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How to solve the issue Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) after sudo apt --fix-broken install

After running command sudo apt --fix-broken install Getting the following issue Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Correcting dependencies....
Omkar Dixit's user avatar
-1 votes
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Is it safe to store hashed password in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg of cloud-init? [closed]

I am creating a custom AMI for my AWS EC2 Instances. I am trying to configure a user's password via cloud-init. I am doing it using passwd in cloud-init's config. I was surprised to find out that ...
Yury Hrytsuk's user avatar
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environment variable not read in sed

I am trying to update sudoers via script and passing the value of $HOSTNAME and it's not working... Obviously missing something. I am expecting: %[email protected] ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL %...
shanester's user avatar
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How to force Ansible to use full path for executables Implicitly executed by modules like package or systemd

I'm working in an environment where the system's sudoers configuration mandates that commands like dnf, apt, and systemctl be executed with their full paths (e.g., /usr/bin/dnf, /usr/bin/systemctl). ...
OliP's user avatar
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container Docker get sudo not found error

i am currently making a react application with a backend i have made page that let me change the date of my machine using a nodejs code, the command to change the date is : sudo date -s "2024-05-...
gabriel delset's user avatar
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Ansible - install yum packages with preconfigured sudoers privileges

The Ansible connects to my servers using a non-root user. The goal is for this non-root user to be able to install yum packages. For this, it needs sudo privileges, so I've configured the sudoers file ...
Miklós's user avatar
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"Missing sudo password" error with Ansible Error

This is my simple playbook, --- - name: test hosts: all tasks: - name: testing shell: /usr/bin/whoami register: testing - name: show the result debug: msg:...
caveman's user avatar
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requiretty is being added to a user permissions by default in centos 7

The below are the contents of /etc/sudoers Defaults !visiblepw Defaults always_set_home Defaults match_group_by_gid Defaults always_query_group_plugin Defaults env_reset Defaults ...
Palakonda Shiva Prasad's user avatar
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Deleting content of "/var/log/sudo-io"

I have a large amount of disk usage in the /var/log/sudo-io directory In the form om "AA, AB, AC..." directories Can I delete the complete content af this directory ?
Teddy_R's user avatar
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Is there a way to whitelist a set of normal commands and block usage of any commands outside of that?

Within this environment, a user named 'user' has the ability to use sudo, but because of how I have the networking and stuff behind the scenes set up, I don't want the user to be able to access tools ...
kubectl's user avatar
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How to edit /etc/sudoers file from a golang application safely?

i want to give some user sudo access from my golang application. but in the sudoers file i saw the line "# This file MUST be edited with the 'visudo' command as root.". because when we edit ...
Siva's user avatar
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How to execute bash script by zabbix agent using sudo?

OS Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS. I did everything as usual. Using visudo I allowed the zabbix user to execute the command: zabbix ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/root/market-report/docker-compose_restart zabbix-agent2 In ...
sivsoft's user avatar
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In Debian, visudo /etc/sudoers

why is this line not highlighted? Defaults authfail_message="message" If it is okay not to be highlighted, I wonder what standard it is decided on.
water's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi: ACL on ramfs?

I am build custom image for Raspberry Pi 4 using Yocto. I trying to create user group account with privilages set using ACL. When rootfs is present on SD card everything works, but when I rootfs ...
grandzello's user avatar
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Run ansible as root with specific sudoers

My issue is that I have one server where the sudoers for the ansible user is like this: ansible ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/su - root Hence, the only way to switch to the root user is: sudo su - ...
Mtr's user avatar
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How to write a Chef Inspec test for the Chef Infra 'sudo' resource?

Versions Chef Workstation version: 22.7.1006 Chef InSpec version: 4.56.20 Chef CLI version: 5.6.1 Chef Habitat version: 1.6.420 Test Kitchen version: 3.3.1 Cookstyle version: 7.32.1 Chef Infra Client ...
Craftonix - AA's user avatar
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set upper limit and lower limit in time for user before executing shutdown command in linux

let's say I want one of the non-root users named "Alex" to only allow to shutdown command but with the restriction like, he can only shutdown after minimum of 120 min and no delay more than ...
Kevin Chotaliya's user avatar
-1 votes
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Run specific docker container without sudo and without docker group

I want to run a specific docker-compose file without entering the sudo password and without assigning that user who runs the command to the docker group for security reasons. I thought about using the ...
alex's user avatar
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How can prevent users in my GCP VM Instance to become root?

