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How long does it take to develop an Android drawing app from scratch? [closed]

This question is addressed to people who have already developed on Android. I would like your opinion on the feasibility of a project. As part of a proof of concept (POC), I would like to quickly ...
uz3il's user avatar
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Stylus doesn't work in specific apps but works under some x11 and wayland apps

My Laptop has a wacom tablet and pen integrated in the internal screen (Lenovo Yoga 7 14AHP9 & Lenovo Digital Pen 2 (i already added Wacom 5360 to libwacom for gnome settings to recognise it)). ...
leonhma's user avatar
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When using stylus, pointermove event does not update target upon entering child [duplicate]

In the snippet below, the circle disappears if either (1) I click inside the circle and move the mouse or (2) I click outside the circle and move the cursor into the circle while holding down the ...
Stephen Powell's user avatar
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How to reproduce the pressure, tilt, orientation in line stroke of the Path using a Stylus Pen in Kotlin?

I followed this instructions ( to draw on the Android Tablet screen with Stylus Pen. I am using a Samsung Tab S6 Lite with ...
Manuel Pardo's user avatar
2 votes
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Pen pointer events in Linux Chrome and Firefox not working as intended

I'm writing a cross-platform JavaScript-based drawing tool and run into severe problems on Linux. First, Google Chrome's pointer events do not distinguish between the regular tip and the eraser end. ...
user22495's user avatar
1 vote
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Scrollbar direction inverted when using a stylus in Chrome

Scrollbars generated by CSS-"overflow" work as usual with the mouse but work in an inverted direction when using a stylus. With a stylus, the handle of such a scrollbar cannot be dragged at ...
user22495's user avatar
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Capturing Windows Ink/Stylus events from a background process

While learning how to draw, a common concept that comes up is "mileage". I have a Surface Pro and thought it would be fun to make a simple tray app that would actually track the distances ...
w0f's user avatar
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On an EMR android tablet (wacom stylus) can touch events be handled silmultaneously to touch events?

This is a duplicate to a question left unanswered and probably un-understood from another OP. On an Adroid tablet equipped with wacom's EMR stylus technology, while detecting touch events, a ...
olup otilapan's user avatar
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How to implement Stylus Hover Pointer in AOSP?

I am very new to AOSP and I want to implement Stylus Hover Pointer Code like it is in Samsung S-Pen. I did explore on the native code and was not able to make any progress as most of the code was ...
anonymous's user avatar
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Create a WPF RawStylusInput event?

I have a custom hardware device, which reports some coordinates through custom API. What I wanted I want to show hardware coordinates on WPF as ink, in real-time. My thoughts Reading Creating an Ink ...
Dia's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Photoshop toolbar sliders have huge increments when sliding with stylus

Are there more than brush and opacity settings for a stylus in photoshop? I recently hooked up a Huion 24" 4k display tablet to run with photoshop on my Windows PC. Works great so far but when ...
Poehnell's user avatar
1 vote
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S-Pen forces menu list to jump back to the top

The S-Pen does not scroll properly with a MenuDropDownListView after being created when pressing an OverflowMenuButton on the Toolbar (see gif below). The menu is forced back to the top when the S-Pen ...
SPenAficionado's user avatar
1 vote
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PointerEvent stops firing after a short time

I'm currently trying to get a similar touch/stylus behaviour to Squid (the notetaking app). I have used the PointerEvent API and it all works, except for one annoying issue: After I put down the ...
leonhma's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

flutter detect pointer device kind

I want to draw on screen only when the stylus pen device is used and should not detect any finger input in flutter Here is the image I am using this package please ...
Raza Fayyaz's user avatar
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Algorithm to predict pen/mouse input

I'm looking for an appropriate algorithm that reliably predicts input coordinates given by a digital stylus (e.g. Surface Pen). In my application, I'm given the coordinates of the input as x and y ...
reckless's user avatar
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How can I work around strange S Pen bugs with the spinner?

When using a Spinner with all default settings, I found some weird bugs when using the S Pen: If you open the spinner and hover the S Pen at the bottom of the list, so it scrolls to the bottom, and ...
Adam Burley's user avatar
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Stylus pen input not working on Unity android

I have a problem that I cannot input using the Stylus pen in Unity Android. When the Stylus pen touches the screen, the first OnPressDown event is called, but then OnPressUp is not called, and all pen ...
Seungsoo Yong's user avatar
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Is the "S Pen remote SDK" a replacement for the "S Pen SDK"?

