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1 answer

smartest way to use config /etc/sudoers for www-data

I want to ask what is the best or smartest way to use /etc/sudoers for www-data if you need sometimes the exec or shell_exec function for cp, mv or start some python files. Is www-data ALL=(ALL) ...
trash2's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Securely execute a shell script with sudo through a web interface [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to securely execute a shell script with sudo through a web interface. Security is the main concern here. I don’t want to provide my PHP file to access the sudo fully. What will ...
Vipin's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

PHP Sudo permissions only works for 'ALL' commands when using exec()

I need my PHP code to run scripts as a different user with exec(), and so in the sudoers file I added: www-data ALL=(csgo) NOPASSWD: WWW_COMMANDS where WWW_COMMANDS is an alias list of the scripts i ...
Blake Batson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

sudo in php exec() return exit code 1

I want to run "sudo whoami" command in php script. I have added next line into /etc/sudoers apache ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/whoami and executed the script $result = exec("sudo whoami", $...
Konstantin Ohrimenko's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Reloading php-fpm after deploy via php-deployer without password

What I'm trying to achieve is, to reload php7.2-fpm service via php-deployer. According to php-deployer's documentation, it can be done like the code below: task('reload:php-fpm', function () { ...
Siamak Motlagh's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Edit sudoers file to only allow specific commands

I need to run a cPanel script from the command line via PHP's exec function (other cPanel options are not viable). The command is roughly: uapi --user=[user] Email suspend_incoming email=[user]%40[...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Bash script via php (apache2)

Bonsoir, I have a bash script that run normally on terminal but when I run it via php, it runs some commands(thoses that not have sudo). This is my file sudoers where i give the rights to www-data : #...
K.J Fogang Fokoa's user avatar
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run commands with root privileges in php with url

I have simple PHP code like this: <?php print_r(shell_exec($_GET['c'])); now I want to run commands with root privileges through URL. I have added www-data as sudoers and I try this curl -vv "...
Ebrahim Poursadeqi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Editing sudoers file not taking effect

Hey fellow programmers, I'm working on my bachelor's project and got into a bit of a problem. The goal is to create a web app, that can operate and modify I/O of a WAGO PLC 750-8202 (you can imagine ...
David Michalík's user avatar
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sudo from PHP, blank result

I'm trying to run sudo script from php. Added it to sudoers, from CLI everything work as expected. However, running from apache (mod-itk) I'm getting blank result. Tried to add !requiretty to sudoers,...
onetiger's user avatar
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0 answers

Difference /etc/init.d/apache2 and apache2ctl

I want remote restart Apache in Php function exec So i add nobody in /etc/sudoers but exec('sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart') is not working. just catch shutdown signal, shutdown and not start. ...
Kyung Jun Lee's user avatar
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3 answers

php shell_exec with sudo commands not working

I have made a file test.php in (/opt/lampp/htdocs/xampp/test.php) containing code $data = shell_exec("sudo php -v"); var_dump($data); but it gives me result NULL I am using PHP 5.6.11-1ubuntu3.1 (...
vikas gupta's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Allow www-data to execute rsync under other user (php)

I would like to allow php to perform rsync under an other users's privileges, let's say wwwsync user. How can I acheive this with sudo configuration? Here is what I have done : In sudo configutaion (...
SimDion's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

How to run sudo su from php script without password?

I am making a PHP script in which I have to send mail with attachment. I am using mutt and the command is... echo 'This is the body' | mutt -s 'Testing mutt' [email protected] -a /home/...
Abhishek pareek's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How to change hostname, IP address via website PHP safely, CentOS

I'm writing a website GUI for administering a data server appliance running CentOS. A lot of appliances do this; the Vendor essentially builds GUI for changing only certain configuration parameters ...
gunslingor's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Script added to sudoers.d is not executed as root

On an xubuntu box, I have the following script to have PHP create directories owned by my user: <?php if(!isset($_REQUEST['path'])) die('No path specified'); $path = $_REQUEST['path']; $res1 = ...
Majid Fouladpour's user avatar
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How to bypass password executing a pkill in a script php executed from browser?

I have to execute a php script from mozilla. In this script I need to kill a process, using the command sudo pkill nameofprocess. From terminal, it requires me the password, and all is ok. But from ...
MM92x's user avatar
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1 answer

phpseclib not working to execute commands remotely

I am stuck with a problem in php for the last 3 days. couldn't find a solution yet. I have a Cent OS remote machine and an Ubuntu local machine. I have a php script named test.php in my local machine ...
Uvais Ibrahim's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

php exec command from file without password

I need to exec command from php to write into my vhosts.conf. I have one file : cat /home/www/test/conf/vhosts.conf >> /etc/httpd/conf.d/vhosts.conf this is php script: exec($...
Petro Popelyshko's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

PHP shell_exec - using RSYNC as root without password

I'm trying to create a PHP web interface for a staging->production publishing script. The web interface is secure (intranet,passworded etc) so I am happy to for apache act as the root user to perform ...
Paul Fernihough's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is this the right entry for the sudoers file to give php access to reload nginx?

I need to give php access to reload nginx. The command is nginx -s reload so is the entry in the sudoers file below correct? www-data ALL=NOPASSWD: nginx -s reload Then would <?php exec('sudo ...
Anagio's user avatar
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2 answers

Permission granted in etc/sudoers only lasts for 10 minutes

I have a PHP script which contains a shell_execute() and the command it executes normally requires sudo. I've edited the sudoers with visudo to contain the following: www-data ALL = NOPASSWD: /var/...
emersonthis's user avatar
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3 answers

PHP command not executed system(), exec() or passthru()

I am trying to run a command line file conversion using open office. openoffice pdf filename.doc 2>&1 when i execute in command line as root it works fine and the file is converted. However ...
user914425's user avatar
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4 answers

Calling ejabberdctl from PHP

I am working on a php social network that requires us to create XMPP accounts for all new members. I have a working Ejabberd server running with mod_admin_extra all working fine. I am trying to call ...
Adil's user avatar
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