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rxjs take operator is not working correctly

I am going to set first item's id as selected id in the initial loading. For this, I used rxjs take operator, but it is not working. Please help me find why it is not working. ngOnInit(): void { ...
Brett Old's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do JS generators terminate after a take() bottoms out?

I got tripped up by some behaviour of JS generators today. Iterators continue producing numbers after an IteratorHelper gotten by calling take() bottoms out, but generators, which should conform to ...
user26586252's user avatar
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1 answer

set take_profit = 20 pips on metatrader5 in python

I want to set an order by MetaTrader5 in Python I want to enter the amount of profit equal to 20 pips when setting the order How can I do this?
Ali Afkari's user avatar
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How to take a part of the shape that built by the curve?

I am a newbie in mathematica so I would like to ask any help for this probloem. I plotted this curve Plot[1/515.56^21/((1 - (x/6.55)^2)^2 + (0.02x/6.55)^2), {x, 5.5, 7.5}, PlotRange -> {0, 0.01}]. ...
Nguyen Thi Hiep's user avatar
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Is there a way to make this formula run much faster?

I have a formula with quite a few moving parts, taking data from very large datasets. It is so extensive that it is damn near crashing my computer I do not have the option of adding helper columns or ...
cheese10234's user avatar
-2 votes
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For-loop Freezes When Encountering Iterator That Was Ended Early. Is This Normal?

I tried running the below code on rustc 1.72.0 with cargo run : fn main() { let ea = (1..).filter(|x| *x < 10).take(10); // Initialize a counter let mut count = 0; println!("...
Anon Anon's user avatar
-1 votes
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Excel, using the Take Formula and ignore blank rows

So I have an excel spreadsheet where I will copy data into. Then on that sheet I will have several other formulas combining text and so on. On a second sheet I want to take all the rows and certain ...
Micheal's user avatar
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EF Core - Oracle Take and Skip

How to use Skip and Take with Oracle and EF Core? This query... var q = db.Set<T>() .FilterBy(filtri) .Skip(0) .Take(10); ...Generates this wrong query (ora-00933 sql command ...
Max Bertoli's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use COUNTIF and TAKE function in Excel

I'm new here. I have a problem with an Excel function. As the result of take(filter(...)) in Excel I have this list: So, I want to apply COUNTIF there like: COUNTIF(TAKE(FILTER(..))>74). But when ...
Juan Jose Collantes Antezana's user avatar
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2 answers

Are there better ways to split arrays into smaller arrays?

I have a program that will create orders for a bunch of orders. However API has limitation that if I wanna do that I got to do it 10 at a time If orderList.Count > 10 Then Dim FirstTwenty = ...
user4951's user avatar
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How to take multiple images and still keep the quality on Android java using ImageReader?

I am trying to take multiple images on Android java using ImageReader. It's working fine if the user only takes a single image. But if they take multiple images at the same time (click the button ...
DoD's user avatar
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Java thread hangs after CompletionService.take()

I've got simple test code: public static void main(String[] args) { CompletionService<Integer> cs = new ExecutorCompletionService<>(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()); cs.submit(new ...
Troskyvs's user avatar
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Elegant way to rotate items inside of array or list in c#?

This is a general array question but, for my case, it is a list of strings. Given: [a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h] and an item inside of the collection, say f. Output: [f, g, h, a, b, c, d, e] I can use ...
d1du's user avatar
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`take n (take n xs) ≡ take n xs` for `Vec` in Agda

I want to prove a nearly trivial property of the take function for Vec in Agda. open import Data.Vec open import Data.Nat open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality take-idempotent : ∀ n (xs : ...
ymorii47's user avatar
2 votes
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Ngrx store take(1), but reset after logout/login

So, imagine you have an ngrx store with a list of books. When you log in to your profile page you fetch your books using:; Which will trigger the effect: getBooks$ = ...
InsertUsernameHere's user avatar
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Why does the Take method ignore ordering methods in C# Linq?

I have a code snippet like this: IReadOnlyList<ResultDTO> res = Repository.GetAll() .Skip(input.SkipCount) .Join(UserManager.Users, d=>d.CreatorUserId, c=> c.Id, (d, c)=>d.MapToDto(c....
Navid_pdp11's user avatar
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How Scala List take() method can change a val type?