In my KitKat-era Android app I used the S Pen SDK v. 2.3 by adding libspen23.jar to <proj>/libs/. Meanwhile (2013 -> 2020), Samsung seems to have adopted a new name. The Spen SDK is no longer ...
Calaf's user avatar
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Identify stylus barrel button (win32)

I am creating an application that uses the tablet API for windows and so far I was able to capture the input of the stylus succesfully. I am able to handle the movement, stylus down and up events and ...
TheHube's user avatar
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How do I get pen pressure values in Unity (using S Pen on Android)?

I've looked everywhere and there's no actual examples or tutorials regarding using tablet pens with Unity. I tried using the GetTouch function I found on a forum just to see if that would work: float ...
KeepCool's user avatar
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Stop ImageButton tooltip from appearing on hover through a fragment

Currently I observe a strange behavior of showing a tooltip "through" a fragment and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Any idea or hint would be appreciated! I have an ImageButton with ...
mspnr's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to handle Samsung S-Pen button event in the browser (Javascript)?

I'm developing a web app for the Galaxy Tab S3 that allows the user to draw with a Samsung S-Pen. The S-Pen has a button on the side which I know can be used by native Android applications to perform ...
Xajoc8's user avatar
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Windows 10 : Pen (stylus) not working on MFC application

I have an MFC application that works fine with Pen (Stylus) under Windows 7, but unfortunately, it does not work on Windows 10. Under Windows 7, I am able to scroll vertically with the stylus ...
Landstalker's user avatar
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IStylusSyncPlugin not receiving data after windows loses focus

I am using IStylusSyncPlugin added to RealTimeStylus plugins to get X,Y,Pressure and timer tick from stylus. This works fine until the window on which I collect this data loses focus. After that, even ...
Hawex's user avatar
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2 answers

How to handle Stylus/Pen input in QML

I am creating a simple drawing application and would like my app handle pen (stylus like Apple Pencil) input. The app is written in Qml/Qt Quick. I know that when using QWidgets you can handle tablet ...
reckless's user avatar
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Capture pen strokes using styluspoints

I am trying to use this to capture inkstrokes. When I try to run this code, it says missing assembly reference error. I searched over the internet and found it should work on using System.Windows.Ink ...
SamD's user avatar
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Compiling application using RTSCom / Windows Pen API with mingw application

I'm working on a GTK+ note taking application that heavily uses the stylus as an input. The stylus support in GTK+ is sadly really bad on Windows. (i.e. only Wacom pens are detected, excluding Surface ...
Georg Friedrich's user avatar
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Where to find the low latency stylus API used by Squid?

Where can I find the low latency stylus API used by Squid application? This is an excerpt from Android website mentioning it. Page The biggest and most beneficial effort was adding support for the ...
Omar's user avatar
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pen sdk SpenSurfaceView initiate androidruntime error

I'm trying to use the samsung spen sdk pen-v5.1.0_full.aar. The .aar file is put under /libs and added to the dependencies in build.gradle file. I can initiate the spen fine (from
Lumi Wang's user avatar
-1 votes
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API to check if SPEN is attached in phone or not?

I wonder if there is a way to programmatically detect if the pen is physically in the phone (Samsung Note 8/9)? Like getting readings directly from the sensor? I am aware that there is the ...
Lumi Wang's user avatar
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Is there a way to know if pointer-events timestamps in chrome IOS is accurate than IOS native event with stylus pen?

I'm collecting points throught html canvas with javascript in Chrome IOS. I need to understand how pointer-event timestamp are generated and compared them to IOS native event timestamp. In Chrome IOS ...
Yohann Streibel's user avatar
8 votes
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How can I access tablet pen data via Python?

I need to access a windows tablet pen data (such as the surface) via Python. I mainly need the position, pressure, and tilt values. I know how to access the Wacom pen data but the windows pen is ...
Roi Yozevitch's user avatar
3 votes
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How To Custom Render UWP Wet Ink

In WPF, you could override the OnDraw to create a custom geometry to render as the 'wet' ink, although it increases latency quite a bit since you're not using the geometry provided and already ...
Chen Huang's user avatar
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How to allow both stylus/pen and fingers touch for scrolling WPF Scrollviewer

We developed a WPF application that can be opened in tablets. However the scroll viewer cannot be scrolled using pen/stylus, but can be scrolled using finger touch. How to support both? <...
Dyy's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to detect Pixelbook Pen button?

