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Ruby on Rails 5: Can't Save Record, Unpermitted Parameter for Has Many Through Record

Ruby on Rails 5, Simple Form Product has many Specifications through ProductSpecs in Product#Edit, I want to add new Specifications. if successful, rerender Product. It ...
yaycake's user avatar
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Rails 5: Parameter Missing and Fail to Render Edit OR Unsaved Update / Unpermitted Parameters

Using Devise , Rails 5.0.6, Sqlite 3, Simple Form, Active Record 5.0. Bouncing between two parameter problems since looking up many similar problems/solutions throughout Stack Overflow. In both ...
yaycake's user avatar
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Unpermitted parameters on belong_to association

I have an association as follows: class Membership < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :user end and class User < ApplicationRecord has_many :memberships end Now I have a form to create a ...
mtprogrammer's user avatar
6 votes
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Unknown parameter in Rails 5.1 strong parameters issue

So my reconciliation model looks like this: class Reconciliation < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :location belongs_to :company has_and_belongs_to_many :inventory_items ...
marcamillion's user avatar
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Rails 4 | Unpermitted parameter: images when using Paperclip to upload multiple images using Paperclip form

Struggling with strong parameters when using simple-form to upload multiple images from paperclip in my form. I'm constantly getting an error popping up on the server "Unpermitted parameters: images" ...
Bradley's user avatar
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Issue with param not pushing data to database in Rails

Quick one. I'm trying to push a parameter into the database when i'm creating an object. I have it working if I force the integer as with the commented code below however for whatever reason I cannot ...
Bradley's user avatar
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Strong params not saved in nested form

In my app I want to create events that have nameand price In these events I want to be able to add participants they have a first_nameand a salary I am using the gem Cocoon for the nested forms From ...
Liwis's user avatar
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Rails Save Hash in Model Attribute Submitted by Simple Form

I am building a Rails5 app where I have a model Training with an attribute participant_ratings, a hash which should hold the ratings of all participants assigned to the training in the way participant....
Zucchini's user avatar
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1 answer

Checkboxes values not saving with has_many through associations

For my Room edit form, I'm trying to associate 2 has_many through relationships with the same models (Color and Room) where is my join model migration : color_preferences class ...
benoitr's user avatar
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Strong parameters not whitelisting attributes with simple_form

I'm having some issues understanding how to nest 3 models. I'm trying to, at the deepest point of the relations, add a Video to the WorkoutSteps (not creating a new video but select an existing one ...
Alex.U's user avatar
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Multi-uploads with Carrierwave on Rails 4.2 using nested attributes JSON/Array type

I'm trying to figure out multi-uploads with CarrierWave and being able to save it from a different Controller and Model through accepts_nested_attributes_for :car_images, reject_if: :all_blank, ...
Wasabi Developer's user avatar
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ActionController::ParameterMissing - param is missing or the value is empty:

I am getting the following error when submitting a rails 4 form: ActionController::ParameterMissing - param is missing or the value is empty: player: The form is correct. The problem is that it is ...
Philip7899's user avatar
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Using Simple Form to update to-do list task on click

I'm trying to use simple form to update a nested object on the click of a button. I'm making a to do list, with individual tasks/items nested within the overall list. The button click should update ...
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rails: form not showing checkboxes (not able to parse them?)

Rails 3.2.12 using strong parameters gem. I have a form, with checkboxes, after I create. I go to edit, all data is shown Except the checkboxes- which are empty, even though I selected some when ...
Roko's user avatar
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Rails Strong Parameters ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError NOT showing up

I am using Rails 4.0.2, Ruby 2.0.0p353 I am trying to use strong parameters in my Rails project but I can't get the ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError to appear. If there are params that are not ...
Victor Tran's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Deep Nested Rails 4 Form

I have 3 models Item which accepts nested attributes for questions and questions accept nested attributes for answers. I'm trying to create an item which has a question and an answer in the same form. ...
Hass's user avatar
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Rails 4 form with namespace generates undesired params

I have this on my form = simple_form_for polymorphic_path([:admin, @place]), :url => admin_places_path(@place), :method => 'post' ... Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓","authenticity_token"=>"...
Cassio Cabral's user avatar
4 votes
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Rails 4, double-nested models and strong parameters

I am fairly new to Ruby on Rails and began with rails 4 right away. I have sucessfully nested a Recipe and a Ingredient model so that they can be added in the same form. Next I want to nest quantity ...
Ebato's user avatar
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Nested attributes - Unpermitted parameters Rails 4

There is a lot of resources on SO about issues on Nested attributes in Rails 4 regarding strong parameters but I don't find any solution on this: (so sorry if it's a duplicate) I have a 1-1 relation ...
benoitr's user avatar
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How should I use rails and simple_form for nested resources?

I'm trying to create one resource with another nested resource at the same time. I'm using Rails4 and simple_form 3.0.0rc. Here is my code. Models: class User < ActiveRecord::Base has_one :...
vasily.sib's user avatar
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Rails submit button for boolean attribbute

I wanted to know how to go about have a submit button that will change a boolean attribute, instead of using radio buttons. As a example if I display a list of 'published' and unpublished' article ...
Wasabi Developer's user avatar