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How do I hide name surname information with substr?

My code allows me to hide the name Surname information with stars. But its output is as nameSurname >> n ****** e. I want it to be n **** S **** e. So I want the first letter of the last name ...
Batuhan Aygun's user avatar
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How Can I Get The First Value Before Comma Separated List?

Though this question seems similar to ones already asked, but this is a different case. I have a php hook <?php echo zublum_display_breadLocation($pid);?> in my wordpress singular.php that ...
Okara Nnamdi Benedict's user avatar
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How to remove first few letter and print the last title in php

I have got the permalink and the page title. I need to remove the only permalink and print the title in using PHP. Here is code: $string = "" From here remove the ...
Shawn's user avatar
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How to display the first character from a WordPress title

In WordPress we use the code <?php the_title(); ?> for displaying the title of a post. Now, I want to display only the first letter of the title in a different place. How can I do that? I have ...
Md Astamul Haque's user avatar
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Verify if WordPress title starts with character

I am trying to verify if the WordPress post title starts with certain 3 first characters to achieve a condition. Here is what i tried by it brings back the title itself. $verify = the_title(); if(...
user2972389's user avatar
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2 answers

substring - add ... in the end if text is cut

I have a code on wordpress website (front-page.php), it's cut text and add "..." on title if text is over 35 characters. Cut is ok but the points is always visible. Is it possible to add only if text ...
Cristian Rossi's user avatar
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Cut off text after a certain amount of characters via substr fail

I have a wordpress site for news, where i have to cut the text after certain amount of characters. It all works fine via substr(), but when there are less than x characters it goes crazy and generate ...
Allether's user avatar
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4 answers

remove part of string after delimiter in php

I have seen other I have a string " cccc cccc - fff" I need to return "cccc cccc" I don't need to delimiter too I tried to echo the result of substr($mystring , 0, strpos($mystring , "-")); but ...
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2 answers

Wordpress, php. Using substr() on more variables creates conflict

I'm using 2 variables: check-in, check-out Their format is: dd/mm/yyyy I want separate the day, month and year into single variables, in order to compare the integers of: dd(check-in) with dd(check-...
user7285207's user avatar
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Is there a way to detect if mb_substr should be used over substr?

I have two websites, one is in English one is a RTL language. To create a custom excerpt in WordPress, I have created a function. But in the RTL site, if I use "substr()" to create the excerpt, I ...
capvidel's user avatar
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3 answers

substr PHP shorten lengh of a string (WordPress Plugin)

I am a novice at PHP I am just learning. But I have come across a problem that I am having real trouble with. I am working inside WordPress with a plug-in and I am trying to shorten a string within ...
Phil Wilkinson's user avatar
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sub string function in PHP not working

I want to display content in limit in wordpress using PHP substring function. I am using this code <?php $content = get_the_content(); echo substr($content, 50); ?> but it is not working. It ...
Bigtech Ideas's user avatar
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Substr needs to account for HTML tags

I'm working with Wordpress, and am outputting the_content of a post (with HTML formatting). I'm trimming it to 500 characters using substr. I wanted to make sure that the content was not getting cut ...
user1486133's user avatar
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Substr to exclude certain text - using a list of get_the_title()

Lets say I have a list of titles in wordpress eg. Item Name - (USA) I would like to return just Item Name so everything after the - is not returned. One catch is not all of the titles in my list ...
stemie's user avatar
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How can I split up a block of text using substr and a read more link to show the rest of it?

In wordpress a simple call is used to show the page content: the_content() I'm trying to develop a mobile optimised version of this, that will only show a portion of the content, with a 'Read More' ...
Lee's user avatar
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2 answers

If two same character occurs, remove first and everything before it?

In Wordpress I have built shortcode which shorten url. Now there is problem if the url is a subdomain, for example:, by shortcode function I get this: <a ...
Mezelderz's user avatar
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Post and excerpt

I have the following piece of code which outputs a long article: <?php the_content(); ?> I am trying to show only an excerpt of the article (the first 29 words), strip out the HTML and add a "....
user1444027's user avatar
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Not returning a value in PHP in SUBSTR

Anyone know why this is not returning a value? Example $item2['data'] where it = UPC //===================================================// Author: Bob Smith Orig. Published: December 12, 1980 ...
Justin Lucas's user avatar
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UTF-8 hex counted as single character with mb_substr?

First off - I'm a php novice. I'm trying to limit the length of titles on a wordpress theme using mb_substr but it's returning fewer characters when there are certain symbols within the title such as "...
ZenMN's user avatar
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2 answers

Using the php substr on the_permalink() in WordPress

My urls for posts in WordPress looks like this: http://localhost:8888/blabla/book/yes-vi-testar Using the_permalink() would generate "http://localhost:8888/blabla/book/yes-vi-testar" but I want to ...
Fred Bergman's user avatar
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