I just found a strange behavior with take() method in a String. Here is my code: val ji = Array("134","231","2321") var t = ji var i = ji(1).take(2) i = i + 8 t(1)= i ...
Bernard Huynh's user avatar
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How to use take and skip for bulk data entity framework

In my database have 1 million member data. and need to load those data to grid. I have following code. public List<MemberDto> GetMembers(string By = "", string searchTerm = ""...
Rooter's user avatar
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Linq take returns zero elements from OData collection

I can't wrap my brain around this, I don't get why this behaves likes this. I have made an OData query that returns a collection of 175 items from c in navClient.Item where c.No != "" &&...
Tralli's user avatar
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2 answers

Take while running total smaller than value

I am trying to generate a list of even integers while the sum of the items in the list is less equal a given number. For instance if the threshold k is 20, then the expected output is [0;2;4;6;8] I ...
Thanasis K's user avatar
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What is the use of Take method ? Flutter & dart

take-->What role does it play (flutter and Dart) class Ticker { Stream<int> tick({int ticks}) => Stream.periodic(Duration(seconds: 1), (x) { return ticks - x - 1; }).take(...
mohamed yossef's user avatar
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4 answers

clojure split collection in chunks of increasing size

Hi I am a clojure newbie, I am trying to create a function that splits a collection into chunks of increasing size something along the lines of (apply #(#(take %) (range 1 n)) col) where n is the ...
maazza's user avatar
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How do I take the last ten elements from an rx observable?

I have an Observable that combine three other Observables then emit a single array. From this merged array I would like to take the last 10 objects. But I think I take the last ten arrays instead. ...
Joakim Sjöstedt's user avatar
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Waiting for multiple actions before proceeding in redux-saga

Assume that you have a saga that fetches a list of items. For each fetched item you also need a companion object. The pseudo-code below fetches some users from an API and for each user is emitting a ...
antoniom's user avatar
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Why use while(true) with .take with a blockingcollection?

I have been looking into using blockingcollection. I found this article very helpful Although, he is using "tasks" for multi threading purposes, I don't think I need this. But anyways, the ...
XCELLGUY's user avatar
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С# LINQ IQueryable Take

I tried to take only 1000 entities from about 7000. When Queryable converted to list, it is more then 1000 entities returned. IQueryable<MyEntity> query = {some query}; query = query.Take(1000); ...
Artem Tsukanov's user avatar
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Sort and Take N from dictionary value in C#

I have a dictionary in C#. Dictionary originalMap = new Dictionary<string, List<CustomObject>>(); originalMap contents: "abc" -> {CustomObject1, CustomeObject2, .....
fnaticRC ggwp's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Retrieving Values from a Seq based on a condition

I have the below Seq with me scala> var al = Seq((1.0, 20.0, 100.0), (2.0, 30.0, 100.0), (1.0, 11.0, 100.0), (1.0, 20.0, 100.0), (1.0, 10.0, 100.0),(2.0,9.0,100.0)) al: Seq[(Double, Double, ...
abc_spark's user avatar
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ASP.Net MVC Paging returns one large resultset instead of splitting resultset into pages

I am using Paging in my View and originally my @model was of type PagedList.IPagedList but I was having issues posting back the IPagedList interface back to controller, therefore, I found a post that ...
Natalya's user avatar
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get the size of dataset after applying a filter from

I wonder how I can get the size or the len of the dataset after applying a filter. Using give -2, and this is not what I am looking for!! I want to know how many ...
Lukas's user avatar
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How does Ruby enumerator terminate iteration?

Friends, please I need help with this explanation: In the Ruby code below, what condition termites the loop do? It's supposed to be an infinite loop, but, how does it terminate? # Ruby code fib = ...
Sunday Ezeilo's user avatar
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How to unsubscribe using take operator?

How can I unsubscribe from this using take operator? constructor(/*params*/) { let id = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id'); if (id) this.productService.get(id).valueChanges().subscribe(p =>...
filip's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular/RxJs - Unsubscribing dependent http services using take(1)?

