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what's the solution to unsupported FEATURE_TELEPHONY_RADIO_ACCESS?

I want to use some public methods from Android TelephonyManager which requires FEATURE_TELEPHONY_RADIO_ACCESS. However, as I checked it using package manager it shows that my device does not support ...
Martiza Hanim Tsurayya's user avatar
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How to Disable the Default Calling Screen on Android using java?

I'm developing an Android application that automatically picks up incoming calls on a device (let's call it Device B). I am done with the auto-pick call. Now I want to disable the default calling ...
Jaykumar Shapariya's user avatar
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How to Play Audio for Caller in Call App on Android?

I'm developing an Android application that automatically picks up incoming calls on a device (let's call it Device B). After picking up the call, I want to play a predefined audio file after a 10-...
Jaykumar Shapariya's user avatar
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java.lang.SecurityException: iccOpenLogicalChannel

I want to run applet that is installed on sim card using android app and receive results. so i tried Telephony API and OMAPI but I catch "java.lang.SecurityException" when i try to create ...
alireza jamshidi's user avatar
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Android Studio Java Check if Incoming Call is Forwarded

I am creating an android studio java app where i would like to check if the incoming call has been forwarded Below is my manifest where i am declaring READ_PHONE_STATE permission and also declaring my ...
Emmanuel Njorodongo's user avatar
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How to get Incoming call phone number in android 14

I want to get incoming caller number , i used a BroadcastReceiver , i use this method and have no problem : getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER) , but i get warning from android ...
Amirhussein's user avatar
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TelephonyManager.allCellInfo returns all cell despite createForSubscriptionId

I'm not sure if it's normal, but even though I instantiated a specific TelephonyManager for each of my SIM cards (with the subscriptionId), calling allCellInfo returns all cells detected by the device....
Boobby69's user avatar
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TelephonyManager: Callback function for SIM Operator Name change

I'm developing an APP for mobile network testing. The Home page of the APP shows the mobile network the SIM is registered to. I need to keep this info updated, how can I do? This is the current ...
Giorgio Torassa's user avatar
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Get info about incoming call from selected sim

I use a broadcast receiver to intercept calls coming to the phone and send them and then process them. I need to receive calls only from a certain SIM card in a two-key phone. I can try to do it like ...
herz88888888's user avatar
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TelephonyManager returning NULL and ACTUAL NUMBER

I'm working on an Android app that detects incoming calls using a BroadcastReceiver. When an incoming call is detected, I want to perform a task, but I'm facing an issue with handling null phone ...
pmjr's user avatar
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Network scan without MODIFY_PHONE_STATE privilege

I’m trying to develop an Android APP for mobile network testing on my Samsung A52. One of the most important task is to perform a network scan to find all the mobile networks available, the signal ...
Giorgio Torassa's user avatar
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Kotlin: TelephonyManager.networkCountryIso instead of TelephonyManager.getNetworkCountryIso()

I'm trying to develop an Android APP that manages telephony services. One of the first tasks I tried to implement is getting info from the phone/SIM. In
Giorgio Torassa's user avatar
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onSignalStrengthsChanged method in TelephonyCallback.SignalStrengthsListener interface is not called when signal strength changes

My code is as follow: val executor = this.mainExecutor if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= VERSION_CODES.S) { tm.registerTelephonyCallback(executor, ...
Sara-Omidvar's user avatar
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Unable to Register TelephonyManager for Signal Strength Changes due to SecurityException

I am facing an issue while trying to register a TelephonyManager to listen for signal strength changes in my Android application. The error message I'm encountering is: java.lang.SecurityException: ...
DevMobApp's user avatar
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I want to get hold of phone number Programmatically as the phone is ringing in android

I want the caller's number as the phone is ringing in android. Since "EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER" constant of "TelephonyManager" is deprecated now I don't know how to get the same ...
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How find the LTE bandwidth in Android

I need to find the LTE bandwidth in Android. I tried requestCellInfoUpdate method in TelephonyManager: cellInfoCallbackObject = MyCellInfoCallback() executor = requireActivity().mainExecutor tm....
Sara-Omidvar's user avatar
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Which CQI table should i choose for CQI value from telephony manager api

I am getting cqi value (Get channel quality indicator Reference: 3GPP TS 136.213 section 7.2.3.) from telephony manager, but now i am confused which exact table should i choose for 4g network and 5g ...
Kunal Kalwar's user avatar
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How to check if sim card is installed (sim state) or cell signal strength on connected bluetooth devices programmatically?

