose Values From Tensor Using Another Tensor In Tensorflow

I have 2 arrays (Tensors) with the same shape such as: array1 = [[[0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]], [[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]] array2 = [[[0.2, 0.7, 0.1], [0.2, 0.4, 0.4]], [[0.2, 0.8, 0.0], [0.5, 0.2, 0.3]]] I ...
Istros's user avatar
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Tensorflow gpu error: Dst tensor is not initialized when

When the vgg16 transfer learning model is being fitted. Tensorflow throws error. Every image patch is 224x224 RGB which is about 602KB (with float32. Max batch size is about 5000 by formula vRAM/patch ...
user938363's user avatar
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ValueError: Invalid dtype: complex64 when using get_melspectrogram_layer in Kapre

I'm trying to use the get_melspectrogram_layer from the Kapre library in a Keras model. However, I'm encountering the following error: ValueError: Exception encountered when calling ...
David Kinyanjui's user avatar
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Tensorflow Conv1d kernel size for time series

I am really new at this topic, so please bear with me. I have the following problem: I'm trying to use a CNN model to predict sleep stages with an ecg signal and some other features. The ecg singal is ...
Timus's user avatar
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Load a TensorFlow model trained on Windows Native environment to Windows WSL2 (Linux Ubuntu)

I have a TensorFlow functional model, model, that accepts two sets of inputs (time series and regular features) and produces the probabilities for 3 different classes. I trained this model on Windows ...
Mohammad Tehrani's user avatar
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Donkeycar: donkey ui command raise RecursionError('maximum recursion depth exceeded') problem

I'm following this guide: since I have to install donkey ui on my laptop to train a deep learning autopilot. The problem arise when I try to ...
newuser's user avatar
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Tensorflow is not detecting my gpu even though i installed CUDA and CudNn

I've tried to install TensorFlow on my machine so I can perform Ai model training. I've installed the CUDA and cuDnn models following this tutorial but even then when I tried running import tensorflow ...
Sarath Siddharth's user avatar
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TensorFlow - Replacement for normalize_utf8 to split accented characters

In order to split accented characters, I use tensorflow_text.normalize_utf8(x, 'NFKD') Unfortunately, tensorflow_text is not avalaible on Windows after TF 2.10 in pip. I am looking for a replacement ...
u2gilles's user avatar
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How to create graph for higher order derivative in Tensorflow

My target is to forcing gradients to be statistically indistinguishable across tasks in a multi-task model by exposing them into a discriminator (inspired by Adversarial Learning, training weights to ...
Irene Ma's user avatar
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Getting Value Error while running the model prediction when it is deployed to Google Cloud Run

I'm getting the following error while running the model prediction through my streamlit app deployed on Google Cloud Run. But the same code is running perfectly locally and on Google colab with same ...
dencoder's user avatar
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Cannot take the length of shape with unknown rank when fitting model

I am trying to train a deep audio classification model. When checking the shapes of the testing and training data it is (16, 6245, 257, 1), 16 being the number of items in the batch, 6245 being the ...
Rithvik S's user avatar
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"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.keras' " in jupiter notebook

I want import in file ipynb: from tensorflow.keras import layers from tensorflow.keras import losses My code looks like: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import re import shutil import ...
Duck_Luck's user avatar
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Persistent Issue Importing KerasClassifier

I’ve been facing a persistent issue with importing the KerasClassifier library in my Python environment, and I’m hoping to get some advice on how to resolve it. I keep encountering an intermittent ...
Zineb Boussedra's user avatar
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Multi-Input network for image classification using TensorflowDataset gets none values not supported error

I have a dataset of tfrecords and mapped them to a Tensorflow dataset. The dataset structure has a dict structure as follows: { "image" : ImageDataTensor, "additional_features" : ...
tobstar's user avatar
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"tf.summary.image" gives Invalid Argument Error for the standard example

I have recently started Tensorflow by trying to replicate some of the existing repos, and I have been stuck at writing summaries since quite some time now. Specifically, I have been trying to port the ...
Manish's user avatar
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Efficiently finetune a VGG model in Colab

I am trying to fine-tune a VGG16 model for an ECG-image classification task with the resolution of 1700 * 2200 I haven't reshaped and reduced the size of the images because I thought some ...
rav2001's user avatar
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Large Accuracy Difference Between TensorFlow Sequential and Subclassing API for CNN Model?

I've been working on a CNN model using both the Sequential API and the Subclassing API in TensorFlow. However, I'm seeing a significant difference in accuracy between the two implementations on the ...
Sardar Badar Saghir's user avatar
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Why are my tensorflow gradients None when using tf.python.ops.gradients?

I am struggling with tensorflow gradients. I am using a custom second order optimizer where I need to compute hessians. The library I have chosen uses tf.python.ops.gradients instead of the standard ...
greyBag's user avatar
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How to load keras models into colab

Am tring to load a keras model into my colab environment using API's but on importing the model and unzipping it I keep getting errors that the model can not be read, the format is wrong # To move my ...
Bushman's user avatar
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Input empty but .tfrecord has data, so it doesnt get loaded into training model

I am trying to train an object detection model using my own dataset in google colab using the tensorflow object detection API. However, I keep getting this error message when i attempt to train my ...
Bruno Hawkins's user avatar

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