--Component.ts-- getGenCoreLabs() { this.checkinService .getLaboratories() .pipe( switchMap(outerResp => { const total = outerResp.headers.get(outerResp....
Usman Majied's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do i implement the take function in Haskell using takeWhile?

So in my exam i had to implement the take function in Haskell using the takeWhile. How can i do this? What would be the condition in takeWhile so that it will only take the required number of ...
DragonS's user avatar
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Writing tests for RxJS that uses retryWhen operator (understanding difference from retry operator)

I'm trying to write tests for the following function that uses retryWhen operator: // some API I'm using and mocking out in test import { geoApi } from "api/observable"; export default function ...
Rene Saarsoo's user avatar
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Take elements of an array based on indexes in another array

I have an array of values on one side: A = np.arange(30).reshape((3, 10)) Out: array([[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19], [20, ...
xa5i's user avatar
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angular resolver with ngrx effect and take operator

i have a route in my app that uses a resolver to fetch data (array of objects) from the db. the resolve function check if the data exist in the store state (if the array has length), and if not it ...
guy's user avatar
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LUA: Looking for a specific table by its variable

I'm currently starting work on a text adventure game in Lua--no addons, just pure Lua for my first project. In essence, here is my problem; I'm trying to find out how I can do a "reverse lookup" of a ...
blockchainporter's user avatar
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Java's BlockingQueue Take Policy

In a multithreaded environment, what is the policy regarding the take() method (removing an Object) for the various implementations of Java's BlockingQueue (for example LinkedBlockingQueue)? Does the ...
Spyridon Non Serviam's user avatar
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How can I get the following items from a list with entity framework?

I have a very large list and I want to extract in parts of 50 items for which I will implement the following: try { using (var context = new ccoFinalEntities()) { return context.sales ...
Fabián Romo's user avatar
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Scala - List take - OrElse - with default value

I am trying to implement a way to take n from a Scala List, but if n > list.length, specify a default value. Something like takeOrElse. Say, val l = List(4, 6, 10) val taken = l.takeOrElse(5, 0) /...
irrelevantUser's user avatar
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Take user input through tkinter, create barcode from that input

I want to take user input through tkinter gui. When the user confirms his entry by pressing a button, I want to create a barcode from that input. The barcode will be saved as an image and it will be ...
ursteiner's user avatar
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Numpy: Combine list of arrays by another array (np.choose alternative)

I have a list of numpy arrays, each of the same shape. Let's say: a = [np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]]), np.array([[11, 12, 13], [14, 15, ...
Max16hr's user avatar
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Take is not a function : Angular 7 | Observable.take throws runtime error

I am building a shopping cart and I have used a shopping cart service in which I am assigning the quantities to a product/adding a product to the cart. Is there any other way than to use take for ...
Prateek Chitransh's user avatar
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take(n) doesn't have effect after groupBy in RxJava2

I am trying to group several model instances by name and then use take(n) to take only certain items per group, but somehow the take has no effect on GroupedObservable. Here is the code Let's assume ...
X-HuMan's user avatar
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Is the take function well defined on a Scala Map?

Is the take function safe to use on a Scala Map? I thought that Maps were unordered, so that myMap.take(2) would return 2 random elements of myMap. But testing on the interpreter makes me feel that it ...
ved's user avatar
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How to get the first n elements of string sequence with split.take? VB .net

I created a .dll plugin for both AutoCAD and CIVIL 3D. I'm trying to retrieve the first elements of these sequences: "Autodesk AutoCAD 2019 - [Drawing 1]" I just want to obtain "Autodesk AutoCAD ...
Rita Aguiar's user avatar
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faster take n record in linq

please see this query return ContextDb.TestTbl.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Field1 == newsPaperGroupId).OrderByDescending(x => x.ShowDateTime).Take(count).ToList(); Is it fetch ...
kolbe's user avatar
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How to refactor this Android TakePicture code in Kotlin?

I was following the example of 'Take Picture' from Android website (converting the code into Kotlin as I go along). It works all fine when everything is in one class. I then decided to delegate the ...
Javallion's user avatar
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Implement the take function with list comprehension

How would you implement take with a list comprehension? My approach so far: take2 :: (Num i, Ord i) => i -> [a] -> [a] take2 n xs = [x | x <- xs, [x..n]]
Michi's user avatar
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