I created an Ubuntu VM on GCP Compute Engine. Some details: -> (ubuntu-minimal-2204-jammy-v20220810) Machine type e2-micro CPU platform Intel Broadwell Architecture x86/64 I added ...
cuzureau's user avatar
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bash script that is run from Python reaches sudo timeout

This is a long bash script (400+ lines ) that is originally invoked from a django app like so - os.system('./ &> bash_log.log') It stops on a random command in the script. If the ...
Jay's user avatar
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How can I give a user the permissions to run "adduser" and "deluser"?

How can I give a user the necessary permissions so that he can run "adduser" and "deluser" - but no other privileges? FROM alpine:3.15.4 RUN addgroup -S tgroup -g 12345 && ...
user5580578's user avatar
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How can I build with ant as a normal user (no need for sudo) COOJA

Recently I started working on a project in IoT, using contiki-ng. The problem I faced is when I tried to run cooja with: $ ant run under ~/contiki-ng/tools/cooja. the build failed $ ant run Picked up ...
AmineLBD's user avatar
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smartest way to use config /etc/sudoers for www-data

I want to ask what is the best or smartest way to use /etc/sudoers for www-data if you need sometimes the exec or shell_exec function for cp, mv or start some python files. Is www-data ALL=(ALL) ...
trash2's user avatar
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Managing users in openshift

I am new to openshift, I have deployed an image using Dockerfile on it, using ubuntu as base image. In Dockerfile, I have assigned an user with root privileges. But after container is formed, my user ...
Oshin aggrawal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Toggle for adding a user to and removing the user from sudo group?

I know how to add users to the sudo group or how to remove him/her from it: sudo usermod -aG wheel $1 # $1 represents the username as an argument passed to the command sudo gpasswd -d $1 wheel How ...
Lerner Zhang's user avatar
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CENTOS apache ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/ is not working

I am trying to do a web interface by IPtables management. I created a file, whose name is test.php $output = shell_exec('bash /usr/bin/ 2>&1'); echo $output; I gave /usr/bin/...
alvan's user avatar
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Disable Google Username as Sudoer

First post and new to the stack. I am working on a Google Cloud VM Instance using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. To access the VM Instance, I am using SSH via a custom port. When I complete SSH login, I show up in ...
Hylian's user avatar
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Allow user to create can bus without sudo

I am using socketcan and virtual can buses in my application. In order to create a virtual can bus I use the command: sudo ip link add dev vcan0 type vcan However, is it possible to do this on a ...
Frank's user avatar
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the admin is not in the sudoers file

facing an error in installing pandas to import it in my python code and trying to install it via many ways but it always ends with this message "username is not in the sudoers file. This ...
Cocodile's user avatar
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Read File Accessible Only From Script in Unix

I have written a Base shell script that needs password/key which is retrieved from a file. Base Script---Calls---Key/Password File ---Base Script does further authenticates using the key retrieved ...
Ashish Yadav's user avatar
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www-data python run sudo command as another user error password required

Hello I have a Django project hosted on an Apache Ubuntu Google VM. I use git to both update the server code and backup the db files. To avoid having to ssh in and do the repetitive git tasks over and ...
Tristan Neate's user avatar
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Ansible - remove user from group x if already in other group

I am looking for the easiest way to remove users from group x when they are already in group google-sudo. I store users in group vars in this kind of list and dictionary combination: user_account: - ...
Brzozova's user avatar
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How do I give user sudo access to modify files in certain directories /etc/

I have a user who needs to modify files in /etc/haproxy and /etc/tomcat. I tried to create a sudoers file with: %usergroup ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /etc/haproxy /etc/tomcat But it didn't work. Any help ...
John Nguyen's user avatar
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How to chmod without root account?

I don't have root account. I made mistake with my /etc/sudoers files. I changed mode my /etc/sudoers files to 777 and then, my 'sudo' command has not started work.. sudo: /etc/sudoers is world ...
Eunji's user avatar
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How to add DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive in sudoers.d file?

