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XML to console using StringWriter expanding variables rather than writing strings literally

I have been using this function to dump XML to the console for review as I work on code to do some extensive XML manipulation, and for the most part it works as expected. function Write-PxXmlToConsole ...
Gordon's user avatar
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Fetch Millions of Records using CopyManager throwing OutOfMemoryError

When I tried running my code in tables with rows in thousands, it worked fine but as a performance testing, I tried it with tables having millions of records and then I encountered this issue. I have ...
Himanshu Arya's user avatar
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C# 10 (De)Serialize XML property value AND attributes using StringWriter, StringReader and XmlSerializer [duplicate]

How do I (de)serialize the following xml element: <OtherInfo name=\"Some Name\" type=\"text\">Hello World!!!\n</OtherInfo> I define the following class to take care of ...
khteh's user avatar
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Why Java StringWriter close method throws IOException?

I wonder why Java designers made close() method on StringWriter throwing the IOException, when it actually does nothing. E.g. in PrintWriter, the exceptions are suppressed even though the PrintWriter ...
Mi-La's user avatar
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Writing RestAssured logs to StringWriter always seems to cut the last lines of the result

I am running RestAssured tests and I wanted to read info about the request from the logs ( to use in reports). I have a superclass with the following code which the test classes extent. The superclass:...
Kristrún Louise Ástvaldsdóttir's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove first two columns and hyperlinks from repeater exported excel

I am exporting data to excel from repeater control, which contains some hyperlinks in multiple columns and link buttons in first two columns. I want to remove all hyperlinks as well as remove or hide ...
shekhar's user avatar
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Get parts of a string - C# .NET Core 3.1

I have a string line from a log: 2020-09-07 14:41:17.268 +01:00 [Information] Hello, Serilog! I would like to pull out the word Information from the string, however, this will change as it could be ...
user1574598's user avatar
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Changing values in XML when looping not saving the new values on next loop

Hey all I am having an issue with the code below due to me not being able to grasp what I am missing. I know the issue is that every call to searchXML() it just reads the original file that does not ...
StealthRT's user avatar
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how to send multiple emails at one session using JAVA

i have a XML, where with that XML i mocked up test data by passing it in excel, i stuck up in getting the multiple mocked up string formatted files to send it to queue as a string. this is my string ...
saranya's user avatar
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2 answers

StringWriter processes strange characters on csv generated

I'm having troubles using StringWriter on our application. I do a rest call over a nosql db and it returns a list of dynamics. I use StringWriter to write a csv file that contains a header and ...
Matteo Pietro Peru's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Java writing a list of strings to a file, but the file is empty

I have found this question in other languages, but have yet to find a solution to this issue in a java application. I have a large .txt file with millions of records. Each record is /n delimited. ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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1 answer

Duplication occurring during XML serialization of Class Object

I'm trying to serialize a class object into XML but the result ends up having it doubled. I pass the object into the function only once but duplicates by the time it passes through serialization. ...
the1APerson's user avatar
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How to create and Download pdf file in c# using stringbuilder? [duplicate]

I am trying to convert create and download PDF file using String Builder using the following code but on "htmlparser.Parse(sr);" i get an error..Saying as: Input string is not in format. Thanks ...
user7436968's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

C# Read text file line by line and edit specific line

I want to read a text file line by line and edit a specific line. So, I have put the text file into a string variable like: string textFile = File.ReadAllText(filename); My text file is like: Line ...
Giovanni19's user avatar
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why groovy each function not iterating while inside another one

why groovy .each function is only one time iterating while it lies inside another one iteration like shown below code ? Code: @Grab('com.xlson.groovycsv:groovycsv:1.1') import static com.xlson....
Bhanuchander Udhayakumar's user avatar
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What is correct way to use a static StringWriter in a web application?

I have a static StringWriter variable in a web application's Handler class, used by multiple private methods in the class. Each method appends a String to this variable, and finally the StringWriter ...
Ray's user avatar
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JaxB2Marshaller throwing Null pointer Exception

So, I have this method which marshals an object. public String marshalResponse(Object messageObject) { if (messageObject == null) { return null; } String finalstring ="No results ...
yashpandey8055's user avatar
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2 answers

converting datatable to xml giving outofmemory exception

While trying to converting a datatable data to xml through stringwriter. It si giving outof memory exception. My datatable contains about 20000 records. Below is the code I am trying DataTable dt = ...
sandeep.mishra's user avatar
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c# serialization xmlwriter stringwriter out of memory for large objecthelp

I am managing a large project and need to serialize and send an object in xml format. The object is ~130 mb. (NOTE: I did not write this project, so making edits outside of this method, or ...
jo phul's user avatar
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StringWriter in windows universal app

I am absolutely new to programming. I'm trying to create a very simple app with three TextBoxes and one final TextBlock. I want to save the input from these three TextBoxes locally so I can read and ...
HelpPls4112's user avatar
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StringWriter memory out of bounds exception

I have a method ExecuteResult, which is throwing a System.OutOfMemoryException at the line Response.Write(sw.ToString()). This is happening because the StringWriter object is too large in memory for ...
mgmedick's user avatar
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System.Unauthorized Exception

* Exception =System.Net.WebException: Access to the path 'c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\Dialer' is denied. ---> System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'c:\windows\system32\...
lalatnayak's user avatar
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Calling close on passed in member StringWriter to XMLTextWriter

I found some code that was not correctly wrapping XMLTextWriter and StringWriter with the using clauses. As I'm correcting it, I stumbled on a interesting question: do I have to explicitly add ...
tatmanblue's user avatar
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Why does gson use StringWriter in method toJSONString()?