I'm developing a system dialer app for my android device, which can use a bluetooth-connected phone to make calls. So I need to know whether sim card is inserted or not or at least its cell signal ...
Alexey Kolosov's user avatar
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Undocumented SIM States in TelephonyManager

I'm working on an application where I want to read the SIM State, and I've been following along with Google's documentation on getSimState. Some of my users are returning values that are not ...
Connor Jackson's user avatar
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Call using sim index in android, API level 31, android 12

I have a scenerio where I want to call someone without human interation, I am sending phone number and sim slot index using socket, if default sim is not selected android shows me sim selector popup, ...
Nabeel Sajid's user avatar
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Wrong permission dialog when registering CallStateListener

My app wants to stop audio processing when the phone receives a call. When the app starts, Android thinks, that the app wants to make and manage phone calls, which is wrong. // in constructor ...
Residuum's user avatar
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Interact with android's USSD session

I would like to write an android app that interacts with USSD session menus According to my research in Java, there is the possibility of using TelephonyManager to execute the USSD, read the response ...
Peniel Dialu's user avatar
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Parsing CellSignalStrength in Kotlin: how can I get all strength parameters individually?

right now i am trying to make an app to show signal strength information as hobby while learning programming. here is the code i have. val tm = getSystemService(TELEPHONY_SERVICE) as TelephonyManager ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to fix 'Phone Account Handle not enabled' error when attempting to add incoming calls(system managed) to Android app

System managed connection - place inbound call process first i initialzed the telecom manager private void initializeTelecomManager(){ Context context=this.getAppContext(); ...
Shashwat Samadhiya's user avatar
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Create IExecutor in .net Maui for Android?

I am not sure how to implement an IExecutor in .Net Maui. I need this executor in order to be able to simply run a function in Android (it takes in an IExecutor as a parameter). I literally don't know ...
rickster26ter1's user avatar
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Android TelephonyManager is returning null value for telephonyManager.getSimSerialNumber(); and getDeviceId();

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private static final int PERMISSION_REQUEST_CODE = 100; TextView textView, textView1; TelephonyManager telephonyManager; @RequiresApi(api = ...
Shyam Sunder Ghai's user avatar
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Why is Xamarin class inaccessible due to protection level?

I am trying to access the telephony manager class in Xamarin forms. I read up on the constructor needed to be used in Xamarin. While I am still a little confused on the types the constructor needs, ...
rickster26ter1's user avatar
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How to find out which SIM is receiving an incoming call in android?

I am listening to a broadcast receiver. In a dual SIM, how do I know which SIM is receiving an incoming call. The intent bundle only contains the state and the incoming phone number. public void ...
Aman's user avatar
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Esim: carrier privileges returns false

I shared app's release sha-256 key and package name with eSim creating vendor, he added to profile metadata, but fun checkCarrierPrivileges(): Boolean { val telephonyManager = context....
Abror Esonov's user avatar
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Android targetSdkVersion 31 TelephonyManager listen SecurityException

My app's targetSdkVersion is 31. App crashed like this.. java.lang.SecurityException: listen at android.os.Parcel.createExceptionOrNull( at android.os.Parcel....
왕감자's user avatar
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How can I detect a new incoming call during an active phone call programmatically in Android

I'm building an Android Dialer App and currently I'm working on a calling feature. The problem that I'm facing right now is when I'm already on a phone call and someone calls me, my app doesn't detect ...
Hamza Sheikh's user avatar
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How to use TelephonyCallback.CellInfoListener?

I'd like to get cell information updates on an android 12 phone. I can do this for older versions of android using PhoneStateListener class and listen method. But they are deprecated in android 12. I'...
Sara-Omidvar's user avatar
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Get Cellinfo for dual sim (Primary -physical sim and Secondary E-sim) Android

Background: As mentioned in the header, I use two sims (one physical and one Esim). Either one can be made primary sim as required by the user. Also, both the sims are active at the same time. My app ...
Akshay Chougule's user avatar
4 votes
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Flutter Telephony not recieving sms in real hardware except emulator

I am using telephony dependencies for receive_sms. It is working fine in the emulator and I receive every message sent, but it is not working on a real hardware phone. import 'package:flutter/material....
sid heart's user avatar
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Making hands-free calls

In my application, I need to make a call to a number, but the call must be made hands-free. I tried many available methods, min the method from this link. The application logs showed the action of ...
electronsx's user avatar
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How get IMEI of device?

