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How do you control the sensivity (or turn off) of a swipe gesture in Swipe View?

I have searched for all the open issues on this and did not find anything conclusive. My use case is pretty simple: I have a SwipeView, and I want it to open/close it programmatically based on a ...
Toto's user avatar
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Xamarin Form Idea/discussion about making a SwipeView associated with a datepicker control

I would like to have a page which includes 3 items: A SwipeView: Horizontal swipe. We can swipe left and right to navigate to a next view. I think it is easy to achieve this one with ViewPager in ...
Tony's user avatar
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Accessibility - voiceover not working in swipeviewitems within a bindablelayout - Xamarin.forms iOS

The UI and commands are working fine both in iOS and android. But the accessibility Voice over is not working in iOS.. Also the talkback is working fine for both the swipeitems in Android. <...
Jaison T John's user avatar
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1 answer

How to send Swipe Action to UIView in Swift

I am trying to clone Tinder, have done with swipe left (dislike person) and right (like person) by Yalantis/Koloda ( I also have two images for button like/dislike. ...
Tuan Ho Si's user avatar
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UIButton inside a SwipeView isn't getting called

I have a UIButton instance inside a UIStackView as shown in the bellow view hierarchy I'm using SwipeView library. UIView UIScrollView UIStackView UIView UIStackView (Horizontal) UILabel - ...
rajeeva9's user avatar
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Swipe to go back not working for iOS app

I am trying to allow the "Swipe to go back" feature found in iOS 7+, but it isn't working in my app. I have added nc.interactivePopGestureRecognizer.delegate = (id<UIGestureRecognizerDelegate>...
Greg Henlow's user avatar
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Create NSDictionary from array with ZLSwipeableView

I'm using the ZLSwipeableView library to get a list of "cards" that I can swipe between, like Tinder. I'm setting up a connection to a Class on and for each card I want to return a row from ...
tracifycray's user avatar
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SwipeView iOS library views out of order/duplicated

I'm using the SwipeView library to create a series of swipeable webview ( After swiping back and forth a few times, the webviews are displayed out of order, ...
Connor McEwen's user avatar
4 votes
9 answers

Set height of delete button that appears on swipe in UITableViewCell

I have UITableViewCell as shown in figure below. The cell occupy the height occupied by delete. The cell height is set so as to keep spacing between two cell. Now, when i swipe and delete button ...
Lasang's user avatar
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Swipeview lagging on item change

I am using this: I am using it in 2 different places in my app. 30x30 images on screen about 100kb file size, no problem in this part 150x150 images on ...
Esqarrouth's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

On iPhone, Vimeo Javascript API .play() function doesn't work until the video has been played

I'm using SwipeView ( to create a swipeable slideshow on touchscreen devices. This is simple enough with images, but I want to include a Vimeo video in the slideshow as well....
Ryan Giglio's user avatar
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