I am automating dpkg-sig installation for one of my project purpose. Now I want to install it noninteractive way. I have added the following in a file inside /etc/sudoers.d/ Cmnd_Alias DPKGSIG_INSTALL ...
Sourav Bhattacharjee's user avatar
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"/etc/sudoers is world writable” on Mac OS Mojave

I have gone through a lot of google results. Let me explain what I have tried first. I am currently working on a corporate laptop. Mac OS Mojave 10.14.6. Error that I get: sudo: /etc/sudoers is world ...
Nevin's user avatar
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Using sudoers to restrict script files for www-data? (nohup)

I am trying to invoke a bash script requiring sudo upon receiving a web service call using FCGI Wrap and NGINX. I have two scripts, one calling the other. The 'outer' one is meant to be called by the ...
fei0x's user avatar
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programmatically create sudo rules for running ansible-playbook

How could I create a list for all possible commands an ansible-playbook is using so that I could create a sudoers file? For testing the playbooks, temporally I create an entry in the /etc/sudoers.d: ...
nbari's user avatar
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Preventing Centos user from installing unsigned RPMs

I have a CentOS 8 system that I want the user to be able to install RPMs. I plan on doing something like the following in the sudoers file: username ALL = NOPASSWD : /usr/bin/dnf However, obviously ...
AAG's user avatar
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Add sudo permission (without password ) to user by command line

I'm creating a docker file from ubuntu:bionic image. I want an ubuntu user with sudo privileges. This is my Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:bionic ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive # Get the basic stuff RUN ...
icalvete's user avatar
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How to solve sudoers path problem in yocto

On my Yocto image (with .deb packaging) i set up sudo an it work's fine. Only when i try to install a .deb package with: sudo dpkg -i package-name.deb It results in: dpkg: warning: 'ldconfig' not ...
draxlerw's user avatar
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sudoless passwordless script

I want to make a sudoless passwordless script which doesn't prompt for password to any user executing that script. Problem: my script contains rsync utility to send files to a backup server, but i ...
ram's user avatar
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Sudoer does not use the same environnement for python3

I have a python script1 which i use as a library which i import to my main script. before using it i checked that it was working fine, i noticed that when i run this script1 with "sudo" then ...
jayen marco's user avatar
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AD-HOC edit /etc/sudoers from Ansible server side

I'm trying to add privilege to Ansible node via Ansible server using "lineinfile" via ad-hoc command as ROOT : ansible -i rec-apache.inv -m lineinfile -a "path=/etc/sudoers \ line ='...
Rayanaay's user avatar
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Securely execute a shell script with sudo through a web interface [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to securely execute a shell script with sudo through a web interface. Security is the main concern here. I don’t want to provide my PHP file to access the sudo fully. What will ...
Vipin's user avatar
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sudoers NOPASSWD not working - Ubuntu 20.04 [closed]

I know this question was often asked before, but it's not possible for me to get it working. I want to shutdown the system without entering a password with user holmer I added the following line ...
Florian K's user avatar
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LDAP sudoers sudoHost wildcards

I'm trying to use "sudoHost" to match a sequence of hostname on sudoers LDAP. Does anybody knows how to grep for this: 1080s.....1089s? I try testing on bash and I don't seem to work. grep "[1082s-...
pirulo's user avatar
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Edit visudo using vim called from a script

I created an automated install script and while executing from the chroot I would like to uncomment the wheel group line. I could do it using sed -i "s/# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/%wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL/g" /...
heywhatismyname's user avatar
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PHP Sudo permissions only works for 'ALL' commands when using exec()

I need my PHP code to run scripts as a different user with exec(), and so in the sudoers file I added: www-data ALL=(csgo) NOPASSWD: WWW_COMMANDS where WWW_COMMANDS is an alias list of the scripts i ...
Blake Batson's user avatar
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Ansible playbook loop with with_items

I have to update sudoers.d multiple user files with few lines/commands using ansible playbook users.yml user1: - Line1111 - Line2222 - Line3333 user2: - Line4444 - Line5555 - ...
HarishReddyenv's user avatar

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