I a beginner in android development and I try to get device IMEI but I have a problem of permission. I don't have android.permission.READ_PRIVILEGED_PHONE_STATE property in my project but the function ...
Thomas Dulcamara's user avatar
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Unable to use USE_ICC_AUTH_WITH_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER permission signed Android app

for my use cases I needed to extract non-resettable hardware information like IMEI, MAC from android devices. As per the android docs for getting IMEI
Akhil Surapuram's user avatar
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get Incoming call contact name and phone number using android studio kotlin

I'm trying to construct an app that requires the name and phone number of the incoming call contact. I did research to find a solution, but all the data I found was in java and there wasn't much in ...
Akshay Saambram's user avatar
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How to sendMultiPartTextMessage in Java

i'm trying to modify an existing plugin to enable it send long text messages. I am not so familiar with java, but I found some examples online and followed them. However i'm getting an error ...
kunle's user avatar
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Android Telephony CellSignalStrength

sorry for my bad english. I want to ask about android telephony : CellSignalStrength I have code like below to display signal strength information on android.. public class MainActivity extends ...
Mathews Edward's user avatar
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How to check android mobile network mode setting state "Always on" or "Auto" or "Always off" programmatically?

I need to get mobile network setting state in WearOS: "Always on" or "Auto" or "Always off". Exactly need to differentiate these states in code maybe there is a way ...
Alexey Kolosov's user avatar
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React Native Script TelephonyManager not working

Here is my NativScript code for android package com.chetti; // replace com.your-app-name with your app’s name import com.facebook.react.bridge.NativeModule; import com.facebook.react.bridge....
Sky Sakthi's user avatar
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CarrierService.onLoadConfig not being called even after gaining Carrier Privileges

I am working on a feature where i need to update some CarrierConfig for our subscriptions once the Sim is being installed and the app gains the Carrier Privileges. Now the app successfully gains the ...
Furqan Khan's user avatar
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Android PhoneStateListener.LISTEN_SIGNAL_STRENGTHS and TelephonyManager#requestCellInfoUpdate return different signal strength

I want to monitor the cellular signal strength. My testing device use WCDMA. telephonyManager.requestCellInfoUpdate(mainExecutor,object : TelephonyManager.CellInfoCallback() { override fun ...
Ricky Mo's user avatar
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Convert RSRP to RSSI from CellSignalStrengthLte

So I need to get RSSI of LTE network and I know that CellSignalStrengthLte has special method for getting RSSI, but it is available for API >= 29, but my app has min API of 23. However I can get a ...
MrArtyD's user avatar
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Ussd Handling on Android 8+ without accessibility

I've been trying to handle multi-session USSD response using the new sendUssdRequest Telephony API for like a week now. So far I've been able to see only propositions for accessibility which I don't ...
al kaj's user avatar
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I want to use requestCellInfoUpdate in Android 9

I'm using requestCellInfoUpdate() callback to get the latest cell info results. It is working fine in Android version Q and above but when I use it in versions below 10, the app crashes. My goal is to ...
Junaid Javed's user avatar
2 votes
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Play console does not consider uses-feature -> required="false" in manifest for android app bundle

I am trying to publish app bundle on play store. It shows wifi only tablet not supported because of android.hardware.telephony feature. I set this feature's required flag to false. But still play ...
TechHelper's user avatar
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telephonyManager.getAllCellInfo() and subscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfoList() both returns different mnc (mobile Network code)

I'm trying to get the signal strength of dual sims it works absolutely fine on most of the phones but for some phones (same android version [11] but different geographic location) the MNC code what we ...
Mahesh Gouda's user avatar
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How to retrieve incoming and outgoing phone number in android?

if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= Build.VERSION_CODES.P) { phnNbr = intent?.getStringExtra(TelephonyManager.EXTRA_INCOMING_NUMBER).toString() } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build....
Rauson Ali's user avatar

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