From source code: public String toJson(Object src, Type typeOfSrc) { StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); this.toJson((JsonElement)this.toJsonTree(src, typeOfSrc), (Appendable)writer); ...
JustFF's user avatar
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Pulling XML child inner node from XML to Java Object using JAXB

I have been trying to pull a child node from an XML which I received from a SOAP as string. I can retrieve the parent node but couldn't retrieve the child node. I also surf the internet to see if I ...
Prodigy's user avatar
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Backslash using for escaping qute regenerate after asigning String

in ToString methode of my Entity, i try to generate a informational string includes quotes. so i use backslash before quote and everything is good until i try to assign return value to a string ...
Mahdi's user avatar
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How to add new header line Response.Output.Write?

I have a grid-view and I exported to grid-view data to word as shown below. The grid-view data and style works as I expected. Now I want to and new header line to word document and than send my grid-...
NTMS's user avatar
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Velocity Template merge method takes in a StringWriter but buff size not enough

I am trying to read from an excel file that contains more than 5000 rows and more than 10 worksheets using Apache POI , I get all the columns and row values and store it in a ArrayListMultiMap>, this ...
Sindhu Kodoor's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using BufferedWriter to write to a string [duplicate]

I am trying to use a BufferedWriter to switch between writing to a File and writing to a String, but I have never used a BufferedWriter to write to anything but a file. Take this compilable code: ...
ryvantage's user avatar
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1 answer

write csv file line by line using string in java

I had a modify my original csv. now I want modified csv file whether it is generate new csv file or updated on it could it possible? I had a extract a single column values of csv and ...
vivek patel's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

When should I use Java's StringWriter? [closed]

What is a Java StringWriter, and when should I use it? I have read the documentation and looked here, but I do not understand when I should use it.
MarkusWillson's user avatar
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FileStream action writing empty file

I have an ASP.Net MVC 4 app that is downloading an empty file. What am I missing? Controller: public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { return View(); ...
drewwyatt's user avatar
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Is there anything (any way) to concatenate java Strings faster than StringWriter?

I am pulling a bunch of simple data and constructing a big (1kB - 2kB) String. I'm new to this language, but after reading, this seems likely the fastest (i.e. least amount of copying): String ...
Erik Bennett's user avatar
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Variable Preventing More Text Being Appended To String?

I am so lost at the moment as to why I cannot get something so simple to work! I am decrypting a value & appending it to a string, E.g. MessageBox.Show("TEST 1: " & DecryptedValue & " ...
SOL1102's user avatar
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Datatable row-wise iteration and printing

I have a datatable that I need to iterate row-wise and print it using iTextSharp in ASP.NET using C#. For each row retrieved in parent datatable dt, I print a child table dt_child. The dt_child is ...
divinediu's user avatar
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New Line in StringWriter

I need a new line in my StringWriter. It is just not happening. Please help. stringWrite.WriteLine(Header); stringWrite.Write("\n ========================================================"); ...
divinediu's user avatar
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Adding a Listener to a StringWriter

I have a class that creates StringWriters and passes them around. A calling class will write to that Writer. Is there any way for me to put some sort of Listener on the Writers as they are being ...
chama's user avatar
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Why are \r\n added to my string?

\r\n appearing on string? Attempting to use the example on Rendering ASP.NET MVC Views to String to pass a VIEW as a string, and send as an Email. Which should send the invoice of a sale through ...
John's user avatar
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3 votes
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Pass a VIEW as a STRING

Attempting to use the example on to pass a VIEW as a string, and send as an Email. Which should send the invoice of a ...
John's user avatar
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save file as excel is folder using string writer

I have created excel file from table and am now able to download it. Now I want to save this excel file on the server to be able to use it. I have tried to use string-writer to save the file ...
sp_m's user avatar
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StringWriter write to folder

Good Afternoon. I want to use the StringWriter to write the new file to a network folder. Can anyone give me some examples using the code below on how to do this? It's my first time working with ...
WHAT's user avatar
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Conflict Between StaticWriter and Writer Classes

As of our recent move from WSED 5.2 to RAD 7.5, an application-wrecking bug has appeared in our code. RAD 7.5 marks it thusly, all at the declaration of the class header (public class ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

"File is being used by another process" after File.Create()

I have an application that creates a text file if the file doesn't already exist and then writes something to it. It works great the first time through, when I am creating and immediately writing to ...
Brandon's user avatar
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Render partial view to string MVC4

I am using the following to render a partial view to a string... protected string RenderPartialViewToString(string viewName, object model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(viewName)) ...
MrBeanzy's user avatar
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XML getting wrong UTF encoding

I am trying to encode my xml text using utf-8 with the code below. For some reason I am getting utf-16 instead of utf-8. Any reason why please? StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); ...
Mark Fenech's user avatar
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String Writer writing into text file

I have 100 textboxes , and i am trying to get all the text from these textboxes to be written into a textfile , this is my code : protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { for (int ...
user2376998's user avatar
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Return all attributes of an HtmlElement in Web browser

I need to get all of the attributes from my webbrowser.currently,I am using GetAttribute() but this way,I need to know the name of the attributes. Imagine I do not know what is in my webbrowser. My C# ...
Pedram's user avatar
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Java StringWriter StringBuilder exception at toString

Ok.. this is totally weird. I'm trying to make a http request in android. It works and I can 'build' a string using StringWriter but the code throws an exception at writer.toString(). It makes no ...
user568021's user avatar
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Write chinese characters from one file to another

I have a file with Chinese characters text inside, I want to copy those text over to another file. But the file output messes with the chinese characters. Notice that in my code I am using "UTF8" as ...
ianrey palo's user avatar
42 votes
5 answers

Will not closing a stringwriter cause a leak?

I realize that in java the GC will eventually cleanup objects, but I'm asking if it is bad practice to not close your string writer, currently I am doing this: private static String processTemplate(...
Blankman's user avatar
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