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11 votes
4 answers

Substitute last 4 digits in second and third column

I have a file as following: 2300 10 1112221234 111222123420231121PPPPD10+0000000850 ESIM 10 3334446789 333444678920231121PPPPD11+0000000950 RSIM 23 I want the outcome to be ...
Sam's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Replace whole column with a new value in all multiple lines

I have the following lines in a file $ cat test.txt 69|1074330570|1,sip:+121345633210x3Bverstat=TN-Validation-Passed|tel:+12134565534|0 69|1077822111|2,;tel:+2223120011~sip:[email protected];|sip:+...
Sam's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Replacing first one or two characters of an attribute with conditions on the starting characters [duplicate]

select distinct a.OriginalAttribute, CASE WHEN LEFT(a.OriginalAttribute, 1) ='0' THEN 5||substr(a.OriginalAttribute,2) when LEFT(a.OriginalAttribute, 2) ='10' THEN 51||substr(a....
mirette's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MySQL SUBSTR LOCATE multi-search-strings

Tricky one, and my brain is mush after staring at my screen for about an hour. I'm trying to query my database to return the first part of a string (domain name eg. in the ...
seixwebdev's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Replace all the strings value using FOR in PHP

i am trying to replace all the $first value with $second. $first = "12345"; $second = "67890"; i've tried to do this, but doesn't work : for($y=0; $y<11 ; $y++){ $z=1; ...
Joshua Nugraha's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

SQLite - Extract substring between delimiters for REPLACE function

I have a column field: location. I need to extract the string between the first and second delimeter ('/'). I already have a column name where I ltrim to the first '/'. I've tried to create a ...
Ian Horn's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Oracle - replace string by appearance

I have an interesting issue here, if you could share your thoughts ... I changed data a bit, but structure is same create table TestReplace (Description varchar2(500), ParamValue1 number, ...
Veljko89's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove last character on each line

I have made a script which reads all CSV files from a folder, puts the data to my database and moves all the csv file to another folder afterward. I get emails with tables which are meant to put it ...
user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

PHP Replace certain occurrences in string

I have the following string $text =" Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) enable new applications and require\r\nnon-conventional paradigms for protocol design due to several constraints. Owing to the\r\...
A Zakaria's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

SQL Statement combining LTRIM(REPLACE(substr & INSTR

I'm obviously new to SQL and trying to understand what these two statements below are doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Statement 1 LTRIM(REPLACE(substr(full_name, INSTR (full_name,','), ...
jpwane's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Javascript replace substring doesn't work well if the string repeats

I have a quite simple problem with substring/substr/slice. My code is very complicated so I won't post it here, but here is the simplified version of the problem: For example how to change text....
aikich's user avatar
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2 answers

Find the first match for a string in text and return sample of original text

I have a text that includes all sort of special chars and I need to find the first match for a string and then return something like this 10 chars + first match + 10 chars. In other words a sample of ...
Pedro P's user avatar
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2 answers

Javascript/Jquery get child element, substract string and substitute

I looked a lot, but I couldn't find a solution to my problem :c I'm not a JS expert, but this might be an easy one for programmers. I have a list, a nav list: <ul id="menu-navbar"> <li ...
yogmel's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

The most productive regexp

I can get strings like these: D:/projects/my-project/node_modules/some-module/node_modules/lodash/some-folder/lodash.js D:/projects/my-project/node_modules/some-module/node_modules/colors/some-folder/...
pavel06081991's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Replace a range with php [duplicate]

I am trying to replace first 2000 characters of a string with null. For example: $content = "nvinveneuifnoimmio"; $my_result = "fnoimmio"; I mean that I want the first 10 characters to be removed ...
Ali Lashani's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

how to do multiple sub string replace at same time

I want to do multiple sub string replace based on starting and length. Currently I have an array with values (user-id,replace-name,starting,length) my string: "Hi Rameez plz call charlie" sample ...
Rameez Rami's user avatar
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1 answer

How to correctly use SUBSTR, INSTR and or REPLACE in Oracle 11G

What I would like to do is getting the third string. in this example: NL 123456789 TUE that is changed in this example to a number: 2927 123456789 353620 to be (re)placed in the back. So behind ...
Maxime de Lange's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

echo form input field using substr_replace

I would like to replace a character in my string with a form input field but I can't seem to get it right If i just replace the charcter with a * it works fine for ($i=1;$i<=$charsGettingRemoved;$...
user3632190's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Replace text in an <li>

How can I replace - undefined with or remove it entirely? substr() is not a good idea because 'name' is always changing value. Please help. <li>name - undefined</li> <li>name - ...
Tuper Evangelista's user avatar
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1 answer

Truncate a URL while ignoring DIV tags

We use the following code to display a value in the output of a Wordpress site page. However, occasionally the output is too long to fit within the box we've set for it so we'd like to truncate it. ...
JoeW's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

Jquery change string in img src between forward slashes

I need to get the img src on button click and only change the value between the first and second forward slashes from "galleryhomelarge" to "testtext". Js fiddle link: quick setup of my scenario ...
hihaho67's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Repleace the penultimate sign

how can i remove the penultimate sign from a string? for example string = '96+658-+';<br /> fixInput(string); function fixInput(string) { // string= string.replace(/[-+x÷]$/,''); // wrong ...
Peter's user avatar
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2 answers

PHP / Regex: extract string from string

I just started using PHP and hope someone here can help me with this. I am trying to extract a string ("myRegion") from another string ("mainString") where my string always starts with "myCountry: " ...
Mike's user avatar
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4 answers

Trimming a string and adding to the end of it [duplicate]

what i am trying to do is basically shorten down a peice of text and add "..." to the end if the text is too long. However (here is where it gets hairy) i only want to apply this, if the last ...
user3332590's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Replace entire input string using substr_replace?