I follow the doc here to catch the button pressed on Pixelbook pen while drawing, but the TOOL_TYPE_ERASER event is never thrown. When I tried to print the log, I don't see any differences between ...
thanhbinh84's user avatar
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Memory leak in Android Spen library

This is quite specific topic related to S Pen Library. However any Android developer can help with this. I am working with S Pen library and trying to create PDF from .spd file. For that I am using ...
Pulah Nandha's user avatar
5 votes
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How to draw on a HTML5 canvas with a stylus

I used onmousedown, onmousemove and onmouseup events to draw with JavaScript on a HTML5 canvas object. Everything is working. Now I want to replace the mouse with a sylus (Wacom Intous Pro) Therefore ...
AntonWert's user avatar
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Samsung S-Pen SDK - Selecting All User Input Strokes Programmatically

Using the official sample app : and specifically in the demo example PenSample5_6_TextRecognition.. There are two tools; brush to draw strokes and selection ...
Aproram's user avatar
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Stylus pen not firing events for InkCanvas in Windowss 10

I have a Dell Latitude 5285 with a paired Dell Active Stylus (PN556W). I was working on a UWP test app for trying new things where I happened to notice the Stylus does not kick off any events tied to ...
Stoic Developer's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

How to disable "air command" on Android devices?

Hi, I've developed an application using a stylus (e.g., Samsung pen). As you know, when we click a button on the stylus, "Air command" (pop-up window) appears. My goal is "Overriding the air command ...
Joonsung Kim's user avatar
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Drag images on website with stylus/pen

I want to write an app based on JavaScript that enables users to drag&drop images on a site into a <canvas>. There is a code example here and it's working quite well - with a mouse. The same ...
Christian Vorhemus's user avatar
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Samsung Note 3: Activity Memory Leak after pressing SPen side button

Without implementing any SPen related SDK libraries, a memory leak occurs on an AppCompatActivity extended class. The following sequence of events typically triggers the memory leak: The user presses ...
Tjaart's user avatar
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Is it possible to detect a passive stylus in a web browser

I was wondering if you can detect that an event comes from a passive pen from modern web browsers. For example on a surface hub, in Edge, you have event.pointerType === 'pen' to distinguish touches ...
KspR's user avatar
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SPen - force commit action with commitHistory()

I am trying to draw a line between two points without releasing the pen from the screen and remove the rest of the line which is not between these two points. Problem is if I don’t make an action up ...
Pouicky's user avatar
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Simulating Apple pencil in the simulator seems to be possible somehow

I was wondering if it is possible to simulate the Apple pencil in the iOS simulator. According to an Apple emloyee here Xcode iOS Simulator: can I use the mouse as pretend Apple Pencil input (on iPad ...
eikuh's user avatar
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Xcode iOS Simulator: can I use the mouse as pretend Apple Pencil input (on iPad Pro), for testing?

Is it possible to do this (with a menu, a shortcut, or a modifier key + mouse)? For example, you can use the mouse to test simple touch gestures in the simulator, like left mouse acts as single ...
Jared Updike's user avatar
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Disable scrolling with stylus on iPad

I am trying to cancel scrolling on UIScrollView if it's coming from stylus (Apple Pencil). Any Advice?
Heysem Katibi's user avatar
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Fedora: Stylus Pen not working

I have an acer switch alpha, and both Ubuntu and Debian worked flawlessly with the stylus. But I cannot get it to work at all on Fedora which is my preferred OS. What works: Hovering Clicking on ...
Aaron Flores's user avatar
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How to disallow Scrollview scrolling through stylus?

I have custom scrollview written which is working fine without stylus from Tablets. When using Tablet stylus this customScrollview is allowing stylus to perform scrolling even when Scrolling is ...
HourGlass's user avatar
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How to handle Apple Pencil events in Qt?

Has anyone figure out how to get events from Apple Pencil in Qt-5.7+? It looks like it sends a single QEvent.TouchBegin just like a finger, but no QEvent.TouchUpdate, and so also no pressure values. ...
patrickkidd's user avatar
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