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Algorithm for all combinations to divide set into equally sized subsets [duplicate]

I need a little bit of algorithmic help to improve the performance of an analysis. The Problem: given a set of N many elements X[0], ..., X[N-1]: I need all possible ways of dividing those N ...
DudeDoesThings's user avatar
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How to count all distinguishable subsets with repeated elements?

Say you have a list of elements, with some repeats: [1,2,2,3,3,3,4] and you want to count all distinguishable sets of at most the set's length. E.g. {1,2,2,3,3,4} and {1,2,3,4} are counted but we don'...
veta's user avatar
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Divide a set by other set in all possible variations

Imagine we have a set S = [a,b,c,d,e,f]. And we have a set N = [1,2,3]. How can we assign elements of S to elements of N in all possible combinations? The desired result will hold something like ...
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