Example: (UPDATED - corrected the code below) <?php $canonical = ''; $pos = strpos( $canonical, 'in' ); echo substr_replace( $canonical, 'main', $pos, strlen('in') )...
its_me's user avatar
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1 answer

How to split Facebook birthday (mm/dd/aaaa) into 3 different values and assign them to 3 different fields (day, month, year)

Maybe someone could help me with this.. I use Facebook registration plugin for a CMS site. The Facebook string is mm/dd/aaaa (12/13/2014) The problem is that when I try to replace the month number ...
Marius Modoranu's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

If two same character occurs, remove first and everything before it?

In Wordpress I have built shortcode which shorten url. Now there is problem if the url is a subdomain, for example:, by shortcode function I get this: <a ...
Mezelderz's user avatar
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2 answers

Replace word not being stored

I want to replace a keyword, Here is my algo $replace="<span class=fb_term >".$term."</span>"; $insmessage = str_ireplace($term, $replace, $post,$count) The $count variable ...
user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Oracle - Update string to replace only the last character

I have the following string in an Oracle 9i database: A,B,C, I need to replace all instances of ',' when it is the last item in the string. I have come up with the following statement but it deletes ...
PhelpsK's user avatar
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3 answers

Remove a string from php

I use this php code in joomla to get prefix languages en es fr de .. $doc->addCustomTag('<<link rel="canonical" href=""s-post-summary--meta">
BerrKamal's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Format URL using PHP - to; Also having trouble with str_replace()

I am having some trouble performing the following operation.. --> --> --> I am trying to ...
kyle.stearns's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I display the SubTotal on OpenCart on any page?

Currently the only global PHP command I know is: <?=$text_items?> This spits: 1 item(s) - £318.75 I want to get the 318.75 value so at the moment I am trying a replace but it is not working ...
TheBlackBenzKid's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Using PHP substr function to crop sentence

I have the string 1. Welcome. I'd like to split the string into 2 strings: 1 & Welcome. How would I use substr PHP function to achieve this? Many thanks for any pointers
michaelmcgurk's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Performance about replace() or substr() in Javascript

I was wondering about Javascript performance about using string.replace() or string.substr(). Let me explain what I'm doing. I've a string like str = "a.aa.a.aa." I just have to "pop" last element ...
Finalfire's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Why can't my Perl script differentiate between `0` and `" "`?

Perl noob here - i have the following script if(substr($pc, 3,1)!=" "){ $newpc = substr($pc, 0, 4) . " " . substr($pc, 4); } It's designed to put a space in postcodes, for example NN141NJ ...
rickyduck's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Put dash between every third character

I had a problem on how to put dash in every 3rd character. For example, I want ABCDEF turn into ABC-DEF I have this code: $string = 'ABCDEF'; echo substr_replace(chunk_split($string,3),'-','3','2')...
softboxkid's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Google like search results

Leading on from my last question: Tidying search results from database php My research has led me to the following code to truncate search results, highlight the keyword and display a number of ...
hairynuggets's user avatar
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PHP use str_replace, substr and strpos all together

What I am trying to do is to convert url of a video on youtube/vimeo return a new url that can be embed into an iframe and automate video embed codes. This is working like a charm. $url = "http://...
Mehmet Yaden's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

how do i replace the x'th character from the right end of a string using javascript?

I have to find and replace the "b" with "g" in the image src attribute. The initial src would be something like "someName-b.png", and with JavaScript, I have to replace the "b" with "g". But the ...
arun nair's user avatar
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5 answers

Trouble with str_replace within an if statement

I'm having some trouble using str_replace within an if statement. I'm wanting to remove plural formatting ('s) from some text I'm outputting. I supply a keyword that is included with the text output. ...
Jessica's user avatar
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1 answer

php substr_replace space with hyphen?

i have this echo "<div class='weather " . $cell->textContent ."'>"; this works fine when textContent is just one word like "sunny". However if the current weather is e.g. "partially cloudy" ...
matt's user avatar
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1 answer

Which function is faster? substr() or str_replace()? [closed]

I have a script where I can use either substr() or str_replace(). With substr() I just have to cut off the last character and with str_replace I need to replace ! with nothing. Which one would be ...
Michiel Pater's user avatar
534 votes
30 answers

How to trim a file extension from a String in JavaScript?

For example, assuming that x = filename.jpg, I want to get filename, where filename could be any file name (Let's assume the file name only contains [a-zA-Z0-9-_] to simplify.). I saw x.substring(0, ...
ma11hew28's user avatar
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